Favorite old school RPG's
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
It's definately the same with EQ! The bonds that were created are rather extraordinary. Even though we didn't know each other at first, most of my old guild keep in touch on a regular basis and meet up even if most of us haven't played for ten years. Ah, the joys of 100 man raids lasting for 12 hours... 

Re: Favorite old school RPG's
Yes, EQ was a great experience for me.
Although the founder of the genre theme park had a huge amount of RPG components, which is now lacking in MMOs.
Although the founder of the genre theme park had a huge amount of RPG components, which is now lacking in MMOs.
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
Remember buying that game second hand after being told to think of the film Aliens, by the guy selling it.DrDerekDoctors wrote:Xenomorph on the Atari ST. A sci-fi dungeon crawl with primitive first-person shooting thanks to the enemies being able to move *within* each cell of the map (albeit in big jumps). Plus it had some very cool gadgets in it which really added to the atmosphere, like a motion tracker. Delightfully, despite being set hundreds of year in the future, mankind was apparently still using 3.5" floppy disks to store information.
Was definitely an engrossing experience at the time, especially as it was possible to out manoeuvre hostiles instead of trying to kill everything. As there was no character levelling involved and no experience or loot awarded from kills. And on the later vent levels bypassing the slimes became a requirement as they seemed to become immune to weapons after regaining form from temporary crystalline state.
Was there anything similar to Xenomorph?
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
I had it on Amiga 500, awesome game! Never finished it though. I have visited your site and I know u finished it. Are youtube videos about Fate yours, also?Torst wrote:As my avatar imagine i'am a big fan of " Fate - Gates of dawn " and wondering why nobody doesn't knows this rpg or make a statement about this ?
The abillity to control up to 4 party's with up to 7 members was never be reached by any other rpg game.
For further information take a look here : http://dungeony.rpghry.cz/fate/
1: Dungeon Master
2: Fate-Gates of dawn
3: EOB
As for the best RPG's , I will go based on category:
- Best Ever : Eye of the Beholder ( Also best Intro, simple but atmospheric )
- Best lore & legend in a world : Morrowind
- Best RPG System : Realms of Arkania II - Star Trail
- Best Steampunk: Arcanum, of Steamworks and Magic Obscura ( Also best music )

"...on, into the dungeon..."
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
Hi Everybody!
My favorites cRPG:
1. My first cRPG was BLACK CRYPT (for me the best dungeon crawler to today); I played 3-4 times
3. KNIGHTMARE – very good game with pretty good puzzle riddles
4. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 1, 2 - I played 1x
This was on Amiga 500.
Then I bought my first PC (DX486 - 1995); my first game was …
5. …LANDS OF LORE – my favorite cRPG on PC. After few days my PC was broken and almost I cried because I could not played in LOL
. After repair I played again and I finished. And now I play this game again since a week, when I heard about LoG! (I played 4x)
6. After LoL I was looking for next and I found: STONEKEEP – also one of the best game for me. (I played 2x)
Next cRPG but not „dungeon crawler” was Betrayal at Krondor, NOX, BALDURS GATE 1, 2... and many others…
But now I'm waiting only for LEGEND OF GRIMROCK!
I must only defeat Scotia and I'll be free
My brain, eyes, ears and hands
can’t wait for this Great Game (my big hope!) - LEGEND OF GRIMROCK!
Sorry for my english…
My favorites cRPG:
1. My first cRPG was BLACK CRYPT (for me the best dungeon crawler to today); I played 3-4 times
3. KNIGHTMARE – very good game with pretty good puzzle riddles
4. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 1, 2 - I played 1x
This was on Amiga 500.
Then I bought my first PC (DX486 - 1995); my first game was …
5. …LANDS OF LORE – my favorite cRPG on PC. After few days my PC was broken and almost I cried because I could not played in LOL

6. After LoL I was looking for next and I found: STONEKEEP – also one of the best game for me. (I played 2x)
Next cRPG but not „dungeon crawler” was Betrayal at Krondor, NOX, BALDURS GATE 1, 2... and many others…
But now I'm waiting only for LEGEND OF GRIMROCK!
I must only defeat Scotia and I'll be free

My brain, eyes, ears and hands

Sorry for my english…
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
Not an easy question at all, and I'm a bit unsure on what actually counts as "old school", but here are some of my favourites, in no particular order:
Planescape Torment
Lands of Lore
Ultima 7
Fallout 1-2 (I also liked New Vegas, but that one is hardly old school)
Temple of Elemental Evil
Icewind Dale
Ultma Underworld
Reals of Arkania (3 in particular).
Planescape Torment
Lands of Lore
Ultima 7
Fallout 1-2 (I also liked New Vegas, but that one is hardly old school)
Temple of Elemental Evil
Icewind Dale
Ultma Underworld
Reals of Arkania (3 in particular).
- Michael_ZZ
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:35 am
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
My first RPG was AMBERMOON on my C= Amiga which got me hooked.
And then my all time favourite is BALDUR'S GATE ... of course.
And then my all time favourite is BALDUR'S GATE ... of course.
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
My favorite old school RPG is definitely Ultima Online. I LOVE that game! Its on the older side but I have spend more time playing that game then any other game hands down. By far the best game I have ever played!
- Scorcher24
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:32 am
Re: Favorite old school RPG's
My first rpg ever, was "Bards Tale" on C64.
Favorites of all times, in no specific order:
Bards Tale
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday
Elder Scrolls Series
Baldurs Gate of course
Wizardry Series
Might and Magic Series
Divine Divinity (yes, Hack and Slash, but still enough RP in it)
Ego Draconis (successor of Divine Dinivity)
Phew, quite a lot
Favorites of all times, in no specific order:
Bards Tale
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday
Elder Scrolls Series
Baldurs Gate of course
Wizardry Series
Might and Magic Series
Divine Divinity (yes, Hack and Slash, but still enough RP in it)
Ego Draconis (successor of Divine Dinivity)
Phew, quite a lot

Re: Favorite old school RPG's
I've played a lot of MMOs but Star Wars Galaxies was the one I actively did a lot of actual role-playing in.Torst wrote:Atm i play Lotro again,after all that new Mmo's i've tried its the only one i can called mmorpg .
Guess its the same with EQ ?
The old one are the bests.