Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

CremionisD wrote:
Sir Tawmis wrote:I know a few of you have replied that you're enjoying it - and made it clear - but, I guess - as a writer, I am always amazed when someone enjoys what I do.
No reason to be amazed; A good story is good. Give yourself a bit of credit. I mean, in a world where people read less and less fiction, you've created something that hooks people for hours while the average attention span is like 2 minutes...

It's been a while since your previous story update --- And now it seems there's one more person eagerly waiting for the next update.
Well, I think I feel amazed; because to me, I am just a guy - on this screen, who wanted to "flesh" out my characters. So I wrote up an "intro" (essentially the first few posts) as to how my characters ended up in Grimrock. (Something I tend to do with these types of RPGs, is develop a character background, so I get more attached to my characters! Weird, I know...) And then someone comes along, plows through 17 pages of posts (granted, some of it is general conversation about the story!) - and comes out enjoying it. That's an amazing feeling, and I feel blessed that others enjoy what I am doing! As you said, the general attention span is typically 2 minutes. And as someone who has done writing, and plenty of other fanfiction - I see a lot more "comments" when it comes to physical art and drawings; rather than stories. Not to decrease anyone's artistic talent at all - but, as you said - because of the low attention span, it's much easier to take in the incredible artistic ability someone presents in a single photo and devour it - compared to reading several pages of someone writing a story.

I keep hoping to knock out some more segments at work (which I use to break the every day work mentality), but the current work environment is intense these days (lots of lay offs and the like). So, it's a matter of keeping the head down and avoiding the axe that keeps swinging around wildly!

But I have not given up; there was a spurt of doing several additions a few weeks ago and it felt good to be back! So I need that feeling again! And it's encouraged more so by such positive feedback!
AnnElfwind wrote:After reading the recent discussion, I know of the perfect item that I think should be mentioned in the story at some point. :D The CRYSTAL AMULET the one that prevents petrification. :D I'm positive that it would make for an interesting segment. :D *already planing to use the thing in her own story, considering she finally found a favourite mod for LoG2:D*
I would like to add more magical stuff in this portion; to do more with Blaz'tik since he's a fun character.

I feel like Coy and Tawmis get too much air time right now.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
Well, I think I feel amazed; because to me, I am just a guy - on this screen, who wanted to "flesh" out my characters. So I wrote up an "intro" (essentially the first few posts) as to how my characters ended up in Grimrock. (Something I tend to do with these types of RPGs, is develop a character background, so I get more attached to my characters! Weird, I know...) And then someone comes along, plows through 17 pages of posts (granted, some of it is general conversation about the story!) - and comes out enjoying it. That's an amazing feeling, and I feel blessed that others enjoy what I am doing! As you said, the general attention span is typically 2 minutes. And as someone who has done writing, and plenty of other fanfiction - I see a lot more "comments" when it comes to physical art and drawings; rather than stories. Not to decrease anyone's artistic talent at all - but, as you said - because of the low attention span, it's much easier to take in the incredible artistic ability someone presents in a single photo and devour it - compared to reading several pages of someone writing a story.
Then I shall happily count myself as a prime example of weird anomaly. Cause I can sit and read fanfics for a really long time! And the longer the better. :D And sorry to so rudely but into a conversation, but I just had to type this. :)
Sir Tawmis wrote:

I would like to add more magical stuff in this portion; to do more with Blaz'tik since he's a fun character.

I feel like Coy and Tawmis get too much air time right now.
That too! Can't wait to see what spells Blaz will cook up. :D Also, a segment focusing more on Taren would be good too. :) But I'm not insisting, just throwing ideas into the aether. :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Pizzadude »

Sir Tawmis wrote: Well, I think I feel amazed; because to me, I am just a guy - on this screen, who wanted to "flesh" out my characters. So I wrote up an "intro" (essentially the first few posts) as to how my characters ended up in Grimrock. (Something I tend to do with these types of RPGs, is develop a character background, so I get more attached to my characters! Weird, I know...) And then someone comes along, plows through 17 pages of posts (granted, some of it is general conversation about the story!) - and comes out enjoying it. That's an amazing feeling, and I feel blessed that others enjoy what I am doing! As you said, the general attention span is typically 2 minutes. And as someone who has done writing, and plenty of other fanfiction - I see a lot more "comments" when it comes to physical art and drawings; rather than stories. Not to decrease anyone's artistic talent at all - but, as you said - because of the low attention span, it's much easier to take in the incredible artistic ability someone presents in a single photo and devour it - compared to reading several pages of someone writing a story.
I, personally, love reading stories, if its a full blown book series or some fanfiction, I like it. Unless, of course, its a bad story, but luckily ive been spared that horror for most of the time. I just love reading. And when someone makes a great story like this, i get drawn into it, like a cat with catnip (I have a cat, if your wondering). So i hope you add another part of your story soon. :D
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


Tawmis pulled the note from the statue’s hand and read it, “The second most precious thing in life for a seafaring captain is his sword, because without it he cannot command his crew. Thus, upon losing his weapon somewhere on Shipwreck beach, he lost what is most important to him: the respect of his crew.”

“It would seem –tic!-,” Blaz’tik thought aloud, “that we are to find this slaver’s sword –tic- and place it in his hand –tic!- where the note was.”

“This is getting ridiculous,” Tawmis growled as he crumbled the note. “I almost wish I was still imprisoned in Grimrock.”

Elsewhere on the island…

The tide crashed violently against the shore, and with it, more bodies and tattered remains of the slaver ship, The Elfin Wind. One of the bodies rose up, coughing and choking. It was a large, burly man, whose muscles showed signs of constant usage. His tribal markings up and down the left arm, as well as those on his forehead marked him as a barbarian from the Endless Tundra far to the northern lands.

Next to him, another body stirred; a tall man, whose long blond hair, and trimmed mustache showed he was someone of some class. On his side, a massive sword that had clearly meant something to him. He was helping a woman wearing red robes, whose blond hair and blue eyes, were striking and unusual features.

The fourth person to wash ashore was also another human, who wore slaver’s clothing. The fourth person stood up and immediately took a defensive position. “Do not try anything,” she warned, as she reached for her pouch and pulled out a crimson flask.

The large barbarian growled in response. The human with the large sword, put his hand back. “Hold,” he said to the barbarian. He looked around. “That was no natural storm that brought the ship down. And this island is not on any map that I have ever seen.”

“It was magic,” the woman in the red robes told him, still coughing and vomiting ocean water from her lungs. “I told you that I sensed magic as soon as the storm appeared.”

“If something has washed us ashore on purposes, then it is probably a fair assumption that we face a common enemy,” the human with the sword said. “Let us not fight amongst each other. There will be time to dole out justice when we are off of this cursed island. My name is Sir Karin, of the Knights of Malanian Empire.” He gestured to the woman next to him, “This is Alissa, Battle Mage of the Malanian Empire.”

The Alchemist slaver introduced herself, placing the flask back in the pouch, “My name is Jorale. I was the ship’s … alchemist.”

The barbarian grunted his introduction at last, “Stonebreak Bloodrage,” the barbarian said, introducing himself while reaching down and picking up one of the planks that had washed ashore and began smashing it and smoothing it against one of the jagged coral rocks. “I was one of her,” he stared at Jorale, “slaves, while the two of you rode on the top of the ship,” his gaze turned to Karin and Alissa.

“We didn’t know it was illegal slavers,” Sir Karin retorted, tying back his long blond hair, and stroking his mustache so that the hairs were not pointing in every direction. “They had the proper documentation when we asked…”

“Because slavers are honest people,” Stonebreak growled, slamming his newly forged club into the sand with a look of satisfaction, perhaps imagining one of them crushed beneath it, rather than the sand. As the night approached, a cold wind followed. They made a fire pit just under one of the rock outcrops, using the small cave as protection from the chilling wind.

“I am Alissa’s guardian,” Sir Karin was speaking to no one in particular; for he was never fond of silence between people. “We are Representatives of the Malanian Empire. Our wonderful and just King had sent us on a mission to Terradin, in the Western continent to open up a trade route between the two kingdoms.”

Alissa, whether she did not want to appear weak, or did not enjoy the ideal of a male escort, further explained, “The Malanian Empire is known for their research in Magic; and thus, the knowledge of their Mages is greatly prized and sought after, so far as to even attempt to abduct and,” she looked over to Jorale, “enslave us. So we are always assigned a Knight,” she gestured to Sir Karin, “to assist us in defending ourselves.”

“If your magic is so great, then why do you need protection,” Stonebreaker asked from the shadows, just beyond the camp fire’s illumination.

“Because,” Alissa replied, “despite our vast knowledge of magic; there are ways still to cancel out our magical abilities. In such instances, someone skilled with a blade,” she looked from Sir Karin to Stonebreaker in the shadows, “comes in great use, until we can step away and rechannel our magical abilities to defend ourselves.”

Jorale, the slaver, finally spoke up. “So what’s our plan on getting off this island?”

“I sensed great magic in that storm that sunk your captain’s ship,” Alissa replied. “We are not getting off this island until we deal with whatever brought us here first. So building a raft and trying to escape the island before that’s done will only result in our return to the island – or, perhaps – our demise.”

“Do you think others survived and might be on this island?” Sir Karin asked, shining his weapon which glistened under the starless night, as the flames from the camp fire danced, and send shadows frolicking against the wall.

“I did not see anyone else,” Jorale said, “when we washed ashore. If they did, they could have washed ashore on a different part of the island.”

NOTE: I liked the idea of bringing in some new classes that Pizzadude suggested; and figured I would do it - and make it four characters, so it stays sort of true to the LOG2 theme of a max of 4 characters. I also made two of them females, because an AnnElfWind had mentioned, I think in their story, their dislike of female characters; so I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could make any female characters that they might enjoy! So now the questions is - how will these two sets interact? What are the consequences of these new four people washing ashore as well? Join forces? Fight? Never meet up? I would like to say I have an idea; but I don't. Part of this challenge is writing what comes to me without planning the next part at all. Hope you guys like the recent addition; when I get home I am going to go through the official LOG/LOG2 portraits and pick out the four (I made need to edit hair colors, but that's no big deal).

EDIT: And now with a visual of the other 4 survivors...

EDIT2: Since I created the banner for the new 4 survivors, I updated
the banner for the existing characters and used it for this post at the top.
Last edited by Sir Tawmis on Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


Tawmis looked around him and heaved a deep sigh. “So we’re looking for the captain’s sword,” he muttered beneath his breath, looking around the ship. “It’s not here,” he finally concluded.

“I did find this,” Coy appeared, seemingly from the shadows, holding a shovel in his hand.

“You expect us to dig up this whole island to find this man’s sword,” Tawmis gestured to what he still believed to be a statue, and not a petrified version of the Captain of the slaver ship, The Elf Wind.

“There was this,” Coy held out a parchment, “wrapped around the handle.”

“Well, that’s certainly convenient,” Tawmis grumbled as Taren and Blaz’tik came to stand behind the Ratling.

Coy unraveled the paper, and there was a mark of a blue dot, and then a path, with some numbers. Blaz’tik recognized it immediately, “That –tic!-,” he said excitedly, “is the –tic!- life stone over there. These –tic!- must be the steps to –tic!- find the Captain’s sword.”

They followed the directions, turning at the tree, take a few more steps and coming to stand by a small mound. “It would seem,” Taren’s voice boomed, “that something is indeed buried here.” Coy handed the shovel to Taren. The massive minotaur looked down at the Ratling.

“You’re the biggest one here,” Coy shrugged. “It’s going to take you the least amount of time and effort to dig up the Captain’s sword.”

Taren’s nostrils flared. The Ratling was right. He began to dig where the mound was, and eventually the shovel struck something. The others gathered around the hole, and were amazed to see, as Taren cleared off the dirt, that it was wood.

“What now?” muttered Tawmis.

Taren continued to dig, well into the night, until what he had uncovered was a coffin.

“This doesn’t bode well,” Tawmis said aloud. “I mean, who puts a coffin in the middle of an island with a map to dig it up?”

“Wizards,” Blaz’tik answered before Tawmis could accuse the mages.

“That’s right,” Tawmis couldn’t help but smile at Blaz’tik’s answer.

“It could be –tic!- trapped,” Blaz’tik noted, looking over at Coy.

“You want me to jump down that hole and check if a coffin is trapped?” Coy asked in disbelief.

“You are the stealthiest one,” Taren smiled, seeing Coy squirm uncomfortably. “It’s going to take you the least amount of time to see if it’s trapped.”

Coy, if he could, would have rolled his eyes, as he had seen Tawmis do plenty of times; instead, his whiskers twitched in annoyance. Taren lowered Coy into the rather deep hole. Coy ran his thin fingers around the edges, and sniffed for explosive powder. He looked up, “Nothing! Now get me out of this hole!”

Taren extended his arm and helped Coy out. “You seem unusually timid around coffins,” Tawmis noted.

“Just because my people are like the rats of your cities, does not mean we enjoy being around the dead,” Coy said, “especially, if you have seen what I’ve seen.” Coy, uncharacteristically, shuddered.

Taren jumped down and opened the coffin, expecting a stench and decaying body; there was a stench, but it was something that he had smelled before. But there was no body, just a pair of robes, of a pale green color.

“I know those robes,” Tawmis said, “and that odor. The odor is embalming fluid. Those robes are ones traditionally worn by embalmers in the temples.”

Blaz’tik shrugged, “I –tic!- would wear them,” he pulled on his current, tattered rags, “over –tic!- these robes.” Taren reached down into the coffin and pulled out the robes and handed them to Blaz’tik.

“So where’s the sword?” Tawmis suddenly realized. “I thought that’s why we dug this hole up?”

“We –tic!- assumed that the –tic!- sword was here,” Blaz’tik countered, as he slid the embalmer’s robes on.

“That would have been too easy,” Tawmis finally said and sat down on the mound of freshly dug dirt.

Elsewhere on the island…

Sir Karin hacked away at the brush before him, his massive sword, glistening beneath the stars as branches snapped and broke before his wrath. “What kind of island has such a dense forest?” He complained as he knelt down to breath for a moment, leaning heavily on his long sword. Stonebreaker was smashing branches with his massive club, showing no signs of slowing down, despite being significantly older than Sir Karin.

Stonebreaker’s next smash opened up a pathway.

“He’s old,” Jorale whispered to Alissa, “but those muscles are fun to watch.”

Alissa blanched at the thought. “He’s a primitive man.”

Jorale smiled, “That’s all you need under the tent; a good, strong, primitive man, that knows how to swing his club.”

Alissa turned her head, as if exposed to a horrid odor.

Sir Karin stepped through the clearing first, while Stonebreaker examined the damage done to his club, by the relentless destruction to the odd trees. “There’s a sign,” Sir Karin called out behind him, “It appears this forest is known as Twigroot. There’s also a satchel, and,” he paused, “a dead body next to it.”

He kneeled down and took the satchel and opened it. “This might do you some good,” he handed the rolled parchment to Jorale. “It would seem our deceased friend here was an Alchemist, much like you. By the looks of it, stranded on this island for some time.”

“It appears,” Jorale confirmed, scanning the parchment, “that they had noted what plants were poisonous or not, and even how to make a mending potion with some of the components on the island.”

“That will come in useful no doubt,” Alissa noted, noting that the hike through the condensed trees had broken two of her finger nails, which had been decorated with flecks of gold.

“The body needs no such healing,” Stonebreaker grunted from the back. His rippling muscles were adorned in hundreds – if not thousands – of various scars and battle wounds. “Such dependencies make the body weaker, more reliant on such things.”

Sir Karin looked from Stonebreaker to Jorale, and then down the path. “I suppose we should press on down this path. At least that means less hacking away at trees.”

“Yes,” Alissa said as they began, “but one must wonder what killed the man…”

Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


“I know those robes,” Tawmis said, “and that odor. The odor is embalming fluid. Those robes are ones traditionally worn by embalmers in the temples.”

Blaz’tik shrugged, “I –tic!- would wear them,” he pulled on his current, tattered rags, “over –tic!- these robes.” Taren reached down into the coffin and pulled out the robes and handed them to Blaz’tik.

“So where’s the sword?” Tawmis suddenly realized. “I thought that’s why we dug this hole up?”

“We –tic!- assumed that the –tic!- sword was here,” Blaz’tik countered, as he slid the embalmer’s robes on.

“That would have been too easy,” Tawmis finally said and sat down on the mound of freshly dug dirt.

“Over here,” came the rumbling voice of Taren. Tawmis looked across the field, and with the moon watching over them, could see Taren’s massive form.

“What is it?” Tawmis called out. “Another mound? Another coffin? Another statue?” His sarcasm carried on his voice over the quiet night.

Taren turned his head slightly, “It would seem the Island Master has another riddle in mind.”

Tawmis, Blaz’tik (wearing his new robes, and observing how they glistened in the dark night) and Coy made their way to stand next to Taren. “What is this?” Tawmis blurted out loud, gesturing to the square stones on the ground.

“I believe –tic!- it is another riddle, as the minotaur said,” Blaz’tik commented.

Tawmis eyed Blaz’tik from the corner of his eye. As an insectoid, Blaz’tik wasn’t able to fluctuate his voice or even smile; but Tawmis got the impression the insectoid was indeed trying to be funny.

It was three rows of three square stones, in the form of a larger square. “We’re supposed to figure out what to do with this?” Tawmis asked, looking at the others. He turned and faced Blaz’tik, “Can you magic something? Get a tingly sensation? Maybe a clue?”

“I sense no magic vibrating from these stones,” Blaz’tik confessed immediately.

Coy was looking at the edge of one of the squares. “There’s gears. I can hear them. These are pressure plates.”

“So we step on the wrong one and potentially meet a painful death,” Tawmis muttered beneath his breath. He was about to say something about Mages; but looked over at Blaz’tik and silenced himself before the words came out of his mouth.

“What if these are all linked?” Taren asked.

Tawmis looked at his best friend, “What do you mean?”

“We’re looking for the Captain’s sword,” Taren explained. “The note made references to the love of the sea and commanding his crew. So what if this,” he gestured, “what if this is where ‘X’ marks the spot?”

“I’m not following you,” Tawmis replied, raising an eye brow questioningly.

“Put a stone, heavy enough to trigger the pressure plate on these two corners and one in the center – it would form an ‘X’ like on a map,” Taren explained.

“That sounds almost entirely too logical to be right,” Tawmis said.

“Have you any other ideas?” Taren smiled, his teeth glistening in the moonlight.

Tawmis stood there for a moment and finally said, “Come to think of it, no.”

As they set the last stone in the center, Tawmis closed his eyes – expecting death to come in the form of some fireball or other magical means. After a few moments, he opened his right eye and looked around – they were all still standing there – alive. He opened his other eye and smiled when he saw a door that they had not noticed was now open.

“Well,” he said, as if he had always believed this plan would work, “now we’re getting somewhere.”

Elsewhere on the island…

Uncomfortable about traveling into the unknown, and unusually thick woods, Sir Karin had recommended making camp at the mouth of the cave that had led them into the Twigroot Forest. Jorale agreed to the idea, wanting to take the time to go through the journal that they had recovered from the deceased person that they had found. Such knowledge would be useful to an alchemist such as herself. Alissa seemed to care neither way; she was primarily concerned with getting off the island and completing her mission to Terradin, in the Western continent to open up a trade route between the two kingdom as her King has requested of her. After all, she felt that anything that was on this island was not up to facing a trained mage from the Malanian Empire. Stonebreaker sighed at the idea of needing rest, but agreed. He immediately offered to take the final watch.

When Sir Karin woke up, he could smell fresh meat cooking. He sat up and saw Stonebreaker sitting by the campfire. “What did you hunt?”

“Hunt?” Stonebreaker turned. “Why hunt when there was good meat here?”

“Good meat?” Sir Karin rubbed his eyes. He then noticed that a skull hung from Stonebreaker’s belt that he had not noticed before. “Where did you get…”

Suddenly Sir Karin sat up. “By the Sha-Raessh Serpent! You’re cooking the dead man! And you have his skull on your belt!”

Stonebreaker seemed unaffected by Sir Karin’s accusations as the others began to awake. “I carry his skull because my people believe that if we take the skulls of those who have fallen; we carry them with us, gaining their strength, insight and wisdom. This man was clearly a wise man, from what he noted in his journal. Carrying his spirit with us seems to be a wise choice. As for cooking his flesh,” Stonebreaker continued, “it is better than it feeds us, who respects what he once was, rather than savage animals who would disrespect his body.”

Alissa looked over at Jorale, “Still think he would be good under the covers?”

Jorale smiled, “More convinced than ever,” she smiled.

Alissa should have known. Jorale was a slaver. Not a civilized person.

Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

These holidays (and a cruise!) have kept me busy!

So, we have a few stories with the "new" team of characters - any thoughts on them? Things you like? Dislike? Want to know more about?
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by CremionisD »

Sir Tawmis wrote:So, we have a few stories with the "new" team of characters - any thoughts on them? Things you like? Dislike? Want to know more about?
The idea of having two teams on the island is very interesting. I like it!

I would be very interesting to know a bit more about the backgrounds of the new characters. While there was a brief introduction, leaving it just for that doesn't create much depth to the characters. Even if these people are not the nicest ones in the world, there must be something more to them... Perhaps they aren't what they first appeared to be at all...

I'm looking forward to how these two groups are going to meet each other. I'm also expecting that to happen in a way that does not allow them to talk to each other right a way.

It might be interesting to see some things from the island master's point of view...

There, I've pitched some ideas... I hope they aren't completely useless!
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

CremionisD wrote:
Sir Tawmis wrote:So, we have a few stories with the "new" team of characters - any thoughts on them? Things you like? Dislike? Want to know more about?
The idea of having two teams on the island is very interesting. I like it!
I am enjoying it too. It's allowing me to have different character perspectives. I try to make each of the characters unique, so that personalities are not the same.
CremionisD wrote: I would be very interesting to know a bit more about the backgrounds of the new characters. While there was a brief introduction, leaving it just for that doesn't create much depth to the characters. Even if these people are not the nicest ones in the world, there must be something more to them... Perhaps they aren't what they first appeared to be at all...
Definitely a good idea. Need to find a way to bring out more of their background. I set down the initial background to each of them. But yes, fleshing them out would be better.
CremionisD wrote: It might be interesting to see some things from the island master's point of view...
That's not a bad idea, either - especially with a second team on his island.
CremionisD wrote: There, I've pitched some ideas... I hope they aren't completely useless!
There are no bad ideas. Feedback is the fire that feeds creativity.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


The Origin of Sir Karin and Alissa, Part One.

“I really wish you would reconsider,” the knight adorned in the armor of the Malanian Empire said, voicing his concern as he rode on his white horse. He looked back at the woman in red robes, riding her black horse.

“It is the only way to continue my education in magic,” the blond woman replied, casting a glance at the knight, and adding, “and you did not have to come, Sir Karin.” She spoke the words with annoyance, and emphasis on his name.

“Lady Alissa,” he said after taking a deep breath, “I understand that you do not wish an escort to Theareona.”

Before the knight could complete his sentence, she cut him off, “Because I am more than capable of taking care of myself, Sir Karin. While I may not be a Mage of the High Order – yet –,“ she emphasized, “I am able to cast spells that would defend myself from any attackers and reduce any foolish enough to try and lay a hand on me to babbling fools. I have more than simple ‘tricks’ at my disposal.”

“I am not questioning your abilities or powers,” Sir Karin continued his previous thought, addressing Lady Alissa’s concerns. “But the Mages of Malanian are highly sought after, because of the sheer power you possess. All mages are assigned a knight in their life, to escort them and assist them, in the event we are needed. I am to lay down my life for you, if it calls for it, and I would do so with great pride. These are the orders of my king; and I follow the orders of our glorious and wonderful king,” Sir Karin replied, riding alongside her.

“Licking the feet of the king, like a loyal dog,” she muttered beneath her breath, as she pulled the red hood over her head. The words did not go unheard; nor did Sir Karin think they were meant to go unheard. “Do not treat me like a fool, Sir Karin,” Alissa snarled from beneath her red hood. “You know who I am.”

“I do,” Sir Karin nodded, “Lady Alissa, daughter of King Saric; king and just ruler of the Malanian Empire.” He smiled, at her though she returned his smile with a scowl of her own. “All the more reason,” he explained, “that it is important that I ride with you. As the daughter of the glorious King Saric, you are a prize to many who would seek to hold you for ransom, or do worse to you, just to strike at King Saric.” He paused for a moment, “And you know, just as well as I do, despite the combined efforts of both Mages and Knights, the very woods that surround our kingdom is full of danger; especially the forest Ogres.”

Alissa sighed. “I suppose I should be thankful that you stepped up to escort me. As I understand it, my father was going to send Boris Thunkal of the King’s Men to escort me. (1) I cannot stand that man. He’s a brute – and the way he looks at me, is no way any man should look at royalty – or any woman, for that matter.”

“I am all too familiar with Boris Thunkal,” Sir Karin said, smiling, seeing that Alissa was at least – for now – speaking more candidly and the edge in her voice had dulled. “Both of us had applied to become a King’s Man at the same time. I suspect the day we were to report to your father, to apply, he had several thugs attack me in an alleyway, preventing me from reporting to your father, and so he was selected over me. I then ventured into simply remaining a Knight. I too, have spoken to your father, about Boris Thunkal, and his questionable actions. I have seen him at The Fallen Star; which is a place of questionable reputation and riff-raff… and he wasn’t there to arrest people, but to partake in some of its … activities.”

Alissa shuddered, “I knew there was something off about him.”

Sir Karin pulled the reigns on his horse, bringing it to a halt. He slid off the horse with great ease, despite the full set of armor. He began unraveling the latches on the side of the saddle. “This is a good place to camp for now.”

Alissa looked around once, and agreed.

1. For those that don’t remember Boris Thunkal, he was the King’s Man that got the originally party thrown into Mount Grimrock in the very first segment: viewtopic.php?p=29422#p29422

A large map is available on my site here to view.

The story was written, listening to this amazing cover by Malukah on constant repeat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z9TdDCWN7g

Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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