Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
If you are using the tomb tile-set along with elevation changes, and are seeing holes in the wall when looking downward at them... Here is a fix for that. ... 10#p119454 ... 10#p119454
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
not sure ton understand (english not my native langage) but yes i have got some connection probleme with some tiles set and i found a fix when i change properties level rising/lowing the cell max
its seems to work for now
its seems to work for now
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
sorry to bother again but i tried to modifie a script but to be honest i dont understand nothing :/
i try to make a door who open if player insert specifics items on two different altar
i think there is something to do with counter , but i dont know
Code: Select all
function surfaceContains(socket, item)
for v,i in socket:contents() do
if == item then return true
function openfinaldoor()
if surfaceContains(beacon_air_1.socket, "figure_ice_guardian") and if surfaceContains(beacon_earth_1.socket, "figure_snail" then
i think there is something to do with counter , but i dont know
- Zo Kath Ra
- Posts: 940
- Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:57 am
- Location: Germany
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
this was what i did , but this doesn t work
error is "unexpected symbol near "if"
error is "unexpected symbol near "if"
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
this work i removed the "if" and add ")" who s missing 

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
another question :
using this , how i have something more random ?
another question :
Code: Select all
counter = 0
function dmdispelltrap()
for i=14,15 do
local tile = findEntity("spawner_"..i)
if tile~=nil then
local active = (tile.x+tile.y+counter) % 4
if active == 1 then
counter = counter + 1
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
What kind? (Randomness in the frequency of triggering, or of which trap triggers?)
This has both:
* Are both spawners on the same tile, and this is used to vary the output? There is a better way for that:
This has both:
Code: Select all
function dmdispelltrap()
if math.random() < .26 then --chance of active trap; range is between zero and one
local activeTrap = findEntity("spawner_"..math.random(14,15)) --randomly chooses either 14 or 15; range includes all numbers in between
if activeTrap --exists
then activeTrap.controller:activate() --activate the trap
* Are both spawners on the same tile, and this is used to vary the output? There is a better way for that:
Code: Select all
function dmdispelltrap()
local effect = {"fireburst", "ice_shards", "poison_cloud_medium", "shockburst"}
if math.random()<.26 then spawner_14.controller:activate() end
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
this is a simple trigger who activate 3 spawner (fireball)
edit : ok i tried the first one and seems ok , to chance frequency i just have to change math method ratio ?
another thing , i noticed that spawner shot one after the other , this is possible to add chance that both spawn ?
thx a lot for your help !
edit : ok i tried the first one and seems ok , to chance frequency i just have to change math method ratio ?
another thing , i noticed that spawner shot one after the other , this is possible to add chance that both spawn ?
thx a lot for your help !
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
It activates three?
To make the trap fire more often, raise the .26 value. (*Maximum of up to 1)
0.5 is a 50/50 chance. As written, if the chance fails, then none trigger. It can be changed so the random element simply chooses which one fires for that call, so that there will always be one that fires.
Are they really just random? Your players will probably try to find a meaningful pattern to them.
To make the trap fire more often, raise the .26 value. (*Maximum of up to 1)
0.5 is a 50/50 chance. As written, if the chance fails, then none trigger. It can be changed so the random element simply chooses which one fires for that call, so that there will always be one that fires.
Are they really just random? Your players will probably try to find a meaningful pattern to them.