[Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by minmay »

Of the four screenshots you have in this post:
- the top left one, of course, looks extremely similar to Grimrock's dungeon environment
- the top right one looks fine to me
- the bottom left one looks fine...BUT in the screenshot you have in the original post showing the blue crystals, and in the context of the game's other similarities to Grimrock, it resembles Grimrock 2's mine environment uncomfortably closely.
- the walls in the bottom right one, and especially this screenshot that shows a wall without bars across it, are extremely similar to Grimrock's temple environment and I don't think this is a coincidence (even the number of bricks is the same). The pillars, ceiling and floor look fine, but you have to keep in mind that walls, being at eye level, are the most noticeable part of the surroundings.

Neither of these cases are nearly as bad as the top left one, but the presence of that case makes the other two become pretty blatant imo.

I do like that you're making a Linux version, though. I might end up giving you money just for that.
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by manutoo »

thanks for your detailed answer.

I don't mind the blue crystals in the cavern ; a lot of RPGs which have caverns will get colorful crystals in them, it's really a classic.

However, the palace wall is another story : it looks way too close of the Grimrock's Temple one (fortunately, it's still not identical). I'll try to see with the artist if he's available now and could do a little something to fix that, as this one might be easier to correct than the moss story. Maybe putting only 2 stones in the middle line instead of 4 would do the trick, or something like that.

For the Linux version, hopefully I won't have too much merit for it, as it should be nearly as easy as choosing the correct export button in Unity Engine... :P
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by Komag »

so defensive :cry:
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by manutoo »

Thanks to everybody who voted, the game got Greenlit in 1 week, yippee ! :-D

It should be available in a few weeks on Steam.

I just created a 2nd gameplay video to show what the game looks like when using the Active Pause, which is the usual thing to do when playing the game :

is the wall less "Grimrockesque" like this :
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by Dr.Disaster »

manutoo wrote:I just created a 2nd gameplay video to show what the game looks like when using the Active Pause, which is the usual thing to do when playing the game :
To be frank: this "Active Pause" thing looks awful; massive immersion break for me. If you really want to keep this at least do NOT freeze the monster animations!

The info overflow for enemies is also kind of an immersion break. Being told right away how much life, energy and which skills/spells an opponent has makes it pretty easy to fight it when otherwise you might prefer to keep your distance.
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by minmay »

Dr.Disaster wrote:To be frank: this "Active Pause" thing looks awful; massive immersion break for me. If you really want to keep this at least do NOT freeze the monster animations!

The info overflow for enemies is also kind of an immersion break. Being told right away how much life, energy and which skills/spells an opponent has makes it pretty easy to fight it when otherwise you might prefer to keep your distance.
i'm pretty sure that for most people, a game having a good interface doesn't break immersion
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by Dr.Disaster »

minmay wrote:
Dr.Disaster wrote:To be frank: this "Active Pause" thing looks awful; massive immersion break for me. If you really want to keep this at least do NOT freeze the monster animations!

The info overflow for enemies is also kind of an immersion break. Being told right away how much life, energy and which skills/spells an opponent has makes it pretty easy to fight it when otherwise you might prefer to keep your distance.
i'm pretty sure that for most people, a game having a good interface doesn't break immersion
Call it an old PnP habit. I'm the kind of game master who gives players only the information they are able to obtain/observe themselfs and things like "enemy has x life/mana out of y max life/mana left" do not belong into that categorie.
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Re: [Greenlight] The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

Post by manutoo »

you can play without the Active Pause, you'll just have to lower the difficulty level and it should be ok.

If you buy the game, let me know and I'll add an option to hide any GUI part you don't want to see, but then you might have a great trouble to kill the hardest enemies, as you're supposed to interrupt or dodge some of their powerful attacks.
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