I am stuck and already "getting hungry" ...

Problems: Cannot find the last Magic gem.. have collected only 15.. I know that there is one Troll in these "water levels"... I can hear him, but cannot reach him.. that's one..
Second - I have dropped the Backbiter somewhere and really don't remember where...arrrggghh.

so I guess this makes my "press all the desks" task somehow difficult.. I will have to search everything by steps..

just a suggestion - don't you wanna give some tip somewhere in the start of the game ... like a "Making some garbage items warehouse spot is not a bad idea..." - so people know where they drop unnecesary stuff... maybe.. ??
.... And the third thing - I am getting little mad from that quest "lead the ugly green slime thing to a designed spot..." --- I think that is the place where I got stuck one night and got actually hungrly..

There is one cage which - I guess - I should open to make the way, but cannot open it ... it is a vertical one in upper-right part of the labyrint (watching from the buttons spot...
Well.. I guess you can't help me much.. doesn't matter. I will starve little more

Yeah... and just remembered one more thing.. actually... that hint "use your eyes and ears" - to find some hidden pressure plate (?) ... cannot find it.. I play on middle graphic setup (playing on the laptop), would it be possible that I can't see it because of the graphic details... ??? Is it near to the spot where you get the advice or ..??