Well, so many questions... If you have the Magic Book, look at the missions and follow the clues.gylippos wrote:i am trying to access the mausoleum under the waste. I can't get the door to open, even though I have put the medallion on the altar many times and killed a lot of ice demons when I have taken it off. Putting the crowern statuettes on there, with or without the medallion, only prodeces more icemen but no action on the door. How do I get it open? I am here because I don't have the book of runes to take back to the bridge puzzle. I haven't seen a dog panel on the floor.
Another way to understand: _ South, East and Center of Underwaste are multiple access zones. In the Center, where you use the bridge's commands, you have a locked door. It's the way to access the little dome you can see on the upper level when you stand by the Life Crystal. Here is also the dog's mosaïc.
_ North is essential to explore for succedding in the main quest (two access, one locked, one secret, and the bridge...)
_ The temple on the West side have three access: 2 locked by doors (N and S), 1 by the central bridge. In here you have altars to invoke the Drawned Good
_ to unlock the access, you need keys (founded here), raven figurines (founded elsewhere), a book (to found here) and some power gems, whatever they came from.

You talk about a mausoleum; if it's the Mausoleum of the Thirds, it's out of Underwaste...

Good luck!
