Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by TinyZu »

FeMaiden wrote:1. I tried my best to adapt it to Grimrock but maybe this was not the best place to do that.

2. I had a tough time making the puzzles fit in logically.

3. I also wanted to see if it was possible to make a custom dungeon that was focused around combat instead of puzzles.

4. I know there are people who were turned off by the puzzlecentric gameplay of Grimrock. if you look at the steam forum for a game called Fall of The Dungeon Guardians, you will see many posts comparing it (unfairly) to grimrock. some people think it's a grimrock clone, but recognize that game is combat centric with light puzzle elements, and the secret buttons are mostly all in logical places. People are praising it for its "superior" combat claiming they think it is more fun than Grimrock.
1. It works fine. Like, sure, you could have had Hassen spawn randomly or chase you around, but that would have made him more annoying than actually threatening. Earlier I was talking about the very narrow paths, by the way. Walking around the place is alright; just checking the map all the time or going back because you took one too many steps in those "web-shaped" parts is not brilliant, which is not a problem from the bird's perspective in the original. Instead, this is normally where you conveniently unlock a shortcut once you've reached the end, knowing you'll have to go there again later, but I can see why doing so would be out of place in this adaption.

2. Because of how you introduced this mod and how even just the beginning was structured, I didn't expect puzzles at all. What I'm saying is that the riddles that are in there are nice bonus content.

3. It definitely is, but combat alone can only entertain for so long. This is why I mentioned the mini maze in particular. The placement of the - let's call them gimmicks was very deliberate. They made it so you had to either rely on sounds or your foresight of stepping out of the way when the time was right. For me, that was the star of the mod.

4. Pff. Pfff. A-pffff. I checked it out and I'm not seeing anything remotely fun because I'm not a fan of standing there motionlessly, clicking on icons of which I saw so many, the only reason people like it more is that it reminds them of how old-school mmos do it. The skill ceiling in Grimrock is already fairly low because of the grid and no way to actively block or dodge on the spot, but this looks even more forgiving. You pretty much just memorize a good pattern and roll with it until it doesn't work on something. Of course the reviewer may have just played on Easy where you can take a ton of hits no problem, but I'm unconvinced.
Last edited by TinyZu on Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by FeMaiden »

lol I was not really interested in fall of the dungeon guardians either, because the combat remeinds me more of an MMORPG than a grid based dungeon crawler.

If the combat was more bards tale or wizardry styled, I might have picked that game up.

my point there was that I suspect the reason the grimrock community is so small is becaue many of the more "casual" players that bought it got turned off by the puzzles, and now those same people are liking the dungeon guardians for the same reaosn, because it's not focused on the puzzles.
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by TinyZu »

Nice ninja post.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated by some of the puzzles in this game, including mods, but figuring them out is surely more satisfying than cutting down slowly animated, axe-wielding, half-naked men.
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by FeMaiden »

ha, ninja, I was not "watching" I just happened to look here just after you posted.

I'm back to mention I updated my version on steam and the Nexus.
I reduced the volume of the cave musics and the boss musics in my sound definitions. I did not realize I had them turned up too loud.
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by FeMaiden »

welp, I just realized, I reconnected my scripts at the end
allowing you to respec the party, but I forgot to put text there explaining where it was and what would happen.
So, uploading a new version now.
I guess i'm not very professional lol.
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by FeMaiden »

I thought i should also mention, I called it "survival horror" because I was also inspired by games like Resident evil 2.
in resident evil 2, right at the start it drops you in there, surrounded by zombies, with practically no weapons to use against them. You literally have to run away form the zombies until you find better weapons. I tried to do the same thing here.
I also preferred to keep them monsters levels all static, given the open nature of this mod, I could not predict which way the player would go and did not want to create too many "walls" where the player obviously knew "I'm not supposed to go this way because the monsters are too strong. My goal was to make the player feel like they were actually getting stronger as they leveled up. These unskilled teenagers throwing rocks and missing all the time gradually become a whirlwind of blades, arrows and axes and clean up all the messed up monsters in the camp. and then they finally can take the fight to the villain. also, by keeping the monster's levels static, my hope was to make it less tedious to clear out all the trash mobs. The trash mobs were mostly there for xp. on my first few playthroughs, i noticed my party was falling just short of level 10, they almost got there but not quite. So I added a few more enemies. I also originally had the monsters more scattered around randomly, but with the extra agression, they seemed to gang up on me anyway, so instead, I placed the monsters into small clusters in the central parts of the maps. They still seem to wander around and gang up anyway.

the extremely long conversation when the group tries to leave the camp at the blocked exit outside the cave, was inspired by a scene in Stephen King's It where the kids being terrorized by the villain realize the only way they can win is to take the fight to him and they have a whole conversation about it and one of the kids screams out a challenge at villain in case the villain is listening that they are coming for him
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Re: Saturday The 14th : The Day After - Director's Cut

Post by manutoo »

TinyZu wrote:
FeMaiden wrote:4. Pff. Pfff. A-pffff. I checked it out and I'm not seeing anything remotely fun because I'm not a fan of standing there motionlessly, clicking on icons of which I saw so many, the only reason people like it more is that it reminds them of how old-school mmos do it. The skill ceiling in Grimrock is already fairly low because of the grid and no way to actively block or dodge on the spot, but this looks even more forgiving. You pretty much just memorize a good pattern and roll with it until it doesn't work on something. Of course the reviewer may have just played on Easy where you can take a ton of hits no problem, but I'm unconvinced.
There are many ways to describe The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians. But easy ain't one of them. ;)
If you don't understand how to move (in a lot of hard fights, you actually have to move at regular intervals) and how to efficiently heal, you'll be able to survive only in the easiest difficulty mode.

Note: I'm the game author. :)
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