There was no need for elevation support in the Pyramid of Umas anyway, since each level is one step of the pyramid so it wouldn't make sense for them to have multiple elevations.
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Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Grimrock 1 dungeon
Grimrock 2 resources
I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Grimrock 2 resources
I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
That's the reason for it.

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Lorial: can you please share an image with us , of what you want to archieve?
So that I can see what the problem is. Perhaps I can make some crude altered wall models for you.
So that I can see what the problem is. Perhaps I can make some crude altered wall models for you.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
oooo haha ... you just posted it.

I think placing a solid square block with the same material here would fix your problems...
use modifier : triangulate after filling the gap. otherwise you wont be able to export the model
(quick answer)

I think placing a solid square block with the same material here would fix your problems...
use modifier : triangulate after filling the gap. otherwise you wont be able to export the model
(quick answer)
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
The UV should be made to match. So extending by one face along the top edge (and adjusting the UV) would do it.
But if there is a floor to look down from, then there needs to be capstones for the pillar tops, or one can see through them from the inside.
But if there is a floor to look down from, then there needs to be capstones for the pillar tops, or one can see through them from the inside.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
The tomb tile set was actually created way back when the first Legend of Grimrock was in development. ... ure-plans/ ... ure-plans/
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Wait, this issue has never come up yet?! I am certain there must've been someone trying to have larger rooms in a pyramid setting.
Anyway, so this is what I made out of the arching wall. I deleted the top and copied and pasted a part from the middle section to the top of the model to close the gap. Pretty simple, but should do the trick.
Afterwards I turned the .obj file into a .model file with the Grimrock Toolkit. In the objects.lua I set the path to the file, using the .fbx format. The problem is that it simply won't show properly in the editor, I can place it, but I cannot see the model.
Might this be a simple question of size and my model is actually HUGE? Now the question is, how do I resize it without trying dozens of rescaled models...
As for the implementation directly into the tomb tileset: In order to make this the standard model for any of the tomb walls (ornament, paintings, etc) I tried to imitate the asset pack with its tomb.lua
Shouldn't it be enough to simply refer to my "tomb_wall_flat" model for all 4 versions of these?
I created my indoor ice dungeon by combining the winter tileset with the regular dungeon walls and ceiling. My plan is to change the tomb tile in the same way, but using my _flat wall for all tomb_wall types instead.
Wait, this issue has never come up yet?! I am certain there must've been someone trying to have larger rooms in a pyramid setting.
Anyway, so this is what I made out of the arching wall. I deleted the top and copied and pasted a part from the middle section to the top of the model to close the gap. Pretty simple, but should do the trick.
Afterwards I turned the .obj file into a .model file with the Grimrock Toolkit. In the objects.lua I set the path to the file, using the .fbx format. The problem is that it simply won't show properly in the editor, I can place it, but I cannot see the model.
Might this be a simple question of size and my model is actually HUGE? Now the question is, how do I resize it without trying dozens of rescaled models...
As for the implementation directly into the tomb tileset: In order to make this the standard model for any of the tomb walls (ornament, paintings, etc) I tried to imitate the asset pack with its tomb.lua
Shouldn't it be enough to simply refer to my "tomb_wall_flat" model for all 4 versions of these?
I created my indoor ice dungeon by combining the winter tileset with the regular dungeon walls and ceiling. My plan is to change the tomb tile in the same way, but using my _flat wall for all tomb_wall types instead.
Code: Select all
name = "winter_dungeon_1_indoor",
editorIcon = 200,
color = {250,250,240,255},
builder = "dungeon",
floor = {
"sx_winter_ground_01", 1,
ceiling = {
"dungeon_ceiling", 1,
wall = {
"dungeon_wall_01", 35,
"dungeon_wall_02", 35,
"dungeon_wall_drain", 2,
pillar = {
"dungeon_pillar", 1,
ceilingEdgeVariations = true,
ceilingShaft = "dungeon_ceiling_shaft",
diggable = true,
moveSound = "sx_party_move_snow",
automapTile = "grassy_ground",
name = "tomb_wall_01",
baseObject = "base_wall",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/env/tomb_wall_01.fbx",
staticShadow = true,
class = "Occluder",
model = "assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_01_occluder.fbx",
minimalSaveState = true,
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
It's the first time I have heard of it... though I did notice the issue years ago. I get the impression that the Tomb is not commonly used; and sometimes even stripped from the asset load to make room for something else in the mod.
Is it important to make the wall flat, or is that simply the option that seemed doable?
Would you use a wall asset that kept the scooped trim across the top of each wall segment? I mentioned it above, and had the models loaded in Blender for the screenshot... So I decided to just patch the hole, and export the model.

Model Patch File: ... model?dl=0
Is it important to make the wall flat, or is that simply the option that seemed doable?
Would you use a wall asset that kept the scooped trim across the top of each wall segment? I mentioned it above, and had the models loaded in Blender for the screenshot... So I decided to just patch the hole, and export the model.

Code: Select all
for x = 1, 4 do
name = "tomb_wall_0"..x,
baseObject = "base_wall",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "assets/models/env/tomb_wall_0"..x..".fbx",
staticShadow = true,
class = "Model",
name = "patch",
model = "mod_assets/models/env/tomb_ledge_cap.fbx",
staticShadow = true,
class = "Occluder",
model = "assets/models/env/dungeon_wall_01_occluder.fbx",
minimalSaveState = true,
That explains it then; no elevation planned, so the walls would only be seen from eye level on the ground.
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Thanks a bunch Isaac, it works for all four tomb wall versions and also in combination with the painting and ornament wall pieces.
Having compared this version with my previously made border alternative, it is clear that my model is indeed way too large. My border would propably be a few floors higher. And my flat wall model was only the lower part that stands out a bit, hence the reason why I could only see it a few tiles away...
So size does matter, huh...
Having compared this version with my previously made border alternative, it is clear that my model is indeed way too large. My border would propably be a few floors higher. And my flat wall model was only the lower part that stands out a bit, hence the reason why I could only see it a few tiles away...

So size does matter, huh...
- Posts: 73
- Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:57 pm
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
This is actually why I never used the Tomb Tileset in favor of others. Personally for me, it was too much of a hassle to export, fix, and import back into the game. Thanks Issac for the fixed model. Appreciate the work!