character creation
character creation
custom characters.
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- Protection +1 per level.
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300,
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with melee weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level)
if level > 0 and attackType == "melee" then return 3 end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion , level, class)
if level > 0 then
class =champion:getClass()
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" then
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10
-- is this where I can set level additions for improvments // like setting at level 2 and 18 certain levels are able to be casted?
-- question 1
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
traits = { [5] = "cruisader_mastery",
so with spell sets its just refined as a defnied class Boolean and value is true for the 3 classes? can use the nil value for monsters to cast this.
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- Protection +1 per level.
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300,
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with melee weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level)
if level > 0 and attackType == "melee" then return 3 end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion , level, class)
if level > 0 then
class =champion:getClass()
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" then
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10
-- is this where I can set level additions for improvments // like setting at level 2 and 18 certain levels are able to be casted?
-- question 1
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) end
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
traits = { [5] = "cruisader_mastery",
so with spell sets its just refined as a defnied class Boolean and value is true for the 3 classes? can use the nil value for monsters to cast this.
- zimberzimber
- Posts: 432
- Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:06 pm
Re: character creation
First of all, your code is a mess and has a lot of mistakes that will crash the game. I hope this helps:
*1 - Since the function already receives level and class, you don't have to redefine them, because they already have a value stored in them. The same value you gave them.
*2 - When using if and comparing one thing to another, you must always use ==. = is for setting a value.
*3 - These aren't part of anything. They will return a value when called, but have no where to store it, or nothing to check it. (if)
If you want them to be part of "if class = "cruisader" then", you should replace "then" with "and", and add "then" when you're done adding extra things to check.
*4 - Needs another end to close the second "if" line.
Traits don't have a traits field. And you forgot to close it.
Stat additions per level are added to the onRecomputeStats function. Like in what you posted -
When can a spell be cast and what it requires is defined withing the spell definition. For example:
Hope this answered your question.
Code: Select all
onRecomputeStats = function(champion , level, class)
if level > 0 then
class = champion:getClass() -- *1
level = champion:getLevel() -- *1
if class = "cruisader" then -- *2
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10 -- *3
-- is this where I can set level additions for improvments // like setting at level 2 and 18 certain levels are able to be casted?
-- question 1
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) --*3
end -- *4
*2 - When using if and comparing one thing to another, you must always use ==. = is for setting a value.
*3 - These aren't part of anything. They will return a value when called, but have no where to store it, or nothing to check it. (if)
If you want them to be part of "if class = "cruisader" then", you should replace "then" with "and", and add "then" when you're done adding extra things to check.
*4 - Needs another end to close the second "if" line.
Code: Select all
traits = { [5] = "cruisader_mastery",
Stat additions per level are added to the onRecomputeStats function. Like in what you posted -
Code: Select all
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
Code: Select all
name = "cold",
uiName = "Cold",
gesture = 9,
manaCost = 25,
skill = "water_magic",
-- requirements = { "water_magic", 1},
icon = 60,
spellIcon = 1,
description = "Cold",
onCast = function(champion, x, y, direction, skill)
if champion:hasTrait("wizard") then
elseif champion:hasTrait("crusader") then
print("not a wizard or a crusader")
Re: character creation
some of what you are suggesting as changes are direct counter to what log defined assets are using.
- zimberzimber
- Posts: 432
- Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:06 pm
Re: character creation
How exactly?benito82 wrote:some of what you are suggesting as changes are direct counter to what log defined assets are using.
Can you specify what counter what?
Re: character creation
name = "poison_resistant",
uiName = "Poison Resistant",
icon = 79,
charGen = true,
description = "You are naturally resistant to poisons. Resist Poison +25",
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
champion:addStatModifier("resist_poison", 25)
--now this example was to add in the gui gold. but the trait is still defined with its own stats and modifier
name = "pack_mule",
uiName = "Pack Mule",
icon = 109,
description = "Your max carrying capacity is increased by 15 kg.",
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
champion:addStatModifier("max_load", 15)
--since this is a playable "class" as I was defining it I did it partially together. I have some other parts for the whole 3 classes i'm trying to add. cruisader, cleric, and ranger type. i'm hoping to be able to script it in so that it works with the orginal games and you can add it into log 1 and 2 for playability and then it would all cross over into the overall assets so it can be added to mods on start, I don't know about in progress.
straight from assets.
name = "poison_resistant",
uiName = "Poison Resistant",
icon = 79,
charGen = true,
description = "You are naturally resistant to poisons. Resist Poison +25",
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
champion:addStatModifier("resist_poison", 25)
--now this example was to add in the gui gold. but the trait is still defined with its own stats and modifier
name = "pack_mule",
uiName = "Pack Mule",
icon = 109,
description = "Your max carrying capacity is increased by 15 kg.",
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
champion:addStatModifier("max_load", 15)
--since this is a playable "class" as I was defining it I did it partially together. I have some other parts for the whole 3 classes i'm trying to add. cruisader, cleric, and ranger type. i'm hoping to be able to script it in so that it works with the orginal games and you can add it into log 1 and 2 for playability and then it would all cross over into the overall assets so it can be added to mods on start, I don't know about in progress.
straight from assets.
Re: character creation
also here is the cleaned up code. i'm still iffy about the implementation. has anyone else worked on a way to play the game with created classes and possibly races?
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300, --scroll down
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 and attackType == "mace" then return 3 end
if level > 0 then
class =champion:getClass()
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" then
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) end,
name = "cruisader_mastery",
uiName = "Cruisader Mastery",
icon = 9999
description = "You are a master of good!"
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300, --scroll down
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 and attackType == "mace" then return 3 end
if level > 0 then
class =champion:getClass()
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" then
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader),and level > 10
Champion:hasTrait(cruisader_mastery) end,
name = "cruisader_mastery",
uiName = "Cruisader Mastery",
icon = 9999
description = "You are a master of good!"
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
Re: character creation
Cleaned up code (sort of...):
You have a Class & a non-class Trait with the same name.... 'cruisader'
Also not sure what one of your onRecomputeStats hooks is trying to do
Regarding the adding of traits to Race and Class - the method you have used is troublesome.
It is also strongly recommended you DONT add traits through the onRecomputeStats hook ! 
Best to create a Script that runs immediately on starting the game - check for Race and Class and then add Traits accordingly
Have a read through this thread and see if it clears anything up for you
Cleaned up code (sort of...):
Code: Select all
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
--traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
--cruisader traits
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
priority = 300, --scroll down
icon = 29,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
--requiredRace = "human"
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 then
if attack and attackType == "mace"
return 3
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
if class = "cruisader" and level > 10 then
name = "cruisader_mastery",
uiName = "Cruisader Mastery",
icon = 9999
description = "You are a master of good!"
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
Also not sure what one of your onRecomputeStats hooks is trying to do
Regarding the adding of traits to Race and Class - the method you have used is troublesome.
Code: Select all
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "staff_defence", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,

Best to create a Script that runs immediately on starting the game - check for Race and Class and then add Traits accordingly
Have a read through this thread and see if it clears anything up for you
Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Re: character creation
how does this look. sorry took some real time to clean it up and look at the implementation.
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 and attackType == "mace" then return 3 end
if level > 10 then
description = "You are a master of good!"
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "cruisader"},
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
charGen = true,
hidden = false,
requiredRace = "human"
description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 and attackType == "mace" then return 3 end
if level > 10 then
description = "You are a master of good!"
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
if level > 0 then
level = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (level-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (level-1) * 4)
Last edited by benito82 on Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: character creation
Hey! still some changes to make here, pls read the comments included
Also, if you want to place code in spoiler sections (as below) - just click on spoiler button, then Code button, then paste code in the middle
I feel like you may be getting definitions for Traits (like Aura or Strong mind) mixed up with defining your custom races / Classes
Here is a quick example of how to set up a Class definition:

Also, if you want to place code in spoiler sections (as below) - just click on spoiler button, then Code button, then paste code in the middle
Code: Select all
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
--traits = { "armor_expert", "shield_expert", "hand_caster", "cruisader"}, --add these in a script that starts when you begin the game
skillpoints = 10
optionalTraits = 2,
name = "cruisader",
uiName = "Cruisader",
icon = 97,
--charGen = true, --you dont need charGen, hidden and def not requiredRace - these are for normal traits - not Race or Class traits
--hidden = false,
--requiredRace = "human"
--description = "As a Cruisader you believe that good preparation is the key to triumph in combat. You are specialized in wielding armor and using the shield.",
description = "You are holy incarnite, gain +3 accuracy with blunt weapons weapons. At level 11 you gain +7 protection, +1 strength, +1 willpower, +1 vitality", --you have 2 descriptions here - choose 1
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
lvl = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 60 + (lvl-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 45 + (lvl-1) * 4)
if level > 10 then
champion:addStatModifier("strength", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("vitality", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("willpower", 1)
champion:addStatModifier("protection", 7)
onComputeAccuracy = function(champion, weapon, attack, attackType, level, class)
if level > 0 then
if attack and attackType == "melee" then
if weapon and weapon:hasTrait("mace") then
return 3
if level > 10 then
description = "You are a master of good!"
--are you trying to change the traits description once the champ gets to level 10 ??
--if so, Im not sure how - or even if it can be done .....
Here is a quick example of how to set up a Class definition:
Code: Select all
name = "fighter",
uiName = "Pit Fighter",
optionalTraits = 2,
skillPoints = 1,
name = "fighter",
uiName = "Pit Fighter",
iconAtlas = "mod_assets/textures/legacy_custom_icons1.tga",
icon = 12,
description = "Pit Fighters carve through enemies with swift and deadly efficiency............. blah blah blah",
gameEffect = [[
- Health 60 (+7 per level), Energy 45 (+4 per level)
- You can cast spells with bare hands.
- Weight of equipped armor is reduced by 50%.
- Evasion bonus of equipped shields is increased by 50%.
- you gain 1 strength.
- you gain 1 vitality.
- you gain 1 willpower.]],
onRecomputeStats = function(champion, level)
if level > 0 then
local lvl = champion:getLevel()
champion:addStatModifier("resist_fire", lvl)
champion:addStatModifier("max_health", 65 + (lvl-1) * 7)
champion:addStatModifier("max_energy", 35 + (lvl-1) * 3)
onReceiveCondition = function(champion, cond, level)
if level > 0 then
if cond and cond == "weakened" and math.random() <= 0.25 then
return false
if cond and cond == "starving" then
return false
Labyrinth of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4400)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Legacy of Lies (viewtopic.php?f=22&t=12983&hilit=+legacy)
Re: character creation
for the level 10, its a trait addition, like water magic leads to watermagic_matery ... so that like when a cleric becomes level 8 she can turn undead ? and into the additions of being able to have summoned class weapons.