Since there were already requests for this, I am going to briefly introduce my mod "Falagar - A Journey" to you.
The mod has been released on Steam in December (requires a copy&paste fix) and it is available on NexusMods (fixed version 1.1) since January 1st.
In order to get a better understanding, I will try to answer questions/concerns I received frequently. For more detailed information, follow the download links below.
What is Falagar?
It is a 40+ hour adventure with both dungeons and open world maps that allow a certain freedom of progression, but some areas are sealed off by force fields or teleporters till you trigger a specific event (e.g. a boss fight). The mod tries to stay close to the original without implementation of fancy music tracks or assets. However, it offers some unique looking maps, including dark "open" caves/caverns and an indoor snow/ice dungeon.

Is it heavily story-driven?
Do not expect a "story", NPCs with tons of text or plot twists in Falagar, but rather a journey in which you encounter and overcome enemies and other obstacles. You are supposed to defeat the four guardians, collect the elemental spheres to eventually gain access to the dragonrider. Some notes give hints to hidden locations or recipes, but that's it - plain and simple progressional gameplay.
Is there anything custom made?
Falagar uses custom items, races, traits, skills, spells, altered monsters and an enhanced alchemy and healing system, see the links below for more detailed information. Besides the marvellous Winter Tileset by Skuggasveinn, I created my own 2D graphics for items, but no new 3D meshes or portrait sets. Custom monsters behave differently, have altered stats and cause new conditions like intoxication or fevers. In addition to this, certain traits are not visible and require a keen eye to recognize what lies beyond, e.g. armor sets, a mundane looking item or negative effects of a shiney piece of heavy armor.
Is it another awefully difficult slaughter mod?
Not at all. The difficulty can be set to "hard" without running into insurmountable situations ("single-use crystals" has not been tested). You should always have the right tool for a job. Additionally, the difficulty varies depending on choice of races and classes and it is not intended to be the same with different parties. So if you are a seasoned player expecting a brutal challenge, look elsewhere. You might want to take care of your resistances, though. I would rate it "M" for medium difficulty.
As a heads-up: you will not stumble upon your first blue healing crystal before approximately an hour of playtime, so make good use of the few restoration potions you find early on.
Are there tough boss fights?
Besides the aforementioned guardians, you will run into a number of bosses, sometimes occuring in pairs or groups, but none of which should be too difficult to proceed. Naturally, some bosses may require more than one attempt to beat them and some environmental hazards and traps can be used to your advantage. Neither is this supposed to be another Souls-like game, nor a walk in the park.
Are there many puzzles?
Not quite, at least if you were to walk straight through without looking for secrets and hidden switches. However, since exploration is a huge part of the mod, there is a significant number of secrets to find, granting goodies and sometimes useful "tools" for specific situations. Or you might receive a weapon earlier in the run.
Is it buggy?
There might be graphical issues here and there and the items lists aren't 100% clean, but none should pose a problem. Certain immobile monsters may cause harmless console spam, I would recommend to turn the console off. Despite that, you can play the entire mod from start to finish.
What about the replay value?
While there is no procedually generated content, there are five custom races, a number of new traits, custom-made classes and altered original classes. Each combination allows for a different specialization and therefore a different experience making certain areas harder and others easier. Items that were of no use before are becoming your favorites with the next group.
What is the best weapon/race/class/misc?
There is no such thing in the mod. Each race and class has specific pros and cons and items resonate better with certain classes as bonuses are granted when wielding specific items. While weapon X does more damage, you might get a bonus to stats, crits or accuracy using weapon Y instead. Magic wand Z may not spout nukes, but it may prevent wounds for a moment instead. A shield may give negative values, however, it could be imbued with a spell...

Last but not least, any feedback is always welcome. If you need a helping hand, don't hesitate to ask on either platform. I will also add a link below to my playthrough in German. This might function as a useful "walkthrough" if you are stuck, even if you do not understand a single word.

I also added a video in which I describe the mod briefly and showcase the classes, traits, skills and races in detail.
And finally, do not forget to rate the mod after you tried it for a bit, even if you dislike it. Thank you in advance.
Download Links:
- ... 1574086606
Youtube Playthrough [GER]:
- ... ILx8bZeKyx
Mod Introduction and Detailed Explanation [ENG]:
Hope you enjoy your first playthrough and good luck with it.