[Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by AndakRainor »

You are talking about the ratling at the entrance of Xanathar room in the Forgotten Bog?

I managed to hit him with the light spell at a distance of 13 tiles! That was not really intended, I realized I used the same range value for the light range in world coordinates and the damage effect range in tiles. So good catch, I just added the missing division by 3 for that effect.

But even with the lower range, this effect will still deal damage to nearby monsters if no obstacle stands between them and the party. The problem here is that this monster stands there with no door or anything in front of him, and your room entrance is right in front of him (3 tiles away!). So you would get the same result with any lost range attack on the same line in your room.

So I think an easy fix would be to move one of the 2 facing entrances one tile away, or put a closing door or a decorative obstacle between them.

Or remove the damage from this spell, it is not very important. But are you okay with every other potential damage triggering him?

Keeping the map as it is and the damage of the spell does not seem possible. I don't see how to change the spell so it does not damage this particular monster, are you suggesting checking some custom immunity, like an "NPC" trait the monster would have? Would he loose it when he starts fighting? I have more questions than answers :lol:
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Isaac »

My concern was that the player might cast the Light & Darkness spell near dialog capable NPCs ~who could then turn hostile before the player ever speaks to them.

I wondered if the fix was simply to check for immunity before applying the hostile effects; this way the speaking NPCs could be given immunity while they still have lines to say.


Code: Select all

  name = "holy_light",
  baseObject = "base_spell",
  components = {
      class = "TileDamager",
      attackPower = 0,
      damageType = "holy_light",  --edit "pure"
      --sound = "dispel_hit",
      onHitMonster = function(self, monster)
		local immunities = monster:getImmunities()
		if immunities then
			for _,each in ipairs(immunities) do
				if each == "holy_light" then
						return false
			monster:setCondition("blinded", 20)
			if monster:hasTrait("undead") and monster.go.brain then
				monster:setCondition("burning", 2)  --edit
      onHitChampion = function(self, champion)
        GameMode.fadeOut(0xFFFFFF, 0)
        GameMode.fadeIn(0xFFFFFF, 1)
**This is just an example suggestion. The damage effect as it is, does not affect my room.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by AndakRainor »

Revision 44 uploaded.

Code: Select all

= Revision 44 (Andak Rainor)
- Bug fix: the spell book now shows the correct icon for "Meteor Storm".

- Added a new monster immunity: "holy_light". Monters with this immunity ignore
  the damage from the "Light & Darkness" spell.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Isaac »

Does the ORRR3 have a built in [script accessible] frame rate check? Also... what do you [all] think about auto-spawning assets at load (instead of fixed spawns in dungeon.lua), and having the option to adjust it on the fly? What I mean is, imagine spawning the swamp grass and some certain plants [and trees?] according to a [partially randomizing] script, and optionally spawning less grass & plants if the frame rates have been below preferred minimums. What are the pros & cons to this? (Besides possible foliage inconsistency). Presently, I use this to populate my underwater areas with foliage, and have seen no appreciable downsides to it; but I wondered about using it for the whole overland.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by minmay »

Isaac wrote:spawning less grass & plants if the frame rates have been below preferred minimums. What are the pros & cons to this? (Besides possible foliage inconsistency). Presently, I use this to populate my underwater areas with foliage, and have seen no appreciable downsides to it; but I wondered about using it for the whole overland.
This is pointless in Grimrock 2, the LoD system already accomplishes this. A dissolved or disabled model/animation uses virtually no resources at all, and models are dissolved to their low detail versions at all distances if rendering quality is set to Low.

I strongly advise against making adjustments based on the framerate. Framerate is an unstable property, you don't know what the player's computer is running besides the game, they could have changed their graphics settings in the middle of the game, etc.
Instead, if you want to offer multiple detail levels, let the player choose between them. I did a quick version of this in my Town East room, it's not very thorough but it does demonstrate how to easily adjust the scene's triangle count on demand.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Isaac »

minmay wrote:This is pointless in Grimrock 2, the LoD system already accomplishes this.
Ineffective then, but not pointless. The original purpose of the scripting was to not have to place all of those individually rotated, and height adjusted assets by hand; that part works great. ;)

It occurred to me to use that for surface grass, and that lead me to wonder if an open view of grass and plant models affected the frame rate, and whether less of them would improve the rate. LoD/dissolve handles that though; which is fine, [and good to know].
Instead, if you want to offer multiple detail levels, let the player choose between them. I did a quick version of this in my Town East room, it's not very thorough but it does demonstrate how to easily adjust the scene's triangle count on demand.
I will look a the scripting there. It sounds interesting.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by AndakRainor »

Any news about the project? Isaac, are you working on it or is the current version available? I have some updates to do to the spell pack if it is ;)
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Isaac »

AndakRainor wrote:Any news about the project? Isaac, are you working on it or is the current version available? I have some updates to do to the spell pack if it is ;)
I'm working on the current version, but I will transfer my finished room to whatever current version exists at the time.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by AndakRainor »

Revision 45 uploaded.

Code: Select all

= Revision 45 (Andak Rainor)
- New light managment: no more disabled light components used.

- New delayed effects managment: delayedCall function not used anymore. A limit
  to the number of effects per frame can be set. Default: 16

- Many other minor code changes.

- Many spell changes: 54 total spells in this version.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Crash »

I just want to say that the players I know feel that ORRR 2 was better than Grimrock 2, so we could not be more excited for ORRR3.

Thanks to everyone that is giving their time, energy, and creativity to this project.
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