Unfortunately, i had to stop because of a crash:

The crash occurs just before destroying the pilliar
Code: Select all
mod_assets/scripts/objects.lua:1951: attempt to index global 'dark_stone_saeule_high_deco' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
mod_assets/scripts/objects.lua:1951: in function 'onDie'
[string "Blockage.lua"]: in function 'damage'
[string "Combat.lua"]: in function 'damageTile'
[string "ProjectileSpell.lua"]: in function 'onProjectileHit'
[string "Projectile.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "ProjectileSpell.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
The rate regeneration in level 6 (the caves) is insane, kills a bit the fun (to me). A note somewhere telling to rush straight to the boss would have been most welcome

Thanks for fixing the bug if you can, i'd like to be able to build more bridges (really fun