[MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

I must apologize.

You are probably referring to my list of secrets in the second post of this thread.

In the latest version of the game (v1.1.) we have moved one secret because in Skuggs' room was a hidden part of the mainpath marked as a secret, and in Xanathar's room was a secret missed.

So Skuggs' room has now one secret and Xanathar's five. In the list it was still written in the old way. This is corrected now.

Sorry for the confusion.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Skuggasveinn »

good that Thom answered, I would have had to play the room again to remember what was going on :D
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

Oh, you can replay [your room in] ORRR3 anyway... :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by sapientCrow »

thanks by the time I got the end I thought wait the secrets are all counted so I thought maybe I missed writing one down.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by guero531 »

Wanted to write a written bug report and fun interactions I found in patch 1.1. Even have it in video forum


Venomous Rod: When you swing it you get 20% buff to earth damage and restore one charge for it.
However you can keep on swinging and stacking this buff on top of each other multiple times and reaching earth spell power % of over 1000 if you wanted. However each stack has its separate cooldown so you can't get infinite earth power. This includes all rods including Frozen Rod and Lighting Rod with the same text. Sadly I did not find the Fire Rod if it exists.

Demonic Pack: You can stack this buff multiple times on the same character now. Pretty sure 1.0 didn't have this bug because I tried to stack every spell I found and demonic pack didn't stack before. The stack does not give multiple crit spell change or anything but it does stack the health drain effect. This is fun to take advantage of because you can have 1% health at all times and get over 70% crit rate on spells.

Rage potion stacking: I don't think this is a big deal to be honest. But its fun either way getting over 1000 strength on a character. It lasts a super long time as well got like 15 mins of having over 900 strength. no idea why the potions last that long lol.

Regeneration: This one not a big deal at all and wouldn't worry about it. But you can have the aoe version of regeneration and have other characters cast regeneration and have the single target version at the same time active. Its pretty weird interaction to be honest because some characters couldn't do it while others did in my case. Its just me doing silly stuff so I wouldn't worry about it.

Stormcaller Oni Charm: Summon ogre that tackles and does lighting damage. This ogre actually does damage on enemy's trapped inside forcefields. So you can lock up an enemy in a forcefield and just spam this ogre to finish the job without much trouble. This I would not worry about to be honest. Because the Stormcaller Oni Charm is so late in the game that it doesn't matter to be honest just a fun interaction.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

Hi guero,

thanks for the feedback - and also thanks for your let's play at all. I enjoyed that much!

I don't know if we will ever release an update for ORRR3 again. Bugreports have become rare. Yours is the first since v1.1. But if, we will to take account of your points.

A few comments about them:

Venomous Rod (and the other rods)
The available ones are spread out over the whole game. Some are placed earlier (e.g. the venomeous one), others later. And they all are kept in secrets. I think, that's okay, even if the boost is better than expected...

Demonic Pact + Regeneration
The scrolls of these spells are placed quite early in the game, so the player can use the weird effects you discribed quite early, too. But I think this is no bigger problem since both effects aren't that big problem.

Regarding your assumption that we changed the behavior of the Demonic Pact: We didn't change anything at the Spell Pack for version 1.1. Maybe you remember wrong or something interacts here in an unwanted way...

I have noticed, too, lately, that the behaviour of that condition is really strange. In e.g. the time it lasts doesn't seem to be measured in seconds. If you add Rage to a champion for an amount of 10 it lasts over a minute - not 10 seconds as expected.

Stormcaller Oni
I think, what you have noticed is the only real benefit of that little device. Beside that it's more or less just fun. However, that benefit is strong when used frequently. So you are right: It's good, that this item comes late in the game (and also not for free...)
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Isaac »

The Rage bug is part of the original game AFAIK.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

I'm pretty sure about that. I realized it in a blank new mod project.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Kirill »

Played it and is disappointed from start.

I like exploration, interesting combat. Here you are drowned in puzzles and doubtful decisions. Many empty graves, lurket item in first 5 minutes, zombie that you kill with sticks, extra hidden things you need (!) to progress from start. And puzzles instead of exploration and survival and hard fights.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Kirill wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:00 pm .. extra hidden things you need (!) to progress from start ..
Please elaborate. I recall no such thing.

By reading your comments i got the impression you're more into harder / huge mods than puzzle-heavy stuff like the ORRR mods. Perhaps "Demiosis Domain", "The Curse of Gothmog" and "The Taltraxus Engine" for LoG1 and "The Mountain" for LoG2 might be to your liking.
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