[MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by THOM »

Pompidom wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:54 pm I'd love to take a look at the editor file to see how you did things the way you did.
Well - I must admit that I am a bit shy to give away my editor file. But if you ask for certain things I can give you the script or something. Just send me a PM.

sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm One other question I notice in Wizard archive a area which seems to open at some point but I am not able to open it. I think it is on the second floor. It is by the more secret ornate key.
You mean the secret door that has opened alone? - Well, you havn't solved the blob puzzle in the Archive then?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I have found the balance essence opened the chest and found 2 secrets in the area.
In the Archive are no more secrets then...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I also found 3 tomes for magic but no fire tome?
There is one.
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm Do you have perhaps a break down of secrets per area not with locations as much as just to know how many per locations or as you say landscape.
Well - I have a list with all secrets and solutions, yes. But you only want to know how many are in each landscape, right?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I think the recipe perhaps should be greater or regular energy potion.
Oh - I have never thought about that! So sorry that you are missing this then.
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm And that button 3 2 1 does it make more sense later on or is that the extent of the hint for secret?
I tried pressing it 3 2 1 waiting some time in between. I tried placing 3 items pressing placing 2 pressing placing 1. I tried placing pressing 3 then removing then pressing 2.. etc. I tried all different combos I think with pull chain button by crystal and blue button and nada so far. Do I just press the blue or does it involve other buttons? Will I get further clues for it.
The note is the only hint. And you need no item. And it seems that you are very close already. Or maybe you solved it already but are not aware of it? Have you unlocked any secrets in the Laborytory?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm Oh in Garden is the golden harpoon for show only? Do I use the slab for anything?
The harpoon is just a sign. You can't get it. - Slab, which slab? Also in the Garden of the Monkey? Then never mind it...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I did not want to leave Lab yet in case I could not return. I have 17/37 secrets so far.
Well - yes... What to say? - You could unlock 21 secrets at this point...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm
thanks for a really interesting Mod. All these unique assets are pretty fantastic!!
Thank you! I am really delighted when someone plays what I have worked on for two years. And if someone likes it - as you apparently do - I am really happy!
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by sapientCrow »

THOM wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:57 pm
Pompidom wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:54 pm I'd love to take a look at the editor file to see how you did things the way you did.
Well - I must admit that I am a bit shy to give away my editor file. But if you ask for certain things I can give you the script or something. Just send me a PM.

sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm One other question I notice in Wizard archive a area which seems to open at some point but I am not able to open it. I think it is on the second floor. It is by the more secret ornate key.
You mean the secret door that has opened alone? - Well, you havn't solved the blob puzzle in the Archive then?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I have found the balance essence opened the chest and found 2 secrets in the area.
In the Archive are no more secrets then...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I also found 3 tomes for magic but no fire tome?
There is one.
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm Do you have perhaps a break down of secrets per area not with locations as much as just to know how many per locations or as you say landscape.
Well - I have a list with all secrets and solutions, yes. But you only want to know how many are in each landscape, right?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I think the recipe perhaps should be greater or regular energy potion.
Oh - I have never thought about that! So sorry that you are missing this then.
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm And that button 3 2 1 does it make more sense later on or is that the extent of the hint for secret?
I tried pressing it 3 2 1 waiting some time in between. I tried placing 3 items pressing placing 2 pressing placing 1. I tried placing pressing 3 then removing then pressing 2.. etc. I tried all different combos I think with pull chain button by crystal and blue button and nada so far. Do I just press the blue or does it involve other buttons? Will I get further clues for it.
The note is the only hint. And you need no item. And it seems that you are very close already. Or maybe you solved it already but are not aware of it? Have you unlocked any secrets in the Laborytory?
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm Oh in Garden is the golden harpoon for show only? Do I use the slab for anything?
The harpoon is just a sign. You can't get it. - Slab, which slab? Also in the Garden of the Monkey? Then never mind it...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm I did not want to leave Lab yet in case I could not return. I have 17/37 secrets so far.
Well - yes... What to say? - You could unlock 21 secrets at this point...
sapientCrow wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:57 pm
thanks for a really interesting Mod. All these unique assets are pretty fantastic!!
Thank you! I am really delighted when someone plays what I have worked on for two years. And if someone likes it - as you apparently do - I am really happy!
Ahh so I am missing 4 already... bummer.
Yes it would be great to know secrets per area. Like secrets in water area, secrets in archive etc... this way I can look around more.
I seem to have missed the fire tome... hmmm

Oh wow I just figured it out by one other idea for the lab for the 3 2 1 secret and now I got it.
So now I am missing 3 secrets I am missing out on before dark forest blue gem teleport.
Got to go and look for fire tome.

Yes I really do like it. It is very different and it was obvious right from where we started on a spot where I needed to dig to go down below. And the underwater masks... I was so sad when I had to give them back... haha but that area is great.
And of course all the different things like slabs and water flow direction and the garden puzzles and the different blob puzzles so much cool stuff. But now I am bothered I missed 3 secrets... bummer.
Oh man the screaming eggs so freaked me out too... haha

Have to say though I played on Hard and invisibility is so required like for naga x4 room and then the snake ambush and woah the invisible monster that was so interesting and scary!

Secrets per area for completionists would be fantastic.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by sapientCrow »

I seem to be missing a secret or more in castle/crypt/lower crypt. I managed to find 7 chalices and also the secret love given. This secret seems to not be working as intended??
I dragged ghost into the room with heart on floor and pulled left door chain randomly. After a moment she got stuck at heart and the ghost of a man walked in and then I got secret. Later on I found the man body and placed both dead bodies on altar where I got 500 exp. I also got 600 exp from 7th chalice
I now have an additional 3 sets of other bones. Stripped unknown and pegged out body which is a duplicate to the one in forest. I also have a snail and a red gem.
I have lit all torches in room where heart is on floor. (can not get to the one behind table where skull is)
I also lit the torch above the pit where you fall down and it has a wall writing saying it is a fake.
I tried going back and placing the crown on the place where you put helmet.
I tried putting an item in every single alcove.
I found the secret bridge/walkway in lower crypt by crystal and where it says you can obviously fly.
Thought maybe I would dig there. Noticed one side has dirt on ground other side does not. I tried throwing through walls and doing laps but nothing seems to open up further. I managed to go down that bunch of ladders into the pit where I find circlet of war. I put a torch there and hung a shield on the hook. I wonder am I supposed to use another item on hook?. Found the 2 rocks on floor so I imagined I must have to throw something... ??
Also do I get at the blue gem from above castle or do I get to it from the crypt?
I did bowl room and opened ethereal field and got vorpal blade but that door is still not open on either side.

So perhaps I am missing a secret I need to do later on?? I have not placed blue gem in receptacle yet.
Oh and are the random undead that do not attack back important to keep alive? One has a book nearby and the other a mugwort.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by THOM »

Oho - that's a longer post - and I'm sometimes not sure if you ask me a question or just sharing your progress.
Let's see...
sapientCrow wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:20 pm I seem to be missing 1 golden chalice and I think it is in the lower crypt.
In the lower level is one.
sapientCrow wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:20 pm and it has a wall writing saying it is a fake.
Have you found out, what the fake is?
sapientCrow wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:20 pm I found the secret bridge/walkway in lower crypt by crystal and where it says you can obviously fly.
So you've found the chalice nearby?
sapientCrow wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:20 pm Also do I get at the blue gem from above castle or do I get to it from the crypt?
I did bowl room and opened ethereal field and got vorpal blade but that door is still not open on either side.
In the room with the ghost bowl is no other door than the one you walked in through.
To enter the room with the blue gem you have to approach from south to north (and it seems you already have been very close).
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by THOM »

Ah - you have edited your post. So then:
As far as I see the love-secret worked as intended. Did both ghosts dissapear after they met?
Undeads that do not attack? Can't remember implementing some...
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by sapientCrow »

THOM wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:44 pm Ah - you have edited your post. So then:
As far as I see the love-secret worked as intended. Did both ghosts dissapear after they met?
Undeads that do not attack? Can't remember implementing some...
I do not know how I open certain doors and such. I assume the fake means the fake wall?
Yah there are 2 undead that do not attack one of them gives 1 exp when killed. Stands next to a earth tome. The other I did not kill but also does not attack. Stands next to a mugwort and a potion of resurrection.
I managed to get the love secret but then what are the bones for. The event with ghosts happened before I had the mans bones from behind a wall that opened somehow. I guess I can kill the ghost before event with Vorpal?
I have the snail and red gem. I am thinking of trying something with snail after reading its description. However the red gem?? Is it used in Crypt or Castle?

I am now in swamp and just lowered forcefield and have a few questions.
The altar nearby the forcefield I have tried the skeleton figure. I took the empowered voodoo doll and tried it. I have tried bones and a bunch of other things and nothing worked thus far. In total I have found 2 secrets in swamp. Both of which were walking down pathways that activated them. I left the curse items. Does that lead to a secret by being cursed?
I have a feeling the only thing I have left is the altar but I wonder if I need to be cursed or what I missed.
I really like all these unique assets and puzzles. However I would of liked more hints in game for solutions or things to look for. The skulls for forcefield was obvious they were needed but how. Also if you throw the skull at forcefield it gets stuck on left side and cant be picked back up to replace it. Luckily I had an extra so I did not have to reload.

Basically how many secrets are in swamp and castle/crypt?
I only found 1 that gave me secret sound in castle/crypt and 2 in swamp.
I have not figured out the altar in swamp yet nor did I figure out snail or red gem. And I still have 4 sets of bones. If I grab the bones from curse spot in swap I will have 3 sets of pegged bones. Are they useful later on?
I dug up 2 treasures in swamp. Are there more here?

Now into Ice Castle:
I got 2 secrets here. There is a pedestal much like the one by the teleporter in swamp that I could not figure out what to do with. I manged to get keys for hallways in Northern King place. and I got 2 secrets but I have no idea how exactly I opened the wall with frostbite necklace. Or how I turned ice shooter around or how I turned off ice shooter or got rid of teleporter. I basically went around and put the torch and removed it in each of the receptacles for torches. At this point it seems like total rng/luck if I will find a secret because the amount of variables or possible variables is enough to take days of work to iron out which is the actual method that opens a secret. In Norther Kingdom there are empty alcoves, empty torches levers pull chain benches that you can place things on etc. etc.
I think perhaps some more cues and clues to when certain things activate would be really fantastic. I am very much a completionist and I really like all these unique approaches to solve problems
the throwing of rum at ice walls was brilliant
but no way I am testing so many variables in order to maybe find a secret.

thanks for all the help! And this very cool Mod
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by THOM »

You can use the bones at a certain spot. You get not a secret - just a bonus.

Yes, you can kill the female ghost with the Vorpalblade - that's another way to solve the situation...

Snail figure and red gem - both have no meaning here.

The Crypt hat 2 secrets.

If you have used the empowered figurine on the altar you already did it. Maybe you havn't realized the difference...

Being cursed doesn't lead to anything - it's just a bad condition.

Also in the Swamp are 2 secrets.

You have turned off the circling icebolts by finding the right button. Take this as a hint...

There are 4 secrets here.
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by sapientCrow »

THOM wrote: Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:25 am CRYPT
You can use the bones at a certain spot. You get not a secret - just a bonus.

Yes, you can kill the female ghost with the Vorpalblade - that's another way to solve the situation...

Snail figure and red gem - both have no meaning here.

The Crypt hat 2 secrets.

If you have used the empowered figurine on the altar you already did it. Maybe you havn't realized the difference...

Being cursed doesn't lead to anything - it's just a bad condition.

Also in the Swamp are 2 secrets.

You have turned off the circling icebolts by finding the right button. Take this as a hint...

There are 4 secrets here.
Thanks for response...
Do you mean all bones or just the male/female bones?

wow 4 secrets in Wargland... I found 2 inside. I am thinking the 3 dragon statues outside mean something?
so is there 3 inside and 1 outside? Maybe getting the receptacle unshielded and having a bolt hit it or did those bolts hitting that just add more bolts?

I just did mine and got 4 secrets there

Oh the altar I was talking about I guess based on the note back in lab is for essence
I thought maybe the essences went on the four altars in the lab.

Now I have pickaxe I can try and find the dark forest secrets.

Edit: I managed to find one secret with pickaxe. The other one which is 9 meters from the life crystal I can not. It seems to be in wall and digging does not work and I found no teleportation anywhere.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by sapientCrow »

I simply can not find the place to put the air essence.
The last place I can go is the mine.
Have found no where in Castle/Crypt or in Dark Forest for an essence.
Also I have to use console to spawn blue gem in castle as it never appears anywhere I can find.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v1.5

Post by THOM »

The spot for the air essence comes late in the game. (obviously in the "air" landscape...)

What castle do you mean where no blue gem appears?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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