Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:
Sir Tawmis wrote:
AnnElfwind wrote:Tawmis' hatered for magic is funny. Though i hope hat with time he will be able to see magic differently. And oerhaps learn a spell or two himself.
Cant wait for more.
And please excuse my possibly wonky writing. Im writing this from a tablet. :D
Well Tawmis' hatred of magic comes from what happened to him (detailed way back!), when the mages abducted him and tried to peel his mind apart, looking for the secret of Grimrock (which Tawmis' parents were known for entering and hiding the magical Orb thingie in there) all detailed way, way, way back in the story.
I know he has a tragic backstory, but the way he talks about it, it's just funny to read when he always adds that he doesn't mean Blaz, but almost forgets... Yes, it's tragic and all that, but it's funny to read. :)
Oh yes, it's SUPPOSED to be funny that he keeps having to excuse Blaz'tik from his constant rants about Mages.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
Oh yes, it's SUPPOSED to be funny that he keeps having to excuse Blaz'tik from his constant rants about Mages.
And it definitely is. :)
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


They each stared at the ship, shattered in the middle of the field, surrounded by rocks. The boards creaked against the gentle breeze, her tattered flag – a pine tree with two cross swords through it – flapped in the wind, as if waving to get their attention.

“There’s got to be a reason it’s there,” Coy hissed, walking around the outside of the stranded ship.

“Other than the fact that this mage is just as insane as over other mage I know?” Tawmis growled.

“No –tic!- offense, I know,” Blaz’tik said from behind Tawmis.

Tawmis spun and turned and looked at Blaz’tik, “Right. No offense intended. Again.” Tawmis walked around the ship, “Only a wizard would think that putting a ship in the middle of land is a good idea for a clue.”

Tawmis halted, coming to stand in front of Blaz’tik. “I swear, I don’t mean you, Blaz. I mean whoever this Key Keeper or whatever the ratling called him.”

“Rest assured – tic!- I still take no offense,” Blaz’tik nodded.

Tawmis screamed out suddenly. Taren rushed to his friend’s side. Tawmis continued to point. “Tell me I don’t see what I think I see.”

There was a statue, remarkable quality – which would not be entirely unusual – except that the statue was of the very captain of The Elf Wind slaver ship - Captain Bairon. Tawmis leaned close, examining the statue. “The workmanship is uncanny. You don’t suppose there was a statue of the captain aboard his own ship? I mean, that seems a little more than egotistical…”

Taren shook his head, his rumbling voice like thunder rolling across the heavens. “I fear that this was not fine workmanship that you believe it to be, my friend.”

Tawmis looked between the statue and Taren. “What do you mean? You can’t deny that whoever carved this thing did some uncanny work.”

“It’s the work of a medusa,” Taren finally said.

“Ma-what?” Tawmis turned around.

Blaz’tik came to stand close by now as well. “Such –tic!- creatures were thought to be –tic!- mythological.”

“Not so much,” Taren finally said solemnly. “On Maunlatore, where I live, the Medusa thrive… typically, deep inside caves… if they don’t get you with their poison tipped arrows… or their poison tipped nails… or the snakes on their head… there is their gaze… which,” Taren gestured towards the statue, “causes petrification – as in, changing flesh to stone.”

“So you’re about to tell me you think this Key Keeper or whatever,” Tawmis muttered, “has some kind of pet Medusa and used it to make this slaver – not that he deserved any better, being a slaver – into stone?”

“That would be my guess,” Taren nodded, looking around. “We haven’t seen any wild life turned to stone; so I suspect that the Key Master utilized the Medusa for a very specific purpose.”

“Like putting the slaver’s ship in the middle of this clearing,” Tawmis growled. “Because what would be the purpose of –“ Tawmis’ hand brushed against something. He looked. There was a note in the statue’s hand. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Tawmis reached over and unrolled the parchment, “It would seem our host has left us another clue.”

He read the note aloud:

“The second most precious thing in life for a seafaring captain is his sword, because without it he cannot command his crew. Thus, upon losing his weapon somewhere on Shipwreck beach, he lost what is most important to him: the respect of his crew.”

“It would seem –tic!-,” Blaz’tik thought aloud, “that we are to find this slaver’s sword –tic- and place it in his hand –tic!- where the note was.”

“This is getting ridiculous,” Tawmis growled. “I almost wish I was still imprisoned in Grimrock.”
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

I hate them medusas! That is, unless I'm wearing that crystal amulet that prevents petrification. Mainly because I love to play in 'Toorum' mode and that means that petrification is an instant game over.
I'm looking forward to them meeting some of the other monsters. Which I'm sure will happen. Particularly I'm looking forward to them facing the giant cobra. :) And those wargs. The brown big ones. :D
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:I hate them medusas! That is, unless I'm wearing that crystal amulet that prevents petrification. Mainly because I love to play in 'Toorum' mode and that means that petrification is an instant game over. I'm looking forward to them meeting some of the other monsters. Which I'm sure will happen. Particularly I'm looking forward to them facing the giant cobra. :) And those wargs. The brown big ones. :D
LOG2 is chalk full of monsters. And I am sure, the story will (have to!) eventually have the would-be-heroes encountering some of the beasts.

I am enjoying making sense of some random things in LOG2 (like a ship in the middle of dry land), and how it could all tie to the story. Same thing with the statue and the puzzle about the sword. So I will probably include some of the puzzles I've really liked so far in LOG2, and incorporate them into the story somehow. :) But yeah, I am sure various creatures will eventually end up in the story. Kind of like what I did with the LOG1 story part, I love coming up with origins and backgrounds (not just for my characters), but even about the map, and how things work (like how I explained the torches in the LOG1 game, and the ship in LOG2)... Just random background stuff I love fleshing out!
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

Work has been insane and intense... But I had such a good streak of adding... hoping to add something - at least ONE more - this week!
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Pizzadude »

Wow, just spent about a hour reading through all of this, and i gotta say, this is amazing. I love it. You put in so many details about the dark, dank dungeon that is Mount Grimrock. And i really liked the way the characters moved from Mt. Grimrock to the Isle of Nex. Also if you go to your LoG 1 Folder you can find a World map. On it there is not only Mt. Grimrock and the Isle of Nex but places like Xafi Desert and the Endless Tundra so it would be cool if you added that to your story. And i was kind of disappointed when there was no mention of legendary armor like the Lurker set and the Plate set. So it would be cool to see the Archmage set with its ancient magic coursing through it or the Meteor Armor that is said to be made of the rock of meteors hitting against Earth.

Anyway, i'm Really enjoying this and hope for another piece of this fantastic journey soon. Once again, I'm loving this.

Edit: it would also be cool if you added some of the other class' into the story like the Alchemist or the Barbarian.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

Pizzadude wrote:Wow, just spent about a hour reading through all of this, and i gotta say, this is amazing. I love it. You put in so many details about the dark, dank dungeon that is Mount Grimrock. And i really liked the way the characters moved from Mt. Grimrock to the Isle of Nex. Also if you go to your LoG 1 Folder you can find a World map. On it there is not only Mt. Grimrock and the Isle of Nex but places like Xafi Desert and the Endless Tundra so it would be cool if you added that to your story. And i was kind of disappointed when there was no mention of legendary armor like the Lurker set and the Plate set. So it would be cool to see the Archmage set with its ancient magic coursing through it or the Meteor Armor that is said to be made of the rock of meteors hitting against Earth.

Anyway, i'm Really enjoying this and hope for another piece of this fantastic journey soon. Once again, I'm loving this.

Edit: it would also be cool if you added some of the other class' into the story like the Alchemist or the Barbarian.
Thank you, Pizzadude! Feedback is always fuel to the fire, to keep adding to this story! (Especially when a new reader comes along, and reads all my madness in one scoop - and finds enjoyment!)

I love adding extra touches of details to things like Grimrock (such as how the torches remained lit in Grimrock, and the reason they would eventually die out if you took them from the racks!) I thrive on fleshing out and developing things like that! (Same reason, in the most recent additions, it dawned on me to make the Slave Ship they were put on - the same ship that you see stranded in the middle of the Isle of Nex). Love when my brain explores and opens up ideas like that for me to piece together. :)

I made reference to some places from the LOG1 map; like the swamp area (forgetting the name at the moment), but one of the characters (Silvertan, I believe it is), made reference to the Herders that lived in that area when the party encountered Herders in the LOG1 portion of the story! I never made mention of the "legendary" armor (or even armor sets), mostly because as players - we knew what they were named, but I am not sure how I would have fit the recognizable name into the story (as most of the characters at the time, were pretty inexperienced about such things as knowing legendary type things!) But I will try to make mention of at least one or two as I work through the LOG2 portion of the story. :)

As for other classes, not a bad idea. Just need to figure out how I would do it (I try to stay with the game format of a party of four... for awhile there, there was five between the transition of LOG1 to LOG2, to tie in the Isle of Nex portion)...

Will see what my brain comes up with when I sit down at work and crank out another piece or two. :)

Seriously though, thank you very much for the feedback! It's so incredible to know that anyone is reading this - let alone, finding enjoyment! I know a few of you have replied that you're enjoying it - and made it clear - but, I guess - as a writer, I am always amazed when someone enjoys what I do.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by CremionisD »

Sir Tawmis wrote:I know a few of you have replied that you're enjoying it - and made it clear - but, I guess - as a writer, I am always amazed when someone enjoys what I do.
No reason to be amazed; A good story is good. Give yourself a bit of credit. I mean, in a world where people read less and less fiction, you've created something that hooks people for hours while the average attention span is like 2 minutes...

It's been a while since your previous story update --- And now it seems there's one more person eagerly waiting for the next update.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

After reading the recent discussion, I know of the perfect item that I think should be mentioned in the story at some point. :D The CRYSTAL AMULET the one that prevents petrification. :D I'm positive that it would make for an interesting segment. :D *already planing to use the thing in her own story, considering she finally found a favourite mod for LoG2:D*
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