[MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Comminges »

Le crabe de "Twisted Forest" ne veut pas bouger, même en lui envoyant du poison et autres sorts, et me bloque le passage (voir Thelonius). Comment faire ?
The "Twisted Forest" crab does not want to move, even by sending it poison and other spells, and blocks my passage (see Thelonius). How to do ?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

Have you stepped beside it?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Comminges wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:45 pm Le crabe de "Twisted Forest" ne veut pas bouger, même en lui envoyant du poison et autres sorts, et me bloque le passage (voir Thelonius). Comment faire ?
The "Twisted Forest" crab does not want to move, even by sending it poison and other spells, and blocks my passage (see Thelonius). How to do ?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Comminges »

Bloqué par le crabe - Je suis sur le carreau 22-18, lui sur le 23-18. Je ne peux pas passer pour le faire danser car il bloque l’entrée, il n’attaque même pas. J’ai pu passer mais avant que j’obtienne l’indice (Thelonius) en partant d’une ancienne sauvegarde.
Blocked by the crab - I'm on the tile 22-18, him on the 23-18. I can't pass to make him dance because he blocks the entrance, he doesn't even attack. I was able to pass but before I get the clue (Thelonius) starting from an old save.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Comminges wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:52 am Bloqué par le crabe - Je suis sur le carreau 22-18, lui sur le 23-18. Je ne peux pas passer pour le faire danser car il bloque l’entrée, il n’attaque même pas. J’ai pu passer mais avant que j’obtienne l’indice (Thelonius) en partant d’une ancienne sauvegarde.
Blocked by the crab - I'm on the tile 22-18, him on the 23-18. I can't pass to make him dance because he blocks the entrance, he doesn't even attack. I was able to pass but before I get the clue (Thelonius) starting from an old save.
Well then use the Wand of Fear Special Attack on it.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Comminges »

Ok, j’ai essayé avec le "Wand of Fear". Il se déplace mais après 3 à 11 spécial attacks. D’abord j’ai pour réponse "Resists".
Merci pour votre réponse et pour votre "mod" qui est particulièrement réussi avec plein de nouveautés (je ne cache pas qu’il est complexe, c’est qui le rend encore plus captivant). J’ai chargé plusieurs avatars de Grimrock II, le vôtre est le meilleur. Il mérite le nom de Grimrock III.
Thank you for your mod which is particularly successful with lots of new features (I don’t hide that it is complex, that is what makes it even more captivating). I've loaded several Grimrock II avatars, yours is the best. It deserves the name Grimrock III.
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Duncan1246 »

Salut Comminges!
Les posts en français sont si rares que je ne résiste pas au plaisir de répondre. Je suis surpris par le bug apparent du crabe. Normalement,
il ne se déplace que lorsque on entre dans le carré qui est en face de lui. Après quoi, il se déplace latéralement pour se situer face au joueur. Il faut donc se placer à 90° par rapport à lui pour l'obliger à bouger dans la direction opposée à celle de l'autel où se trouve la figurine. Même chose pour le retour. Par contre, tant qu'on lui fait face, il ne bougera pas. Ses mouvements d'attaque sont sans effet tant qu'on ne riposte pas.
Merci pour tes commentaires, en tout cas
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Dr.Disaster »

minmay wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:50 pm The puzzle for the Death's March item is implemented in a weird way that increments the "Epic Items Found" and "Items Found" statistics whenever you try to pick them up, even if picking them up fails. It was first reported by Dr. Disaster here and is already fixed for the next version.
Out of curiosity: are there any hints on the release of the next version?
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by THOM »

We hope during April.

Also the source files will be released then.
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] The One Room Round Robin Part 3

Post by Dr.Disaster »

* copy'n'pasted from ORRR3 Walkthrough treat *

Regarding Ogre and Crab in the Hermitage ...
Duncan1246 wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:55 am
You have killed this poor housekeeper (the oger). If you follows the wood signs, you can enter the garden (without weapons) and oger don't attack if you go slowly ("Be quiet..."). Then, when you succeed at the four ordeals, the enchantment on the housekeeper (which had transformed him in oger) vanishes and he is free to leave the hermitage.
For the crab: you can make a square dance around him to reach the altar and pick up the crowern figurine without any fight. When you fight him, you are hurt automatically in return
It's pretty much the same thing to access the house: if you wear no magic weapons, no elemental is spawn.
While fighting and killing the Crab is possible it takes a very long time. Some players might even give up on it thinking it's unkillable which is basically good. For some strange reason the Ogre there is - compared to the crab - rather low on life and can be killed quite easily .. twice, so he's in fact a 1500 easy XP goodie. I'd beef him to at least the same level as that crab to discourage players. BTW: when the ogre is left alive he just vanishes without a trace on dungeon completion. Therefore i'd take those 1500 XP anytime.

One more observation on the Hermitage garden: using the Arcane spells it is very VERY easy to abuse the air elementals spawned there, each being worth 400 XP. You might want to change that to discourage abuse. Image
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