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So I don't think I've specifically discuss this except to mention that higher level ice spells are useful for freezing. Does this make Ice the best option? I noticed poison can be a real pain so Earth magic certainly seems useful as well. Has anyone been able to compare/contrast say, Ice damage vs Fire or Air?
I don't know how much to worry about spreading points around, since I have no idea what the max level cap is and therefor don't know how many skill points I'll have to spread around (if anyone has the answer to those that would be helpful as well).
I'm not high ranking by any means (Level 8) but Ice seems to be the way to go,I have 19 in Ice and 8 in Fire the rest in Spellcraft,I took the 5 extra points trait on my Lizzie Mage AND gave him the
+5 skillbook
I found,
Ice Bolt has saved my bacon tons of times...
I started with earth but I regret that decision since many monsters are immune and it does the lowest of dmg, it's only good versus those tentacle things that come up from rosters. Air is decent, does good dmg but in my opinion Fire/Ice is the way to go. I saw my fireball do up to 300 dmg on hard mode. Ice is great for disabling.
Only have a level 9 Mage but he kicks ass with fire mastery/spellcraft. I cruise around with him in party with fireball ready to go with 1 click and usually start my atks with this at range. Fire shield is sexy too once you can cast it
Fireball (with Greater Fireball Upgrade) does like 130 damage to everyone in the group. Awesome damage output even for solo targets. (damage at or around level 8 or level 9 mage level)
Air seems decent to me. Nothing I have encountered has been immune or even resistant to lightning as far as I can tell. There are some fire and poison immune monsters so I would be hesitant to take those. Ice might be great too if it slows monsters down. For a mage I would use my skill points for one spell school up to circle of protection and rest to spellcraft.
Lightning bolt dose tons and tons of damage. (Seems dose Extra damage to Undead not sure)
And Invisibility very handy, mobs cant see you even if they pass by you.
Enchant Shock Arrow ( For bow users)
Frostbolt Has really really long range and passes threw enemy's & freezes them in place.
Enchant Ice Arrow ( For bow users)
And last
Spellcraft for well Defense/more casting power.
And Most important Light spell, your own personal Torch.