Hey, I downloaded your custom story and been enjoying it so far, even though I haven't made it past first area. Could you maybe tell me how many areas does this custom story have? Is it somewhere between 5-10 or maybe more? Is it combat or exploration based?
wine cellar i found there only a secret button..
and the game has 23 levels and many combat.. later on they are huge and strong..specialy the cabin captain...
i imported a higher level party...
and i am now in the labyrinth of moanings.... jee what a monster!!!! (the one eye,s.. own creation? i never see this before.!!
I am missing the "Pale green key" in the Temple of the Ancient Heathen. Upper right section of the floor map. Can someone give me a clue of where it may be found. I have searched every wall for a hidden button. Killed off all creatures on this level.Thank you
paulclementi wrote:I am missing the "Pale green key" in the Temple of the Ancient Heathen. Upper right section of the floor map. Can someone give me a clue of where it may be found. I have searched every wall for a hidden button. Killed off all creatures on this level.Thank you
Wing of Bishop Bertolli. A room where there are 2 snake statues. The key was at the guard. Examine the floor carefully in the room.
and now i am struggeling in the temple of the dark elves.. a very heave and angry fire harry and no healing christals... 2 alcoves with messages my house my castle and..not breathing not freezing not starve..
and a light blue circle in a corridor on the map......
hansbleeb wrote:2 alcoves with messages my house my castle and..not breathing not freezing not starve..
and a light blue circle in a corridor on the map......
try to take advantage of the things that you found earlier ...
hansbleeb wrote:
wat is the best strategy against that guy... now i am again dead...!!!!
I really hope that Orace, Torst, macBos or kingrilian will share the secrets of the victory over this monster ...
My tactics was
to circle around the middle part and take him down from distance (priority - not let him fire the missiles). Prepare a bunch of healing and energy potions too
To be honest I find this fight in the whole MOD as the toughest one.