[MOD] The Guardians

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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by hansbleeb »

there are very hard zones.. the herder cave under the swamp, the, mad laugher cave after the catacombs, the citadel, and the chrystal mine.. i wonder where i must going now.. after 2 rounds the arena is very deadly how can i enter the gracious gardens and goldhaven?? i hope still there is a snackbar or a good restaurant..
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Khollik »

Hello Hansbleeb

You should be able to get to Goldhaven through the lake of Tears then the Misty Swamps.

I've just completed the Pyramid though I'm pretty sure I missed a couple of secrets here. Is it fair to say that the creator of this map is particularly sadistic???! :twisted: :lol:

Also, has anyone understood what is the use of the note "proper placement of loot"? I have litterally no idea here...
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by knr »

Khollik wrote: Mon May 27, 2019 9:16 am Also, has anyone understood what is the use of the note "proper placement of loot"? I have litterally no idea here...
Who in the city would have been interested in 'loot'?
And the note shows a 3x5 pattern.
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Khollik »

Thanks knr I think I get it now. I'll go back to Goldhaven as soon as I'm done with the mines.
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Khollik »

Well, I have to say: this mod is one of the most interesting I've ever played... but also one of the hardest.

Right now I'm totally stuck. I'm turning in circle, unlocking new secrets and chests here and there, I've also managed to completely repair the Livingrock and get the "bad end", but I'd really want to restore peace and balance in this world :D
So far, I've found the four shrines and the four corrupted elements. I also have a note speaking of the 5th shrine of Balance where I am supposed to "cleanse" the essences. Am I right guessing from previous posts that I have to bring the 12 treasures to the Riddler, then gain a special item which will help me survive the petrification spell in the Gorge of the Seven Winds?
The treasures I've found:
skeleton, crowern, snail, ogre, ice guardian, grail, globe, golden goromog and idol. So I guess I'm missing the crown and the dragon?
I also have a couple of unsolved riddles but I suppose it can wait to be back on track ;)

Thanks for hour help!
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by knr »

You're missing 3 treasures, all of them behind riddles you've probably encountered but not solved:
The letters puzzle in the citadel. The dragon puzzle (scroll from the archives). The way of the elements (scroll from the archives).
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Khollik »

You're right knr, those are some of the riddles I can't solve.

Letters puzzle in the citadel
I supposed I have to write a word, maybe the name of the Ennemy, but I thought I would have to come back later when I have more clue here
Dragon puzzle
Yes, I have the note speaking of a hidden dragon temple, but I have literally no idea where it could be?! I guess in the Gorge of the 7 winds for the note tells of a shrine in the same "region" as the temple of elements. Besides, i don't have the formulas for the helmet and the legs
Way of the Elements
Here again I'm totaly clueless. I've only found two notes "top way" 1/4 and 3/4. I also have two notes "way up" and "sacred way" (found in Goldhaven, if I remember well) but I didn't find their utility so far. Is it possibly related to the fact that I didn't manage to enter the Mage Guild in Goldhaven? :o
So far, I have 72 secrets found. I hope I didn't overlooked too many important items or notes, so that I would have to launch a new game (never again the scavengers corridor!!!! :twisted:)

This mod is so huge and so full of great ideas and maps, but I'm feeling out my league right now :lol:

EDIT: Ok I'm done with the letters puzzle! And unlocked two more secrets ;)
One done, two to go...

EDIT 2: I think I've understood what is the Dragon Temple, still missing two formulas though...

EDIT 3: being INCREDIBLY stupid, I've just managed to enter the Godlhaven mage guild (after 25 hours of game...)
Now I understand the use of the two notes "top way" and "sacred way" but I think I need a third one to get access to the last figurine
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by knr »

Can't help with the dragon, got all the pieces while playing and have no idea where I got them. For the way of the elements,
the scroll from the archives is the only hint for this puzzle (besides the other ways). This was the statue I got stuck on so there's some discussion about it earlier in the thread.
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Khollik »

AT LAST! The world is saved and my task is over here :D :D
Thanks knr for your advice. I finally took the time to comb almost every level of the mod to find the missings items and formulas. The following was pretty straightforward.

Finished in about 28 hours, with almost no gems and no herbs left, but a fridge full of food. There will be a hell of a feast back home :P
I'm still missing almost 20 secrets though....
i understood lately that there was a way to keep track of the secrets for each level
Well, that was pretty epic. Thanks again Adrageron fo your commitment and for proposing such an excellent mod. I really liked Lost City and this one is even better.
My favorite maps were Goldhaven (you almost feel the curse that doomed this city!), Catacombs and Forgotten God's shrine.
Ratlington is neat too, but I have to say I'm not very fond of NPCs and shops in dungeon crawlers. I know there's a debate here and there in this forum about that, but as a fan of the first Dungeon Master series, I personnally prefer this kind of games where you're just alone, creeping in the dark and only counting on yourself... (which LOG 1 and 2 perfectly reproduce, IMO).
The food mechanics was very fun and forced me to quick the pace (almost a countdown to finish the mod). And my human farmer finished lvl 19, with two lvls more than my other characters.

If i had to tell one thing I disliked is some uncessarily difficult fights. I have in mind:
the scavenger corridor, and almost every room in the pyramid basement :lol:, and also the distorted essences rooms in the Citadel.
I'm almost tempted to launch a new game in hard :twisted: :twisted:
@Adrageron, could you please give me hint or solution for two riddles?
alchemy practical lessons: everyone seems to get it except for me :?:
"proper placement of loot". I'm pretty sure it's to get access to the chest in Goldhaven Thieves Guild, but I still don't see how
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Re: [MOD] The Guardians

Post by Adrageron »

Hey, Khollik! Thank you for feedback!

Alchemy practical lessons - the major hint is in the room's name ;)
Proper placement of loot - pay attention to the map, search for similarities with the note.
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