Multiple magic schools spells pack

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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by AndakRainor »

I have uploaded a new version (2.3.1) of the mod: ... =620358170

It fixes the missing free spells procs on melee weapon attacks, and uses a proc rate of 5% per cooldown second of the attack.

Also added the Amulet of Balance, and switched some scrolls to get low level spells sooner.
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by Kholdy »

Let me tell you my favorite spells so far from your pack:

1) Shield + Aura. My front 2 do not cast magic, so being able to shield the entire party is amazing.

2) Life Bloom + Aura. With Shield and Life Bloom on the entire party, I feel like I broke the game somehow. Isle of Nex is probably too easy for this mod, but I would really be interested in a mod that uses most/all of these new spells.

3) Osmosis. Since my front 2 don't cast, they never use mana. After a hard fight, Osmosis will give health to my front line and give mana to my back line. Then use Life Bloom. Perfect.

4) Arcane Storm. With the above mentioned spells, square dancing is less of a priority, so I can stand still for a bit and truck the enemy with massive damage that costs no mana.

5) Enchantments. Being able to put extra stats on your weapons is pretty cool.

6) Demonic Pact. My back row mage do not take damage (even spells, because Lizardman), so using Demonic Pact and Osmosis makes for a never-ending mana pool, almost.

7) Feast. I'm not using this at the moment, but I can imagine playing a farmer and using Feast, giving him all the food. One of the thing about mods is that you're never sure if there is a lack of food (like Crack of Doom) or if there's a Herder's Den to farm, so I never pick a farmer. If a mod has this spell pack, then I would be less worried about having to restart due to a lack of food on my farmer.
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by zimberzimber »

Kholdy wrote:7) Feast. I'm not using this at the moment, but I can imagine playing a farmer and using Feast, giving him all the food. One of the thing about mods is that you're never sure if there is a lack of food (like Crack of Doom) or if there's a Herder's Den to farm, so I never pick a farmer. If a mod has this spell pack, then I would be less worried about having to restart due to a lack of food on my farmer.
It doesn't give farmers XP though.
Speaking of which, the problem with that spell is that it makes food obsolete without a reasonable downside.
What I did for a food spell I made, I had it spawn a special consumable that fed the champions (the more filled the hunger bar is, the less it feeds) that also had a negative impact that got stronger the more you consumed of it in a period of time. (To the point where it almost kills the champion)
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by minmay »

Isle of Nex already has infinite food though...
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by AndakRainor »

The intention with Feast was effectively to make food obsolete. I know some modders and players don't like the food system. As it requires specific elemental skill points, I consider it an option, unless of course you build a team with several casters to cover all spells. The side effect of giving all the real food as XP for the farmer class is cool, I did not even think about it.

Oracle is also a spell with similar intention; it detects secret buttons. Some people don't like searching for buttons on walls, while others do. And with this spell as an option, I feel more free to use secret buttons without wondering if someone will be annoyed.

This remake of Isle of Nex should really be played on hard mode. Maybe I will add a scaling system for monsters in a future update. But from my experience with it so far, tanking is only really possible with lots of defensive spells, and I like it so far, it changes a lot from square dancing, with new strategies (I managed to die two times already with excessive confidence!). I could be bored of it at some point though :lol:

In the unpublished version I have currently, I have added a system to smooth the experience curve and make higher levels more accessible. Would you like something like this, coupled with leveling monsters?
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by Kholdy »

What I meant about Feast is that it makes food obsolete SO THAT the food you DO find in the game all go to your Farmer. I should've made that clear.

In one of the mods (I forgot which ones), you can find 4 necklaces that no longer requires food, and that game never drops any necklaces. That is also a good solution that doesn't need any extra spells, although it takes away an item slot.

I think Oracle is sort of useless, and here's why. From my experience, the difficulty isn't finding a secret button, but knowing that one exists in the first place. For example, I see that there is an area that I couldn't reach, and that alerts me there is a secret button nearby/puzzle that needs solving, and I will find it without the need of any spell. For Oracle to be useful, it needs to be permanently on to detect obscure puzzles I would pass by, and that's impossible/tedious due to its 30s duration.

In regards to Isle of Nex, something needs to happen to skill points I think. Reaching level 14 (non-human, non-farmer) with True End resulting in 15 skill points doesn't give you room to explore different possibilities. DPS will need to max weapon, crit, and some accuracy. Front Line will need armor, weapon, accuracy/crit. You see? There is no room for creativity. I really liked that one mod where every level results in 2 skill points and the enemies scale in difficulty due to the increase in skill points. I would scale level/exp in some way to let us experiment more with different builds.
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by AndakRainor »

Oracle could be a longer buff I agree. Do you use Force of Will? It has a base duration of 5 minutes, so 15 minutes at full skills points. Oracle having three elements, could go from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

Then, what about the two other detect spells, for living monsters, and for undead/elementals. Do you use them?
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by zimberzimber »

I find oracle quit useful, because you don't always know about hidden nearby secrets. Besides, it works as a light source as well, and with the copy cat spell the cost is effectively reduced by 20%.

On the other hand, the detect monster spells are useless in my opinion. Unlike Skyrim (for example) you can't predict ambushes because the monsters in LoG2 are either teleported or spawned, and you can't sneak around monsters either. (invisibility is useless for more than one reason) Best it could've done for me, is prevent me from shitty myself when mummies suddenly walk around the corner at me in full darkness.

And a question - Does energy regeneration from multiple sources stack? (Dark Pact + Copy Cat for example)
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by AndakRainor »

Yes all delayed effects stack, unless a spell states otherwise. If you find something that does not stack, it is a bug I should fix :)
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Re: Multiple magic schools spells pack

Post by zimberzimber »

AndakRainor wrote:Yes all delayed effects stack, unless a spell states otherwise. If you find something that does not stack, it is a bug I should fix :)
Well, I don't know whats actually happening behind the scene, but only a single instance of the energy regeneration is applied when using Copy Cat and Dark Ritual. I assumed Dark Ritual overrides Copy Cat regeneration, since its the same condition. (Or does the condition has no functionality, and is just there to show the player that the champion is regenerating energy)
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