Hi SapientCrow
I NEVER thought someone would carry the serpent staff long enough to use it in the meditation rooms

. You're supposed to get rid of it waaaaaay sooner in the game! But congrats, you just found a new glitch in my mod! (I'll have to put regular doors though

The Archive door is the one you need to open now to go further into your adventure. For the "good reading" room, don't forget that you are in a library.
You're supposed to put the scrolls found in this level to their respective alcove. The colored lights give you a hint for each alcove. Try to cast a spell of darkness or to remove your torch if you can't see well
Here is the solution:
Starting from upper left to lower right: fire shield ; poison shield ; darkness ; frost shield ; shock shield ; basic shield
For the other questions:
- the "wise man" note is not meant to be used for the mystical moutains puzzle but for the Shrine of Meditation (hence the title

). For this one you'll need to carefully read the note and look around you
- yes, there is enough lockpicks for all the chests (though the chests are secondary, as in the vanilla campain)
- Are you sure it was an iron key under the village? You're supposed to find a brass key and a round key. Do you remember where exactly you found it ? Because i don't find it anywhere in the editor
- In the Mystical Moutains, you're not so far, but remember that all the clues given by the heads are useful to solve this multi-step puzzle
One of the heads tells you about the "wisps" (plural). Maybe you could try to pull the lever and look around?
Use the same method for the second blob and... dig! But the puzzle is not over yet. At this point i think you can figure out the rest for yourself, or look for the next hint
You have to put the spirit pendant on the altar on top of the cliff ("Elevate your spirit"). Directions will appear on the cliff, if you remember what, or who, is the "beacon"
And don't worry about the "precious" and the "shrine of the meteor", you're supposed to get in there later in the game. Enjoy!