Within & Beyond: Prologue
Within & Beyond: Prologue
Download here:
https://www.nexusmods.com/legendofgrimr ... ?tab=files
Greetings friend!
It is with a joyous heart that I write to you. Undoubtedly, you have been keeping up with my latest endeavors. Well, I
am happy to share with you that I have made a breakthrough! The rumors now facts, our bearings have held true! And what
a wonder she is to behold! The fabled Aspect Isle!
But we were not the first, and that is why I write to you now. There are certain... obstacles that have been preventing
our progress, and I now require someone of your expertise.
No details will be provided within this letter. You must come at once to my estate, further instruction awaits you there.
Make haste my friend! I look forward to our reconvening. And as always, you will be paid most handsomely for your services.
With respects,
C C Poole
Fair warning:
This is a short puzzle / adventure mod. If you are looking for a more traditional dungeon crawl then you may want to
pass on this one.
No character creation. You will choose 1 of 2 Champions at the start of the game.
No experience points or leveling up.
No food or hunger meter.
Resting will advance time, but will not increase regeneration rates.
There is very little combat in this mod, but I plan on implementing a lot more in the follow-up.
Good luck !
https://www.nexusmods.com/legendofgrimr ... ?tab=files
Greetings friend!
It is with a joyous heart that I write to you. Undoubtedly, you have been keeping up with my latest endeavors. Well, I
am happy to share with you that I have made a breakthrough! The rumors now facts, our bearings have held true! And what
a wonder she is to behold! The fabled Aspect Isle!
But we were not the first, and that is why I write to you now. There are certain... obstacles that have been preventing
our progress, and I now require someone of your expertise.
No details will be provided within this letter. You must come at once to my estate, further instruction awaits you there.
Make haste my friend! I look forward to our reconvening. And as always, you will be paid most handsomely for your services.
With respects,
C C Poole
Fair warning:
This is a short puzzle / adventure mod. If you are looking for a more traditional dungeon crawl then you may want to
pass on this one.
No character creation. You will choose 1 of 2 Champions at the start of the game.
No experience points or leveling up.
No food or hunger meter.
Resting will advance time, but will not increase regeneration rates.
There is very little combat in this mod, but I plan on implementing a lot more in the follow-up.
Good luck !
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
If you look hard enough, you will find there is method to the madness; concept within the chaos. But here is a handy puzzle guide, just in case.
The Blessings of Pursiba
The Compass Plates
The Sun and the Moon
Toys in the Attic
Relics of the Caloman
Knights of the Painted Realm
Courtyard Glyphs
Whats Your Sign ?
The Aspiring Artist
Riddles in the Dark
Solutions (spoiler tagged):
Folktale Figurines
The Compass Rose
The Memorial
The Dragon's Quality
Solutions (spoiler tagged):
The Blessings of Pursiba
You will need to place 3 items on the 3 nearby shelves to deactivate the forcefield.
There are 3 monkey figurines you will need to find.
Place the monkey figurines on the shelves in this order:
"Covering its ears" on the "Listen not" shelf.
"Covering its eyes" on the "Look not" shelf.
"Covering its mouth" on the "Say not" shelf.
"Covering its ears" on the "Listen not" shelf.
"Covering its eyes" on the "Look not" shelf.
"Covering its mouth" on the "Say not" shelf.
The Compass Plates
These plates are indicating the cardinal points. Power needs to be restored to the plates
before they will work.
before they will work.
The plates have something to do with certain paintings. Peruse the artwork of the estate
and try to find a correlation.
and try to find a correlation.
The painting: NEW RULER is the sequence to enter using the plates. (N)orth, (W)est, (E)ast, (S)outh,
(U)p, (L)eft, (R)ight, (D)own (Up = North, etc.) Return to the painting once the sequence is entered.
(U)p, (L)eft, (R)ight, (D)own (Up = North, etc.) Return to the painting once the sequence is entered.
The Sun and the Moon
A combination will need to be entered using the buttons. This will unlock the nearby door.
Whats associated with the sun and moon? The answer maybe in a painting.
The painting in the main hall provides the answers. (S)un, (M)oon - enter the following:
Toys in the Attic
3 wooden shapes rest on the pedestals. Once one is removed, forcefields will prevent the
removing of the others.
removing of the others.
Other items can be used to take the place of the wooden shapes.
Replace the wooden cube with the ammo box. Replace the wooden sphere with the Sphere of Spring.
Relics of the Caloman
6 items are needed, one for each hook and each pedestal.
Search the library for information on the Caloman.
Facing the exhibits, place the following:
Left hook - Red mask / Pedestal - Wooden cube
Center hook - Yellow mask / Pedestal - Wooden pyramid
Right hook - Blue mask / Pedestal - Wooden sphere
Left hook - Red mask / Pedestal - Wooden cube
Center hook - Yellow mask / Pedestal - Wooden pyramid
Right hook - Blue mask / Pedestal - Wooden sphere
Knights of the Painted Realm
The knights can be turned and must be positioned correctly. Once positioned, the pull chain
in the room will work.
in the room will work.
The statues are also represented in certain paintings within the estate.
Knight positions need to correspond to which of the other Knight they are looking at in the
portraits (grey looks at purple, brown looks at blue, etc)
Grey Knight faces South
Purple Knight faces North
Brown Knight faces North
Blue Knight faces East
portraits (grey looks at purple, brown looks at blue, etc)
Grey Knight faces South
Purple Knight faces North
Brown Knight faces North
Blue Knight faces East
Courtyard Glyphs
Once power is restored, the objective is to deactivate every plate.
Search for a note the describes what each glyph represents. There is also a painting
that may help.
that may help.
Each glyph represents a season, and each season is associated with a direction. Step on every plate
while facing the direction associated with it.
Spring - North
Summer - South
Autumn - West
Winter - East
while facing the direction associated with it.
Spring - North
Summer - South
Autumn - West
Winter - East
Whats Your Sign ?
The Zodiac buttons must be pushed in a certain order to unlock the nearby door.
Each button will be pushed only one time. There are a total of 4 clues for this puzzle.
4 portaits throughout the estate will provide the order of the signs
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Enter the following:
11 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 12 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 8 - 9
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Enter the following:
11 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 12 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 8 - 9
The Aspiring Artist
6 paintings each with a button. Pushing the buttons in the correct order will open the
nearby gate.
nearby gate.
Think on what is shown in the paintings, they all have something in common within the estate.
Each painting has something to do with time (dining room clock, note tells of certain times, etc).
Dining Room
Dining Room
Riddles in the Dark
No good way to hint at this one. Place an item on each pedestal to answer each riddle.
When all items are placed correctly the pull chain in the room will work.
When all items are placed correctly the pull chain in the room will work.
Solutions (spoiler tagged):
"The non existent"
"Twisted and tangled"
"Brothers we are" -
"Of joy or fear"
"Mountains laid tiny"
"My spine is stiff"
"Twisted and tangled"
Riddle note
Folktale Figurines
9 figurines to find and place on the 9 shelves near where 3 figurines lay on the floor. When placed correctly
the nearby chest will unlock.
the nearby chest will unlock.
The hint you will need is also in this room.
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
Place figurines as follows:
1 - Melinar
2 - Gerlo
3 - Cassandri
4 - Dan
5 - Fergo
6 - Shol
7 - Balan
8 - Delda
9 - Varnin
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
Place figurines as follows:
1 - Melinar
2 - Gerlo
3 - Cassandri
4 - Dan
5 - Fergo
6 - Shol
7 - Balan
8 - Delda
9 - Varnin
The Compass Rose
Buttons with navigational directions. A sequence needs to be entered to unlock the nearby gate.
The clue needed can be found on a note.
Follow the path laid out on the note, starting at the West button. Only push a button on the circled steps.
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
Enter the following:
4 - 6 - 1 - 5 - 8 - 2
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
Enter the following:
4 - 6 - 1 - 5 - 8 - 2
The Memorial
6 items are required for the 6 pedestals. The only clue needed is on the nearby tombstone.
One way to approach this is to start with the clue: "iron and bronze above". This means the iron and bronze
items will be placed on pedestals on the North row.
items will be placed on pedestals on the North row.
NW: Bronze sword
N: Stone staff
NE: Iron staff
SW: Gold sword
S: Wood staff
SE: Silver sword
N: Stone staff
NE: Iron staff
SW: Gold sword
S: Wood staff
SE: Silver sword
The Dragon's Quality
After picking up the key and trying the door you will discover you are locked inside the room. Find a use for the dragon
Certain qualities can be puzzled out of the descriptions in the dragon paintings. Try to find unique qualites in the
seemingly identical figurines
seemingly identical figurines
One of the figurines weighs less than the others.
One figurine will glow if placed in the chest for a short time.
One figurine is missing a part of its tail.
This figurine makes a unique sound when thrown against a wall.
While the figurine is in hand, the Champions max health is increased.
One figurine always faces a different direction than the others.
The 4 blue lights must be all lit up to restore power to the machine. This is just
a trial and error / memory puzzle.
a trial and error / memory puzzle.
Right button
Wall lever
Right button
Floor lever
Pull chain
Wall lever
Left button
Left button
Right button
Pull chain
Wall lever
Wall lever
Right button
Floor lever
Pull chain
Wall lever
Left button
Left button
Right button
Pull chain
Wall lever
- Posts: 145
- Joined: Wed May 30, 2012 11:11 pm
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Thanks for making it!
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Well, this is embarassing. I put the 3 monkeys on their corresponding shelves, nothing happens and I'm already stuck 
Probably overlooking something obvious like I usually do. I was expecting for the forcefield to come down of the earth orb, but it stays up. edit: okay, like usually I missed the obvious variation
The spider joke made me laugh
Digging the looks, and enjoying the improvements made over Resident Grimrock's default assets looks.
The startup/loading performance is instant! Well done!
If you find a way to pinch down the mod just a extra few MB's you can post an updated version to steam!
Can't wait to continue playing once you tell me why I'm stuck at the very beginning!
Your door transitions are better than mine, I must make something similar. Can't believe I didn't think of it.

Probably overlooking something obvious like I usually do. I was expecting for the forcefield to come down of the earth orb, but it stays up. edit: okay, like usually I missed the obvious variation

The spider joke made me laugh

The antivenom potion, the warning note, the anticipation, and then the "encounter" Well played!
The startup/loading performance is instant! Well done!
If you find a way to pinch down the mod just a extra few MB's you can post an updated version to steam!
Can't wait to continue playing once you tell me why I'm stuck at the very beginning!
Your door transitions are better than mine, I must make something similar. Can't believe I didn't think of it.
Last edited by Pompidom on Sun Sep 01, 2019 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Hi Pompidom, thanks for playing !
It is important to place the monkeys in the correct order as hinted at in the texts. So to start, remove all monkeys from shelves and place in this order:
"Covering its ears" on the "Listen not" shelf.
"Covering its eyes" on the "Look not" shelf.
"Covering its mouth" on the "Say not" shelf.
If you are still having issues let me know and I will look into it further. You can also use the console and enter:
force_field_1.controller:deactivate() to retrieve the sphere.
"Covering its ears" on the "Listen not" shelf.
"Covering its eyes" on the "Look not" shelf.
"Covering its mouth" on the "Say not" shelf.
If you are still having issues let me know and I will look into it further. You can also use the console and enter:
force_field_1.controller:deactivate() to retrieve the sphere.
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Very interesting! Very beautiful! Very difficult! )))
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
So far I uncovered 3 colored elemental spheres to unlock the doors. Trying to solve as many puzzles I can without using the walkthrough.
However the NEW RULER puzzle is probably a puzzle I would never have solved on my own without the guide. Maybe I missed an obvious hint.
Running around like a headless chicken to find the 4 remaining folktale figurines.
However the NEW RULER puzzle is probably a puzzle I would never have solved on my own without the guide. Maybe I missed an obvious hint.
Running around like a headless chicken to find the 4 remaining folktale figurines.
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Thanks for the input on the NEW RULER puzzle, the only hints I provided for it were:
Folktale figurine location hints:
The compass portrait next to the NEW RULER portrait, and the fact that the words are spelled in all caps. This was the best I could come up with.
3 are found on the floor in the Living room (Estate 1F, SW)
2 are in the riddle room
2 are found in a room near the teleporter rune (Estate 2F, N)
to find the remaining 2, you will need to investigate the Library 2F
2 are in the riddle room
2 are found in a room near the teleporter rune (Estate 2F, N)
to find the remaining 2, you will need to investigate the Library 2F
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
Does the painting (friend to all) have a purpose at the cardinal floorplates?
Maybe insert a hint there that's "Up, Down, Left, Right" related.
It's just that the directional words are not mentioned anywhere. So it was impossible for me to link it to the puzzle.
Maybe insert a hint there that's "Up, Down, Left, Right" related.
It's just that the directional words are not mentioned anywhere. So it was impossible for me to link it to the puzzle.
Re: Within & Beyond: Prologue
My main frustration with that puzzle was
And that's pretty much all I can complain about. The mod is visually interesting, great puzzles, the combat is nice and fast, and I really like how you avoided "click everything" situations by making items shine. You might call it short, but it has way more substantive content than the vast majority of "longer" mods around.
that the "Mysterious Directions" note can be found before it, and it has cardinal directions in circles, which makes it look a lot like it's related to those circular pressure plates with cardinal directions on them! But instead it corresponds to a totally different puzzle that you can't even reach until after solving both variations of this pressure plate puzzle.
I don't like the compass theme on the puzzle the note does refer to; firstly because of this overlap with the other puzzle, and secondly because the compass doesn't even point in the right directions! (Its E points north, W points south, N points up and S points down...)
I really think that puzzle should use different symbols; the note could have arrows pointing in the directions instead, for example.
Back to the pressure plate puzzle, it might help to move the pictures a bit so that both are facing the same direction and so that W on the compass picture is actually pointing to the west, like this: https://i.imgur.com/JI1Elqa.jpg
That way the reference point for left and right is clearer.
I don't like the compass theme on the puzzle the note does refer to; firstly because of this overlap with the other puzzle, and secondly because the compass doesn't even point in the right directions! (Its E points north, W points south, N points up and S points down...)
I really think that puzzle should use different symbols; the note could have arrows pointing in the directions instead, for example.
Back to the pressure plate puzzle, it might help to move the pictures a bit so that both are facing the same direction and so that W on the compass picture is actually pointing to the west, like this: https://i.imgur.com/JI1Elqa.jpg
That way the reference point for left and right is clearer.
Grimrock 1 dungeon
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Grimrock 2 resources
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