- The positions of all non-key items are shuffled around.
- Equipment is almost only ever shuffled with other equipment
- Beginner weapons don't swap with others (so you still find stuff to equip yourself with early on)
- Rare items such as gold keys, tomes, crystal flowers and stat potions only swap with each other (unless..?)
- Items have random stats
- Items lose some of their original base stats
- Some items have their stats swapped with other items
- Items have extra random stats (which can be negative)
- Special attacks are randomized and the stats of those specials also have a degree of randomization (cost, damage, cooldown, etc)
- Items can get spell charges (weapons and shields, any of the spells)
- Torches also have random stats
- Throwing weapons don't stack by default
- Since throwing weapons have unique stats, they can't stack. But you can increase the stack on a weapon you like by right-clicking it and inserting a similar weapon in the inventory that opens up
- Items get a random color and description
- Monsters swap places based on how tough they are
- Monsters can drop some randomized loot, which is better at later maps
- Monsters are 10% to 20% stronger to balance all the extra player stats
- Your class, race and starting traits are randomized when the game start
- All races are blank. A random stat bonus will be assigned in place of it
- Secrets and gold key locks have better item odds and have extra items in them
- Run some tests
- Rare freeze during randomization at the start

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