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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Skuggasveinn »

Badgert wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 8:58 pm Can you please tell whether it is possible to make it so that night is always on a single location? And if so, how?
The easiest way is to reset the time back to starting night.

Hook this script up to a timer, when the times gets passed 1.8 it will reset it to 1.5

Code: Select all

GameMode.setTimeOfDay(1.5) -- sets the time to night

function eternalnight()
   local gettimeofday = GameMode.getTimeOfDay()
   -- night
   if gettimeofday > 1.8 then
If you want to test this you can hook the timer to this script, it will move the time forward even if the party is not moving.

Code: Select all

function movetime()   -- moves the time forward by 0.01
	wtii = GameMode.getTimeOfDay()
	GameMode.setTimeOfDay(wtii + 0.01)
And if you want to see the current time you can print it to screen.

Code: Select all

function whattimeisit()  -- prints out the current time of day for debug
	wtii = GameMode.getTimeOfDay()
If I remember correctly playing around with time did have some side effects to skills like the Farmers herb growth ability.

Edit: make sure the timer is only running on the level that you want night and call GameMode.setTimeOfDay(1.5) when the party enters, If you leave it outside of a function like I did it will always set the time to night when the mod starts.

kind regards
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Badgert »

Thank you very much!
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Skuggasveinn »


I got these stairs in my mod, that are in the middle of a map.
atm I'm using the platform trick to get the party up them, so the party goes up half a elevation and then another half in a very stuttering way.
Wasn't there someone that had found a way to make the party move up an elevation in a smooth way ? (I can also just make it a stair object but that has the fade to black that I wan't to avoid).

any help welcome.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Isaac »

I would at least tryout a scripted/triggered party move command, from the halfway point.

I have a stair asset that does work without the half-elevation trick, but it noticeably stutters the movement upon arrival at the top. It's not ideal or polished.
[...and not recommended.]
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by kelly1111 »

Skuggasveinn wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 6:49 pm Hi

I got these stairs in my mod, that are in the middle of a map.
atm I'm using the platform trick to get the party up them, so the party goes up half a elevation and then another half in a very stuttering way.
Wasn't there someone that had found a way to make the party move up an elevation in a smooth way ? (I can also just make it a stair object but that has the fade to black that I wan't to avoid).

any help welcome.

Minmay teased us with a vid of his stairs awhile ago... if I remember correctly. I am also very interrested in his stairs :D
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

Skuggasveinn wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 6:49 pmWasn't there someone that had found a way to make the party move up an elevation in a smooth way ?
That was me, but importantly, my approach does not work with items or monsters on the slope:

Code: Select all

-- Slopes occupy their own tile, the two tiles in front of them, and the tiles
-- directly above those tiles. For example, if you have a slope at 10,10 with
-- a facing of 0 and elevation of 0, it occupies the tiles 10,10; 10,9; and
-- 10,8 at elevations 0 and 1. None of these six tiles should be walls.
-- Do not overlap slopes (remembering that they occupy six tiles). You can use
-- slopes above and below each other as long as the difference between their
-- elevations is at least 2.
-- Do not allow slopes to be entered from the side at their bottom elevation,
-- unless it is from another, aligned slope, as this will cause an ugly camera
-- snap. Letting players enter from the slope's top elevation is fine.
-- Slopes can be moved.
local slopeComponent = {
	class = "Timer",
	name = "slope",
	timerInterval = 0,
	currentLevelOnly = true,
	onInit = function(self)
		local g = self.go
		local dx,dy = getForward(g.facing)
	onActivate = function(self)
		local g = self.go
		local p = party
		local dx,dy = getForward(g.facing)
		if (p.x == g.x or p.x == g.x+dx) and (p.y == g.y or p.y == g.y+dy) and (p.elevation >= g.elevation) then
			local ppos = p:getWorldPosition()
			local gpos = g:getWorldPosition()
			local y
			if g.facing == 0 then
			elseif g.facing == 1 then
			elseif g.facing == 2 then
			else -- g.facing == 3
			y = ((y+1.5)/6+g.elevation)*

			local plat1 = findEntity("plat1")
			-- no need to check for elevation, the worldPositionY set will take care of that
			if plat1.x ~= g.x or plat1.y ~= g.y or plat1.facing ~= g.facing or plat1.level ~= g.level then

			local plat2 = findEntity("plat2")
			-- no need to check for elevation, the worldPositionY set will take care of that
			if plat2.x ~= g.x+dx or plat2.y ~= g.y+dy or plat2.facing ~= g.facing or plat2.level ~= g.level then
			-- stops the party from falling through the platform after moving
			-- upwards, and from briefly entering the falling state after moving downwards
			local mdir = party.script.getMovementDirection()
			if not mdir or mdir%2 == g.facing%2 then
				if party.elevation <= g.elevation+1 and not then
			else -- hack that lets party walk between multiple adjacent aligned slopes...
				local dx2,dy2 = getForward(mdir)
				for e in,p.y+dy2) do
					if == "slope_platform_icb" then
		elseif p.x == g.x+dx*2 and p.y == g.y+dy*2 and p.elevation == g.elevation then
			-- finish moving the party to the upper elevation
		elseif p.x == g.x-dx and p.y == g.y-dy and p.elevation == g.elevation then
			-- prepare platform for party entering the slope so that their position
			-- doesn't snap upwards for one frame. this is not needed for entering
			-- the slope from the top because the platform is below them (at worst)
			-- in that case.
			local plat1 = findEntity("plat1")
			-- no need to check for elevation, the worldPositionY set will take care of that
			if plat1.x ~= g.x or plat1.y ~= g.y or plat1.facing ~= g.facing or plat1.level ~= g.level then

			local plat2 = findEntity("plat2")
			-- no need to check for elevation, the worldPositionY set will take care of that
			if plat2.x ~= g.x+dx or plat2.y ~= g.y+dy or plat2.facing ~= g.facing or plat2.level ~= g.level then
	name = "slope_platform",
	placement = "floor",
	components = {
			class = "Platform"
-- Because of how ItemConstrainBoxes are checked, there needs to be one in both
-- squares of the slope, otherwise you can put items on the slope from the top
-- or bottom.
	name = "slope_platform_icb",
	placement = "floor",
	components = {
			class = "Platform"
			class = "ItemConstrainBox",
			offset = vec(0,24,0),
			size = vec(3,50,3),
	name = "g1_deep_dungeon_slope",
	placement = "floor",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "mod_assets/avenie/models/dungeon_slope.fbx",
			staticShadow = true,
			material = "deep_dungeon_stairs",
	editorIcon = 44,
The ItemConstrainBoxComponents prevent the player from dropping items on the slope, but not from throwing items onto the slope, and of course the platforms will not be positioned right for the items. In my mod, the Grimrock inventory system is gone entirely and the player can't throw or drop items at all, but that's not the case in yours, so you'll need to do something to deal with thrown items.
The easiest way to deal with this is a cop-out: add a big ProjectileColliderComponent and teleport any items that fall onto the slope to the bottom of the slope. The harder but actually reasonable way is to have the timer check for items and set their rotation and world Y position appropriately.

There's also a camera snap when moving from side to side on slopes after entering them from above (or maybe it was after entering from below, can't remember), which I haven't gotten around to fixing yet, but it should be easy to fix.

getMovementDirection() is just a function that returns the direction the party is moving in, or nil if they aren't moving.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by kelly1111 »


Minmay: I get this error. What am I missing ?
Thanks for sharing your script by the way !
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by minmay »

kelly1111 wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 9:30 pmMinmay: I get this error. What am I missing ?
The getMovementDirection() function that I mentioned. You'll need to implement this yourself as my implementation of it is specific to my own mod's custom movement system.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by Skuggasveinn »

Thanks for sharing minmay, this did the trick and looks a hundred times better then what I had in place ;)

In order to get passed the getMovementDirection() I just created it empty, so it always returns nil, still I can't seem to find anything wrong with the effect :? I'm moving smoothly up and down, I can turn and backtrack in the stairs, all seems to work.

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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Post by HonorableSquidman »

Good day everyone. I'm a long time lurker but first time poster!
I'm having an issue when constructing an outdoor level with a large tile height difference between the highest and lowest tiles.
The issue is that for some reason, many of the tile walls (not object walls) are transparent on some or all sides.

Here is a screenshot of the level in the editor:

And this screenshot of the invisible tiles themselves:

The second image is of the missing walls themselves.
I have tried to fiddle with the module height settings but it seems that setting it to anything but 3 makes the issue much worse. The tiles shown in the second screenshot are on height, with the basement of the level being a height value of 3 beneath where I am standing.
Does anybody know why this is happening? I will post additional screenshots if requested.

It has just occurred to me that it may be easier to view the issue if a different sky map is used:

I apologize for the lengthy post.
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