Looking for a boat
Looking for a boat
Does anyone have a boat available? I found this site http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/boat-20922.html that has free models but I just started to play with Blender & Grimrock Model Editor and that's going to take a lot of time to learn. It will be a bit easier if I can just download a boat for my mod. Thanks.
Re: Looking for a boat
You can probably adapt some of the free models here for Grimrock.
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- AndakRainor
- Posts: 674
- Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:18 pm
Re: Looking for a boat
What do you think about this one ?
model and texture files : http://ge.tt/9HPTdWE2

Code: Select all
name = "canoe",
diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/env/canoe.tga",
normalMap = "assets/textures/env/beach_seaweed_normal.tga",
specularMap = "assets/textures/env/beach_seaweed_spec.tga",
doubleSided = false,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = false,
blendMode = "Opaque",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 10,
depthBias = 0,
name = "canoe",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/models/env/canoe.fbx",
class = "Platform",
class = "Timer",
timerInterval = 0.001,
triggerOnStart = true,
currentLevelOnly = true,
onActivate = function(self)
local t = Time.currentTime()
local c, s = math.cos(t), math.sin(t)
self.go:setSubtileOffset(c/10, s/10)
self.go:setWorldRotationAngles(c, s, s)
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 100,
minimalSaveState = true,
Re: Looking for a boat
Very nice, although why are you using the seaweed normal and spec maps on it?
- AndakRainor
- Posts: 674
- Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:18 pm
Re: Looking for a boat
Well no special reason, but the original material had just a diffuse map texture. I don't know how to generate good (and correctly encoded) maps for normals (and specular) so I took what I could !
If some one can teach me or give a link that would be cool
If some one can teach me or give a link that would be cool

- Skuggasveinn
- Posts: 562
- Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:28 pm
Re: Looking for a boat
I made a boat for the Elder of Myrwind Woods mod in Log1, converted it some time ago to log2 textures.
You can grab it here if you want to use it.
http://www.zorglubb.net/grimrock/dropzo ... l_boat.zip
The good thing about this boat is that its just 160kb and uses textures from the original campaign.
beach water has its offset higher since the waveAmplidude is higher and they can easally cut into the boat.
If you are placing it in calm waters then you can adjust the offset closer.
Never got around to create an animation for it, but feel free to use it if it meets your needs, its 3 tiles long.
best regard.
You can grab it here if you want to use it.
http://www.zorglubb.net/grimrock/dropzo ... l_boat.zip

Code: Select all
name = "sx_small_boat",
components = {
class = "Model",
model = "mod_assets/models/sx_small_boat.fbx",
--offset = vec(0, 0.22, 0), -- forest water
offset = vec(0, -0.3, 0), -- beach water
staticShadow = true,
placement = "floor",
editorIcon = 56,
minimalSaveState = true,
dontAdjustHeight = true, -- true or false depending on heightmap settings
If you are placing it in calm waters then you can adjust the offset closer.
Never got around to create an animation for it, but feel free to use it if it meets your needs, its 3 tiles long.
best regard.
Re: Looking for a boat
Idea: instead of making an animation for the boat model, use Component:setOffset() and Component:setRotationAngles() based on Time.currentTime() so that the boat "animates" in sync with the water shader's waves.
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I no longer answer scripting questions in private messages. Please ask in a forum topic or this Discord server.
- AndakRainor
- Posts: 674
- Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:18 pm
Re: Looking for a boat
Thank you ! Much better for memory usage and good looking too.Skuggasveinn wrote:I made a boat for the Elder of Myrwind Woods mod in Log1, converted it some time ago to log2 textures.
What do you mean ? I did not see any animation in Skuggasveinn's model, but I added a similar timer component to his object definition as in my previous post (just with rotation angles including facing values that were missing). Also I used gameobject functions instead of component functions to animate, is there any drawback in that ?minmay wrote:Idea: instead of making an animation for the boat model, use Component:setOffset() and Component:setRotationAngles() based on Time.currentTime() so that the boat "animates" in sync with the water shader's waves.
I used cos and sin of current time, I don't know if it matches the water animation period, I will check it tonight.
Re: Looking for a boat
I picked this one on tf3dm:
(it is not the original model, I ve removed a few things on this one)
it use the wood texture from the city wallset
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tw1rpl1uoyj8z ... p.rar?dl=0
I picked this one on tf3dm:

it use the wood texture from the city wallset
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tw1rpl1uoyj8z ... p.rar?dl=0
Re: Looking for a boat
Wow. They're all great. Tough decision!
@minmay I'm not that good at coding/scripting. I have big ideas but not enough knowledge. I want to learn more. Especially how to make the models.
@minmay I'm not that good at coding/scripting. I have big ideas but not enough knowledge. I want to learn more. Especially how to make the models.