[MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

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Post by minmay »

I don't see a version history, or any other way to tell you what version it happened in.

When I said "castle door", I didn't mean "a door in a castle-themed level". I meant "a castle door". I don't recall whether it was a castle_door_portcullis or castle_door_wooden, unfortunately. Specifically, I would always receive a crash if I saved while it was open, but not if I saved while it was closed. It was a door with a shortcut teleporter behind it.

"could not look up class name" means that you had a variable stored in a ScriptComponent that has a type that cannot be saved. This could be a Component, a GameObject, a Champion, a vec, a mat...
I recognize that this isn't much to go off of, but it would require a prohibitive amount of time for me to diagnose the problem more precisely.
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Post by zimberzimber »

I dropped on it from a higher elevation :twisted:
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Post by Doryann34 »

Hi everybody!
Sorry for not having given any news for such a long time.
I was busy with the russian translation of Fidoc's Doom, which is now live thanx to the amazing work of Badgert (from zoneofgames.ru). He got all texts and materials translated and also helped me update the intro and ending cinematics with full russian text. We also published the walkthrough in russian (http://www.fidocsdoom.com/russian)
@Zimber: in the meanwhile, I also got the exploit fixed regarding the creatures' killing from above :twisted: thx for noticing.
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.3

Post by minmay »

so I'm 99% sure that the saving crash happens because of this function in script_entity_69:

Code: Select all

function Trickster()\


if counter_14.counter:getValue() == 27 then

you're passing the wrong type of argument here; the arguments to MonsterOperateDeviceComponent should be strings that are the ids of the device and key, not the device/key objects themselves. As it happens, this is one of the few functions in Grimrock 2 that doesn't validate its arguments, and so trickster_1's MonsterOperateDeviceComponent ends up with an object reference it can't use and can't serialize.
You wanted:

Code: Select all

if counter_14.counter:getValue() == 27 then
(and the same for all the other performAction calls you have)
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.3

Post by Doryann34 »

Hi minmay!

You made my day!! I've been struggling so long to understand why this damned trickster wouldn't actually activate the lever, while the script was *apparently* running fine. The thing is, he was miming the gesture, but the lever remained unactivated. I ended up adding another line to the script, so that the lever's state effectively changed from "deactivated" to "activated"... but this was a kind of "last resort". After that, I corrected several other bugs and I did not encounter again the saving crash, nor did my betatesters report it to me.
But I'm sure you're right: this has to be the reason why some players would have their game crash while quick-saving in level -3.
Now, I corrected the script as you told me, and it just works perfectly. That's wonderful.

A million thanks for your time studying my game's scripts, and for your help!!
I added your name in the credits.

P.S. : sorry for not answering earlier. I've been on holidays in the Alps for 10 days, without computer.
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

Post by minmay »

Please remove my name from the credits.
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

Post by Doryann34 »

minmay wrote:Please remove my name from the credits.
I just wrote "thanks to minmay for the debugging help"

I can't see why you'd be bothered by a "thank you"?

even if you dislike the mod... :cry:
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

Post by minmay »

Do I need to provide a justification? I'd just rather not be mentioned in the credits. I'm not going to take legal action or anything if you put me in the credits, but I would prefer that you didn't.
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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

Post by Doryann34 »

minmay wrote:Do I need to provide a justification? I'd just rather not be mentioned in the credits. I'm not going to take legal action or anything if you put me in the credits, but I would prefer that you didn't.
Ok, no prob. I already modified the readmes, on Nexus and Moddb. And I should be able to update the game itself (with embedded text description) by this week-end.

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Re: [MOD] Fidoc's Doom 1.4

Post by minmay »

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