My other mod is coming along nicely, but it'll still be next year sometime. There's so much to do, which is because I want to make 'Allure of Nightfall' enjoyable like 'Isle'.
Kudos for this mod, it seems to be very huge and original. I am curently on 5 hours of play and seems like being stucked in Grimwern Excavation Site. I entered the Excavation Site level by falling through pit hole located in the very south east of Grimwern Woodlands (was that a mistake?). As I pulled all the levers and buttons in Grimwern Excavation Site there are still 2 closed iron doors in western part preventing me from escaping the level. Am I stucked there somehow?
Falling through the trapdoor is actually beneficial as it offers more items. Once you are there, push the secret button and open the heavy timber door.
You must complete most of this level if you wish to return to the surface, but it's not too dire. You can return to the excavation site once you visit the 'Athenaeum'.
There you'll find a teleporter that returns you to Grimwern Woodlands. You'll need the mine key to open the way to the excavation site in order to make it easier to return there.
To open the doors to the other parts of the excavation site and the Athenaeum, head north and north-east to solve some puzzles. These will allow you to exit.
Thanks for reply. But the problem are two iron doors preventing me to enter the location where the Athenaeum is. Although I pressed all the secret buttons and pulled all the levers in the level. Am I missing something else?
you must head north and solve the puzzles in order to open the gates. Head to the area that states "The usefulness of rocks should not be underestimated" and to the 'Test your might!" spot. Completing these sections will open the gates.
Thanks for clarification but sadly, it won't open the doors. If it suppose to open them then I think is bugged somehow in my case. I will have to pass them using console workaround I guess.
I must have moved the teleporter target to send the player before the iron doors and not after them. This was probably done during the 2.2 update.
Sorry about that.
I have fixed the Ice Lizard Steak issue in the Nomad's Demise - Caverns, too. I'll upload the fix when I get time, but for now please use the console to get past the doors.
The ice lizard steak crash did occur to me too. The solution which worked for me was to put all my ice lizard steaks on the floor before placing the item on the altar.
Hi! This is a really good mod, and I'm having a great time with it
I seem to be stuck now though, finally Maybe you can give me useful hint or two?
1) I have collected all essences except the second balance essence. I can see where it is, but a spear door still blocks the entrance to the NW area. I assumed it would go down after I killed the four bosses, but its still there...The last thing I did here was kill the air boss and enter the "air room". I picked up the two new power gems there and used the levers.
2) I actually killed the Earth vine boss first, but could never figure out how to reach the safe place/haven.
1) In order to acquire the final element, you must head to the Adventurer's Haven and pull the mine lever. It is hidden behind the thorn thicket west of the fire emporer's area (Magma Golem).
Once you pull the lever, head north-west to the balance area. You can only access the area if you have defeated four (not included the balance boss) of the elemental bosses.
2)This point is related to the first. You're on the right track, so place the essences on the beacons and defeat the bosses. Head north-east after opening the spear door, and you will be able to continue.
Let me know if you need any more help, but it doesn't seem you'll need it as you're doing really well so far. If I didn't create this mod, then I'd get stuck too .