
Ask for help about creating mods and scripts for Grimrock 2 or share your tips, scripts, tools and assets with other modders here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Post by Pompidom »


haha :lol:

When i need a break from Blood Moon I'm going to make a small project. A rail shooter where you need to rush through hordes of monsters following only 1 path solving puzzles along the way against time as the path behind you will become a "danger zone" killing you if you're not advancing fast enough.

while using all sorts of crazy weaponry like this minigun. Just 5 minutes of crazy fun.

A prebuilt custom party with a minigunner, a shotgunner, a sniper and a grenadier. Or maybe even introduce multiple classes for different group setups, like a medic.

Or even better an endurance arena like Smash TV with enemies comming from all directions in rounds or endless waves until you die using clever reload mechanics and running around (mostly backwards) making sure you're not getting cornered.

The solid gameplay will primarily revolve around reload mechanics and making sure not getting cornered while traversing the arena. For example a minigun that fires 100 bullets for a duration, but then takes like 8 seconds to reload. A marine with a pump action shotgun which can be fired every second and deals massive damage to the monster in front of you, but you will have to reload it after a while. tactical gas and fire grenades.

Each wave gets progressively harder with more and stronger monsters. Arena gets harder with pitfalls and eventually lava pits maybe.
And an upgrade system where you can upgrade 1 weapon or armor piece after each wave.

Basically a 1 map mod.

Should be easy to build in a relative short amount of time.

Okay! I just went ahead and made a Proof of concept in just under an hour. Just 4 miniguns, instead of multiple sort of guns and a very tiny area, but you should get the point what I'm going for. Add random Doom soundtrack and rip 'n tear.
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Re: Minigun

Post by kelly1111 »


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Re: Minigun

Post by Pompidom »

I was thinking the same thing

Shotgun in front, maybe a chainsaw/flamethrower
minigun and grenade launchers that leave a square with a wall of fire or stun grenades to temporarily stun bigger enemies while your other weapons clear the arena from smaller enemies.

Making this arena gave me another great idea.

A tower defense mod!

Give monsters 0 visibility and make them run a determined path
you place walls of fire / poison clouds and other "towers" that damage the enemies that pass through with your energy reserves.

I think i'll make a tower defense puzzle map and arena map in Blood Moon as well. It should offer some variation in gameplay over your typical RPG gameplay to keep things interesting.
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Re: Minigun

Post by lostsol »

You should check out Orcs Must Die! (the first one) its super fun and one of my absolute favorites. It has a ton of trap and spell variety and you could probably get a lot of cool ideas from it.

Seeing something like that converted over to Grimrock would be..... quite something. Damn, I wish I had thought of it !
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Joined: Sun May 06, 2018 9:42 pm

Re: Minigun

Post by Pompidom »

If someone is willing to implement and get me some models of some space marine armor and weapons then I will definitely make an endurance arena mod as displayed in my test map.

I'm looking to go for a DOOM inspired artstyle.

As for a tower defense mod, I will see if I find the time to come up with a playable concept to actually see if it's plausible this weekend.
But creating a mod like orcs must die seems like a thing that's actually possible.

I'm also exploring the idea to create "arcade maps" in LoG2 since I already made pac man a thing in my mod. A mod with playable maps like pacman, galaga and other oldskool arcade games that port nicely into a gridbased playstyle.
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