[Beta] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

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[Beta] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

This randomizer is a mod of the default dungeon



  • The positions of all non-key items are shuffled around.
    • Equipment is almost only ever shuffled with other equipment
    • Beginner weapons don't swap with others (so you still find stuff to equip yourself with early on)
    • Rare items such as gold keys, tomes, crystal flowers and stat potions only swap with each other (unless..?)
  • Items have random stats
    • Items lose some of their original base stats
    • Some items have their stats swapped with other items
    • Items have extra random stats (which can be negative)
    • Special attacks are randomized and the stats of those specials also have a degree of randomization (cost, damage, cooldown, etc)
    • Items can get spell charges (weapons and shields, any of the spells)
    • Torches also have random stats
  • Throwing weapons don't stack by default
    • Since throwing weapons have unique stats, they can't stack. But you can increase the stack on a weapon you like by right-clicking it and inserting a similar weapon in the inventory that opens up
  • Items get a random color and description
  • Monsters swap places based on how tough they are
  • Monsters can drop some randomized loot, which is better at later maps
  • Monsters are 10% to 20% stronger to balance all the extra player stats
  • Your class, race and starting traits are randomized when the game start
  • All races are blank. A random stat bonus will be assigned in place of it
  • Secrets and gold key locks have better item odds and have extra items in them
To do:
  • Run some tests
Current issues:
  • Rare freeze during randomization at the start





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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Started looking into how I could randomize the characters themselves

There are some difficulties since many traits are hardcoded, but an easy one is to replace the basic stat bonuses from the races and the HP/EN of the classes

I can't modify the trait description after I randomize the stats, so I added a key shortcut for you to be able to see your new racial bonuses:


Shift B for race bonuses:

Shift C for class bonuses. The HP and Energy per level is random so not shown here
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Items now have randomized colors (it randomly changes the gfx atlas to one of 4 variations)


Items get a random description:


Characters start with 2 random "character creation" traits and 2 random class traits:


Your chosen stats and skills stay the same, and a couple base class properties are still in place (Alchemist's herb multiplication, Farmer XP from food, Rogue crit for ranged weapons, Barbarian STR per level, that sort of thing)
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Randomized monsters!


Monsters are separared in 4 difficulty groups, taking into account HP, protection and evasion. Then within a certain range, their stats get lowered a bit so that they can fall into the other categories

For example: Rat Swarms are quite stronger than Turtles, but they get their HP and other stats reduced a little to a level close to Turtles, and now you can get Rat Swarms in the starting area! The same happens the other way around

Also flying monsters are only swapped with other flying monsters and some particular monsters (special bosses, magma golems, mimic or swimming ones) don't change

As an added bonus, the Trickster will randomize his thrown weapon after each attack!



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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Last edited by 7Soul on Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Beta version is out!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T9OA6l ... sp=sharing

I ran a test up to the first trickster fight so at least until that part I can say nothing will break, can't make promises for what comes after
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by Willigamer »

Hey !

Well... I didn't know where to write it so I figured I would write it directly in this topic of its mod and its creator ;)
I continued a little bit this random adventure, I was off to a good start and very satisfied with the current situation of the game. But it was when I went to Sleet Island where I came across a script crash when Trickster activated the bridge :

Code: Select all

#script_entity_21.script: 36: attempt to index global
'trickster_witness' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	#script_entity_21.script: 36: in function
	#script_entity_21.script: 14: in function
	[string "Script.lua"]: in function 'sendMessage'
	[string "Component.lua"]: in function
	[string "Component.lua"]: in function 'callHook'
	[string "Timer.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateComponents'
	[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
	[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
	[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
Apart from that, I had 3 problems including 2 situations where I had to use the console to get out of there :
:arrow: wizard_scriptables don't make any animation and don't disappear (Twigroot Tunnels & Sleet Island), so you have to drop their HP to zero, which is quite pleasant on the other hand :lol:
:arrow: I couldn't fight Trickster at Twigroot Tunnels because he's always in motion and doesn't come to open the door for me :(
:arrow: In the secret area of Twigroot Forest, when I want to use the horn to fight the boss, nothing happens and all the doors stay closed

Otherwise, no any problems with items or monsters, everything has been very well calculated according to the progression and levels. Keep what you are doing, I really appreciate what you have done here !
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Thanks, these are all caused by the same bug so it's all fixed now. I've uploaded the download link with beta 1.1
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by Torst »

I've got a problem in this level.
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Re: [WIP] Grimrock 2 Randomizer

Post by 7Soul »

Torst wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:19 am I've got a problem in this level.
edited by Zo Kath Ra
to make the image link clickable
If the problem is that the Trickster doesn't open the door, it's been fixed in the last update. Unfortunately I don't know if it's possible to continue from where you left off in the new version
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