Isle of Dagor

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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Wirrbert »


I like this mod very much - but I'm unable to solve any of these riddles with these 25 pressure plates :cry:
The hints given up to now aren't helpfull to me, maybe I'm too stupid...
Please give a direct solution!
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Type "25 pressure plates" in the "Search this topic..." box and hit enter ..
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Wirrbert »

Dr.Disaster wrote:Type "25 pressure plates" in the "Search this topic..." box and hit enter ..
Thanks a lot for this unexpected and very helpful hint! :roll:
But you should have mentioned that I have also to type "dagor" to narrow down the resulting posts!

Can you imagine that I did so days ago? For me the hints weren't clear. Not everybody playing LoG is a native English speaking person.

But don't make new efforts, I found the solution meanwhile.
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Dr.Disaster »

I wrote to use the "Search this topic..." box.
That's the box right above this thread and not the global "Search..." box.
This way you get 7 results, not 800+.
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Wirrbert »

So I learned this feature from your post, thx.
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by matuto »

Hi guys,
Dagor, I am experiencing lots of fun playing your great mod. However, could not find any snail in the bedroom (Hive). Only a room in a whole map seems strange but also could not find any exit from the bedroom to the rest of the Hive map. Some guidance please. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by coreystinson »

Can someone give me a hint as to how to get into the Study in the Upper Catacombs? I have solved the levers puzzle, which provided access to the Lower Catacombs. I have also solved the Treasure Room puzzle <
that you enter via the pit on the Temple Grounds.
I also feel like their must be an area in the Temple Grounds (Strange Ruins?) that I haven't been able to find. I just want to make sure I haven't hit some kind of bug that is preventing me from opening up an area. Thanks!
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by Dr.Disaster »

coreystinson wrote:Can someone give me a hint as to how to get into the Study in the Upper Catacombs?
Find the Upper Catacombs' hidden exit.
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by coreystinson »

Edit: nevemind, I finally found it. Thanks. Good grief no idea why I kept overlooking that button. Well-placed I guess!
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Re: Isle of Dagor

Post by EnochDagor »

Been a while since I've logged on here. My apologies.

Wanted to clarify some things. The 25 plate puzzle can be a real issue for people who have color blindness. This was an oversight on my part during the development of this mod. The answer utilizes lighting to show what tiles to activate. However, when looking at the answer during the day, you can miss it as the lighting from the illumination is only slightly brighter than what is provided by the sun (especially mid day).

To fix this, you have to be confident in your answer to the switch puzzle. Activate the illumination and then wait until night fall so that you can see the answer more vividly.

Hope that helps.
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