Project Default Town Map

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Project Default Town Map

Post by Pompidom »

The first LoG2 mod I played was Eye of Atlantis by Drakkan, and having played that Mod, I was obviously spoiled by the amount of features like for example shops with coins.
Exellion Mod came close, and I also liked some features of "Magic of Grimrock" but most other mods simply felt "default and boring" by the lack of custom scripts, features and assets.

Now I noticed there are people who like making new LoG2 worlds out there, but they stick to basic stuff as they lack programming skills.
Sadly, I lack both, I can't build great worlds and I certainly can't program custom scripts.

What I can do is follow tutorials and I started my own test project with the help of this topic:

I started out simple:

- I managed to make magic scrolls a mandatory requirement to be able to use the spell
- I added breakable walls
- I started making a shop and then realized that the dropbox links from the creator are dead/expired so now I'm stuck unable to finish my shops.

So basically my goal is to make 1 custom Town map project with the help of experienced modders.
Basically a project where most advanced scripts are already pre-implemented so "default-modders" can simply build an entire open world around it without having to figure out how to add all the cool custom stuff. I'm talking about a town map with all the cool features of other mods already implemented.
- Weaponshop
- Armorshop
- Blacksmith
- Alchemist shop
- Upgrade/enchant system/shop (like exellion mod)
- custom spell system
- money system with copper, silver, gold coins etc.. and a ledger (eye of atlantis)
- Quest npc's
- a Spellbook like "Magic of Grimrock"
- quickslot system
- custom items/weapons/armors etc...
- custom alchemy system
- simple addons like breakable walls

Basically something like the town map in the mod: Eye of the Atlantis from Drakkan.

A Default Town map for everyone to build their own world around it.

So basically a plea for help to help me make this project a success :)
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Curunir »

Just my two cents - none of the "features" you listed excite me and I don't find any of them desirable. Grimrock was never intended and designed as a game that should include any of this and the style of play and general vibe of the game, in my opinion, clashes very strongly with the proposed additions.
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Komag »

I think that while some people aren't interested at all, others would welcome such a system. But I also think you will not find any volunteers to do the work for you. Activity in the forums is sparse, manpower is extremely limited, so if you want this to happen you will need to learn to code well enough to do it on your own.
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Isaac »

I found this yesterday, it's a neat Lua reference sheet:
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Pompidom »

Komag wrote:I think that while some people aren't interested at all, others would welcome such a system. But I also think you will not find any volunteers to do the work for you. Activity in the forums is sparse, manpower is extremely limited, so if you want this to happen you will need to learn to code well enough to do it on your own.
I am willing to do all the work myself, but i would need all the scripts from the expired links to pull it off.

I contacted some modders privately if they would be willing to share their projects so I can take a look at their scripts to see how they did it.

Let's see how far we can get :)
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Pompidom »

Isaac wrote:I found this yesterday, it's a neat Lua reference sheet:
Hey Isaac :)

Thx for the info, but this is not exactly what I'm looking for.
I'm not going to dabble in coding myself.

I'm basically looking to implement stuff that's already completed and implemented in mods.
And then copy/paste the best bits.

For example the script for mandatory spell scrolls in the inventory was simply to copy and paste the script from somebody else into the init file.
Info that was readily available and approved to be shared and used freely.

I started building an alcove shop like the shops in Eye of the Atlantis, but the links to the required files are expired so I can't currently continue.
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by AndakRainor »

Hi! I got your private message about this project.

- Concerning Magic of Grimrock, I'm okay with you copying scripts from it, that's why I basically shared the project files on my Nexus page.

- Concerning towns, it's a work in progress in my other mod Eternal Recurrence. I don't share source files of this project for the moment. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do it in the future. As it is a procedural generation mod, it is all about scripts and most modders aren't really into coding either :)

I also have limited time to work on Grimrock mods so I can help you but maybe not as much as you would like! Taking scripts from several authors and making them all work fine together can be messy, and challenging for sure. And that part will require good coding skills. It would go as far as gaining a good understanding of the scripts themselves, what they do and how, up to the point that at the end you would have learned enough to write them yourself! So your project is (too much?) ambitious in my eyes :)

About the town areas I am currently working on, I have a very different GUI than what you saw in Eye of the Atlantis. Basically I use a 2D GUI whenever you enter a tavern or a shop. There is a quest system and a recuit system available in taverns. Those 2D GUIs were inspired by the Ishar games if you know them :)
That said you could also use some humanoid models, or ratlings with special animations and poses from Zimber to set up satisfying 3D shops (but with some 2D menus for convenient trading I guess?).
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Pompidom »

Exellion used a 2D list shop as well, are you referring to something like that?

For me personally, it doesn't need to be very fancy. it just has to work. So others can simply make use of it
For example a clunky alcove shop or a 2D shop like I have seen in Exellion mod. I'm all up for it.
Either choice is fine. And both options worked.

If people are willing to take their time and add their custom stuff to it. I would be very happy offcourse.

So many great features in your Magic of Grimrock mod I would like to add as well.

Alchemy system, shortcuts to name a few
I love your spell system as well, having a blast but it's super overpowered and makes the game super easy even on Hard.
That's why I find it a bit "overdone" :D

If people are willing to implement their system in the project that would be great offcourse.
But first I will have to make the "Town map" and set some shops up before I can start adding stuff.
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by AndakRainor »

Taverns and shops: not like Exellion, it's a full screen 2D GUI.

About the balance of Magic of Grimrock, I received so many very very angry feedback from players saying the game is absurdly hard even in normal difficulty that I can't agree balance concerns are that simple. My guess is that it makes the game easier for veteran players of Grimrock because it opens many more options than vanilla that combined together are indeed powerful. Most average players tend to stick with very few options the game gives them (also true in Isle of Nex or any mod). Maybe you played a very old version when balance was not really done yet? Or you have simply played Grimrock a lot :)
(give me twice the damage output against monsters with twice the vanilla health and nothing changes ;))

I'll keep you informed about the town systems I'm working on. Which assets do you use in your project?
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Re: Project Default Town Map

Post by Pompidom »

When it comes down to shops, it all comes down what the easiest method will be to simply copy from somebody else.

- If I go the clunky alcove shop way, I have access to a step by step youtube tutorial that I can use, I just need access to the expired links.

Vandalar's Exellion mod shop is done by GrimTk's GUI Framework and looks like a difficult challenge for me.

Basically if somebody for example could make me 1 simple shop that sells the 6 default alchemy ingredients for 1 silver coin each, no selling required.
Then I could take a look at how it's done and then simply do the same myself for all the other shops I plan to implement myself individually.

I'm hoping to grab a hold on the Eye of atlantis project to see how Drakkan made his alcove shops as he probably used the script that i'm looking for from Prozail.

And I finished your Magic of Grimrock mod today. Latest version 3.4 with a brand new lvl 1 party.
I enjoyed it very much. It was a blast. I'm just used to play all games on hardest difficulty :)
Including LoG2 mods.
Everything was quite easy on Hard difficulty as I simply stacked water enchantments on all of my armors and weapons to stack hp/energy and most importantly cooldown reduction.
My characters all had around 800+ hp and 600+ energy and ended up being level 30 by the end of the game.
Most aura's stack cumulative in duration, so I ran 24/7 with all possible party aura's both offensive and defensive.
Their timers were up to 8000+ seconds each for every single aura which was very easy to do when your mage has virtually no cooldown and unlimited energy with osmosis and heals.
My 2 front guys were knights 24/7 in bear form enraged with 400~ protection and vengeance upped them to a whopping 180~ strength. They could almost attack twice each second indiviudally, so i just clicked both of them like a minigun for insane dps.
Osmosis + 3 different long lasting regeneration spells activated at the same time made sure my health didn't even go down.
Meanwhile offensive freezing aura and flame aura burned and perma freezed most opponents when surrounded.
Dragon boss on Tower was a piece of cake.
And endgame Trickster + Dungeon Master was simply a case of trapping the trickster in a corner with a forcefield so he couldn't move away and I could tear them to shreds without him being able to teleport away. Basically, I never finished default LoG2 before. I played Log2 a few years ago, but never got around completing it. So I had never been in the crystal mines and tower before.
Were it not for your mod, I probably would have never completed the default campaign.

And about your assets questions; Currently I have nothing. I simply have a test map with a non functional alcove shop.
I have 1 breakable wall.
And a magic system that requires the possession of the corresponding magic scroll.

I plan on adding town assets first, so I can actually make a town that doesn't look like a dungeon.
Then I plan to add your spells and spell scrolls because I will need them to make a functional magic shop
Probably going to add Minmay's assets.
And then Winter tile sets etc...

I will see what I can accomplish tomorrow :)
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