[New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by General_Milky »

Then consider this, at least; there's good dang reason for why things are the way they are, and therefore pretty good reason why people seem to resist your changes. Shaking up balance and going against the established norm creates a lot of confusion and throws off many players for a lot of the wrong reasons.

I again want to emphasize how I feel like your mod isn't pushing me to want to explore and find everything, I feel like it's cruelly just trying to waste my time however it can manage. I can't even get out of the moor TO explore. I've been stuck in one tiny area running in circles and circles and circles not thinking, not discovering, not using my brain and adventuring intuition... but just trying every feasible possibility until at long last, something works. There's no real correlation to these switches and the locked doors. No matter what I press, in what order, seems to work. I can't even hazard a guess to what they're changing. You've already conditioned me early in the level to expect switches to have dual functionality and timed functions. The variables and possibilities I have to GUESS at are MASSIVE. This... is not good. This is not exploration, this is not puzzle solving. This is just brute forcing everything until something finally, somehow, works.

So, no. I don't agree with it being a different style of design. I don't agree with it being different. All I've felt is that someone's playing a joke on me. Seeing just how long I will keep running around the same track again and again stabbing in the dark at what all these switches even do. Seeing just how many times I will reload a save should I dare step into the wrong water tile and be helplessly stuck. Seeing if I'd notice how pointless it is to have these crystal flowers only sometimes grant a skill point in a mod where I'm absolutely expected to be abusing quicksaves every handful of seconds. The answers are; way longer than I should have, more times than I ought to have, and oh, I noticed. It's VERY pointless. All your flowers did was make me just sit there for like 2 minutes consuming and reloading until the good thing happened, and considering the lack of save crystals and these water death traps, I can't even say what I did was cheap. I'm absolutely encouraged to be reloading every few steps.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Pompidom »

Lorial wrote: Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:35 amWhile I loved the original LOG2, I disliked how wounds were a joke, as where diseases and poison. Basically all conditions were a laughing matter and had nothing of the horror they were in older games or even the newer Dark Souls. To down a potion really isn't much of an effort, but it should be an effort to treat a severe wound or disease, after all, this is not a Bethesda game.
Dead party members were more of an annoyance because they forced me to walk back to the nearest crystal as they "recharged" within minutes. However, I never felt wrecked with tension to lose a member or the need to "really" keep my party alive as I knew the next crystal was just around the corner. I wouldn't call this challenging
And everything you just said is pointless once you realize that "Ironman" and "Insane" are implemented for those exact same reasons :)

But I agree, eventually it's your own choice that you wanted to make a mod that ticks every single box of "bad" gameplay mechanics that are universally hated by the majority. Maybe you will find some people that like these bad RNG mechanics. Who knows? It's perfectly fine to create a mod like that. Different tastes etc..

The main issue with your mod is simply that it contained too many gamebreaking bugs. It was a clusterfuck of triggers not connected to anything, too many error messages of all sorts including triggers not connected to anything and areas you couldn't escape from once you stumbled into them when you weren't supposed to.

Combined with your crappy gameplay mechanics adding RNG to just about everything, there was never a way to be sure if it was simply one of your gamebreaking bugs caused by poor playtesting/crappy editing or simply one of your twisted illogical puzzledesign. Every single "puzzle" that I encountered involved mashing random "buttons/levers/pressureplate" multiple times only to be greeted with a "trigger not connected" error message when the "puzzle" was solved correctly.

And every single custom mechanic that you added was simply an extra layer of annoyance instead of an enjoyable feature.

People don't like it when somebody wastes their time, and that's exactly what you did by creating this mod. You made people waste their time promising a longlasting mod. It takes roughly 8 hours when people realize they are stuck and unable to finish the mod because you crapped out on properly playtesting your own mod. People also generally don't like to be cheated by unfair RNG mechanics that don't make sense and unfair/illogical puzzle design. Those are the main reasons your mod gets a lot of hate. People are invested emotionally and will get upset once they spend several hours into something that turns out to be a total waste of time and that.

@General_Milky: By simply taking a look at the patchnotes, all your grievances used to be 10x worse in version 1.0
I don' t know which version you tried, neither will I try any of the new versions.
Just know that it used to be an even more buggy mess when I tried version 1.0
Just give it a chuckle and move on :) No need to be upset because of some buggy mod. Live and learn :)
Many good mods are on the horizon of comming out soon!
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Lorial »

The post is full of false claims and the typical lies of someone desperately trying to lie to himself to make him feel better. You failed to even understand the simpelest of systems, but not everbody can understand the basics, it's okay. Your first post was full of it, now you decided you jump to the rescue and join the fight against your nemesis Falagar. I can only hope you are not an adult because it is just a mod, sunshine.

Oh, The mod contained a few bugs and they were all fixable and have been fixed in the meantime, period. Not the game's systems are annoying, but your attitude, unwilling to accept something out of the ordinary. Your life must be hell with all the constant changes around you or are you living deep in the woods?

All the error messages that appeared had no effect on the gameplay "not connected" to a script that prints text on the HUD is hardly "gamebreaking" in my book :lol: . One even hinted at a wrong impact sound - gamebreaking at its finest.

"extra layer of annoyance" was already in your previous post that I annihilated with countless counter arguments, stop repeating your gibberish.

"people don't like it when somebody wastes their time" at least you are honest with yourself. And I get help requests by people who are almost finished and we are talking version 1.0, so you are talking out of your poophole again. "stuck after 8 hours" is nonsense as well and you know it, but you have to pretend there is something insurmountable. The mod is completable from start to finish, quit lyling. Check out youtube for the full playthrough.

Bottom line, you are deeply offended because you were too dumb to realize how the new systems work. In fact, you were not only unable to READ the item descriptions (insurmountable task it seems) you had to refer to CHEATING to get through the first levels :lol: I do not even care about the "opinion" of whiners to be honest. I have helped many people unless they behaved like spoiled little brats, like you.

Now just quit writing trash and take care of your of own sorry excuse of a stolen-asset mod, son. But perhaps badmouthing is part of your plan to boost your own crap? Who knows?
And just to make this clear: Write trash without evidence once again and you will be reported and removed from this thread.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Pompidom »

Ok let's get 1 thing clear, When somebody calls me a liar, you're officially done.

Let's get one thing straight, you are the only compulsive liar on this forum simply by looking objectively at the facts.

Your mod is a buggy piece of shit where the party can get stuck in almost every single map. Nobody has completed your mod over the 3 months time that it has been released. That basically says it all. And the steam page is full with "I AM STUCK" comments and "THIS MOD SUCKS"

I went over the steam page and the patch notes and you had to fix multiple locations where the party will get stuck indefinitely.

Then even after releasing 3 more versions, there are still people getting stuck just about everywhere. And you have to give them "console cheat codes" so they can continue.

Stuff like

1. Teleport party coordinates so you can teleport the party out of your broken map sections.

2. Console Spawn codes for various keys

3. and then a whole bunch of other open/destroy commands like for example:


And then after all your compulsive lying, you still have the audacity to threaten me having me banned???
Bitch please GTFO
Compulsive liars are not welcome here. Now kindly leave. You're not wanted here.
And go find some help for your mental issues.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by RacerX »

Version 1.2 In the northern Forest use the rope to go down to the hideout. Do not open any doors, then open the alcove with the Ogre. Battle and defeat the Ogre. Pick up the spoils and change to the Ogre Weapon for your Troll. Now go down and open the door at the end of the hall and let the rats in. Take care of the first rats. Now the issue. Battle the second group of rats get them to run onto the plate that the Ogre was standing on. Follow them and have you troll swing the Orge's Weapon. Right when you swing it hangs. The error says boss script error. The sound keeps going and the screen is stuck...
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Lorial »

Pompidom wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:41 pm Ok let's get 1 thing clear, When somebody calls me a liar, you're officially done...
"Your mod is a buggy piece of shit where the party can get stuck in almost every single map." heheheh no, little boy, I finished it myself, so you are wrong as always. You got no evidence to back up your lies and keep claiming bullshite, liar. Tell me where EXACTLY you can get stuck forever. Let me guess, there is no such place and you cannot name a single one. That's right.

"Nobody has completed your mod over the 3 months time that it has been released." Oh I have, you are wrong. And nobody posted he/she had finished it, doesn't mean nobody has. You have no insight, quit assuming. I bet you would've cheated your way through with your min-maxing and your item spawning. :D False claim, liar.

"And the steam page is full with "I AM STUCK" comments and "THIS MOD SUCKS"" "Full of it? I think you have serious perception issues, liar. Everyone gets stuck somewhere, even though the solution is hidden in plain sight. This does NOT mean they can never get out, liar boy. But maybe you want to create a few more accounts and pretend you are SO STUCK. :D

"Then even after releasing 3 more versions, there are still people getting stuck just about everywhere." Just about everywhere? No, the same known locations which have already been altered. The Rutted Moor is infamous and it was designed that way. Then again, the area is entirely optional so you cannot even get stuck for real, as it won't slow down your progress in the slightest. Since you did research on the Steam page all you have is version 1.0. With version 1.1 and 1.2 that makes it three in total, you cannot even count to three, you dumb liar.

"1. Teleport party coordinates so you can teleport the party out of your broken map sections." If people do not understand the advice due to a language barrier (e.g. the one Japanese guy), it is easier to warp them to safety, little liar boy.

"2. Console Spawn codes for various keys" No, one key, namely the "round_key" and it is an optional key to an optional little "vault", liar. The chance it actually is unreachable is pretty damn low, bad luck for the player, yet an easy fix.

"3. and then a whole bunch of other open/destroy commands like for example:" This is the FIX for version 1.0, little boy. It even says so in the description of the mod. Once this is copied and pasted you won't get stuck anymore. In other words, the issues that have already been fixed for 1.0, like I said before, liar. ;)

Bottom line: you filthy liar suck at doing research, it is almost comical. It is almost as funny as your little boy vendetta, because the basics of the mod like reading item descriptions were too complex for your big head and you have started taking things personally. Adults would never lower themselves to such childish behavior, but perhaps you are just... mentally challenged.
When you wrote stuff earlier in this topic I took your little commands and false claims and turned them into ashes by bombarding you with reasons why your ideas suck and why your asumptions are plain wrong.

Now you thought you could give it another try, seeing "somebody else" posted in your favor.
So you were ACTUALLY lying in wait to strike at this very moment, now that you seemingly found a comrade. I believe I have never met anyone more pathetic than you, hands down. Please, piss off and work on your joke of a mod, it needs a LOT more work. :lol:
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Pompidom »

Lorial wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:01 pm
Pompidom wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 5:41 pm Ok let's get 1 thing clear, When somebody calls me a liar, you're officially done...
"Your mod is a buggy piece of shit where the party can get stuck in almost every single map." heheheh no, little boy, I finished it myself, so you are wrong as always. You got no evidence to back up your lies and keep claiming bullshite, liar. Tell me where EXACTLY you can get stuck forever. Let me guess, there is no such place and you cannot name a single one. That's right.
Let's be clear, I only played v1.0, the mod had over 20+ locations where you were stuck permanently. My honest review just made you go full batshit crazy. You're calling everyone in both steam and log forums that critizes the mod on some stuff either liars or retarded. You go on full on mental when people simply state objective facts or tell their honest opinion. It's quite the contrary, the steampage backs up every single statement I made. People still get stuck in version 1.2 or crash out with faulty scripts in v1.2 on multiple locations and instances. And i clearly stated that version 1.0 was about 10x worse which is probably more or les accurate seeing how you had to fix more than a dozen of permenently stuck areas

"Nobody has completed your mod over the 3 months time that it has been released." Oh I have, you are wrong. And nobody posted he/she had finished it, doesn't mean nobody has. You have no insight, quit assuming. I bet you would've cheated your way through with your min-maxing and your item spawning. :D False claim, liar.
What a surprise, the creator has finished his own mod! Have a cookie!

"And the steam page is full with "I AM STUCK" comments and "THIS MOD SUCKS"" "Full of it? I think you have serious perception issues, liar. Everyone gets stuck somewhere, even though the solution is hidden in plain sight. This does NOT mean they can never get out, liar boy.Then explain to me why you have to give them console cheat codes in the first place to get out of these trapped instances? But maybe you want to create a few more accounts and pretend you are SO STUCK. :D
Now who was the liar assuming stuff wrongfully?

"Then even after releasing 3 more versions, there are still people getting stuck just about everywhere." Just about everywhere? No, the same known locations which have already been altered. The Rutted Moor is infamous and it was designed that way. Then again, the area is entirely optional so you cannot even get stuck for real, as it won't slow down your progress in the slightest. Since you did research on the Steam page all you have is version 1.0. With version 1.1 and 1.2 that makes it three in total, you cannot even count to three, you dumb liar.
You released 2 different versions of 1.0 then 1.1 and then 1.2 Let's count together 1.0 (v2) 1.1 1.2 That's exactly 3 more versions.

"2. Console Spawn codes for various keys" No, one key, namely the "round_key" and it is an optional key to an optional little "vault", liar. The chance it actually is unreachable is pretty damn low, bad luck for the player, yet an easy fix.
Ornate key, broken key, round key. Who knows how many more keys? I only played for like 8 hours before i deleted your crappy mod. I ended up with 3 different instances of the broken key in my inventory, simply because the locks accept any item and simply accepted torches instead of keys. Then again "broken key" probably hints at your broken mod.

"3. and then a whole bunch of other open/destroy commands like for example:" This is the FIX for version 1.0, little boy. It even says so in the description of the mod. Once this is copied and pasted you won't get stuck anymore. In other words, the issues that have already been fixed for 1.0, like I said before, liar. ;)
Yet you still have to give multiple cheat console commands to people who are playing v1.2
And people are running into crashes left and right all over the place.

Bottom line: you filthy liar suck at doing research, it is almost comical. It is almost as funny as your little boy vendettaWho?, because the basics of the mod like reading item descriptions were too complex for your big head and you have started taking things personally. When I give an honest and objective review and the mod creator can't handle criticism and then starts insulting people how they suck at your mod and continue calling everyone a liar or a retard, then yes I take it personally.Adults would never lower themselves to such childish behavior, but perhaps you are just... mentally challenged. just /facepalm
When you wrote stuff earlier in this topic I took your little commands and false claims and turned them into ashes by bombarding you with reasons why your ideas suck and why your asumptions are plain wrong.
All you did was flipping everyone off that posted their honest opinion about your mod. Multiple people in multiple forums are saying the exact same things I did.

Now you thought you could give it another try, seeing "somebody else" posted in your favor.
So you were ACTUALLY lying in wait to strike at this very moment, now that you seemingly found a comrade. I believe I have never met anyone more pathetic than you, hands down. Please, piss off and work on your joke of a mod, it needs a LOT more work. :lol:
Everything I posted up that point in that post as a reply to your shenanigans and General_Milky was simply constructive criticism where I agreed, that it's your every right to implement crappy mechanics because you personally prefer them. And all I did was explain objectively why your mod and your posts simply generate hate.

Look this forum is here for 1 reason only. To create enjoyable mods for people as a community. And yes sometimes criticism is a big part of it encouraging eachother to do better. If a mod is great, I will tell it like it is.
When it is awful, I will tell so too And sometimes a mod is great, but it's just not my cup of tea. And I will say so too. There is nothing wrong with criticism. Bugs and crashes in v1.0 of a mod is acceptable. But releasing a mod where the console spawns error messages ad infinitum with more gamebreaking bugs then I have fingers on my hands is really questionable.

And all you choose to do is ignore everyone's criticism telling how they're "wrong" and "liars" like President Trump throwing tantrums while lying yourself on just about everything.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by General_Milky »

Wow, this thread got pretty heated. I am piping back up to say that no, I'm not this guy's alt. I'm "Yeena!" from Steam. Somebody who just finished Grimrock 2, wanted more, and checked out a few custom maps. Your's was the second I tried, I spent upwards of 7 hours running circles around a relatively tiny play area, and got so frustrated with the obtuse switches and unintuitive problem solving that I left a ragepost on Steam then signed up here to ask more levelheadedly what is up with this level design. Seemed I sparked one hell of a flame war, though.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by Lorial »

General_Milky wrote: Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:00 am Wow, this thread got pretty heated...
How about this, next time you run into a problem: Don't ragepost as if anyone owed you something for playing the mod, but simply ask for help like everyone else does? So far this method has worked wonders in the comments sections and it usually ended in a "Ahhh, thank you, missed X." If you were to compare your approach to get help for the Moor with others', you might find fine differences, especially the outcome. It's your move now.

It was never a "flame war", just an annoying kid waiting for his pitiful chance to spill his guts who I had to call on the carpet - again. Apparently, this breed never understands when to stop. However, the clown above has disqualified himself with his Trump analogy. Kids and politics, has never worked yet...
If only we had the chance to remove harassers on the spot with a single click, would save me a lot of unnecessary moron mauling.
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Re: [New Mod] Falagar - A Journey

Post by minmay »

Lorial wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:01 pm"Nobody has completed your mod over the 3 months time that it has been released." Oh I have, you are wrong.
This thread is amazing in general, but this little exchange is my favourite part
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