Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


As Coy dressed himself in leather armor, he looked at the others. He placed his dagger in its sheath, his round eyes never once leaving the other three he had been stranded with. In his head, he was calculating his chance of survival. They had proved to be exceptionally useful in escaping Grimrock – but how much more did they have left?

As they pressed on around the edge of the shoreline, they eventually came to what appeared to be a dead end.

“Well, that’s wonderful,” Tawmis grumbled. He peered over the rock ledge. “We could try to scale these rocks.”

“No need,” Coy’s voice emerged from the dark shadows that the moonless night provided. “I found a passage through the stone, just over here.”

Taren looked at Tawmis, and if he could roll his eyes, he would have. He whispered – as much as a Minotaur can whisper, with their booming, deep voice – “It is strange that our friend found a secret passage so quickly.”

Tawmis nodded in agreement. “He’s clearly been on this island, like he said before. So he knows the ins and outs of this place. I suppose, to that regard, he’s at least going to be useful helping us get around – and ideally – off this island.”

“If he does not betray us before then,” Taren muttered.

“Right, if that doesn’t happen,” Tawmis echoed.

As they moved deeper and deeper into the cavern, the blackness of night devoured them; the faint light of stars bleeding away, consumed by the shadows within the cave. “I can’t even see my hand in front of my face,” Tawmis complained.

“I can see just fine, follow my voice,” Coy suggested.

“Because that seems like a safe idea,” Tawmis growled.

“You still don’t trust me,” Coy whispered from somewhere ahead.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” Tawmis replied, “it’s just that I don’t have complete certainty in you.”

“That’s the same thing as not trusting me,” Coy replied, again his voice seemingly coming from the very shadows.

“Sure, if you want to see it that way, I suppose it sounds like that,” Tawmis said.

“Please –tic!-,” came Blaz’tik’s monotone voice, “allow me.”

In the darkness, Blaz’tik brought his hand directly in front of his chest and released some of the powder he had found in the chest along the shoreline; opened his hand, then brought it down and closed his hand. The tip of his make shift wooden staff began to glow. When the passage lit up, just ahead of Tawmis, Coy stood, poised with dagger in hand.

Tawmis raised an eye brow. “Why’s your dagger out?”

“Because,” Coy said after a moment, as if thinking of an excuse. “I can see in the dark. And these tunnels are not without creatures. You weren’t thinking I was…” Coy looked as though he was offended. “You did not think I was going to attack you, did you?”

Tawmis looked at Coy, his hand going to the hilt of his sword. “You have to admit that looks a little odd; especially since you’re facing me, and not forward if you’re anticipating something in these caves…”

Coy smiled, his two front teeth glistening in Blaz’tik’s magical light, “Is it not proper human behavior to turn and face those you are speaking with?”

Tawmis had a bad feeling that Coy was – literally – lying through his teeth.

“After all,” Coy continued, “what good would you be to me, dead so soon?”

“So soon?” Tawmis echoed.

“What I mean is, so early on, if I was going to kill you – and I don’t plan to – it’d be later, when I feel safe,” Coy explained.

“That still doesn’t make me feel better,” Tawmis replied, his hand no longer on his hilt. “You can see why I don’t trust you.”

“So you admit it then,” Coy chuckled, and turned his head continued down into cave, dagger still in hand, “You don’t trust me. Just like I said.”

Blaz’tik looked over at Tawmis, and if the insectoid could chuckle, he probably would have.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by CremionisD »

Hmm. I wonder what is going to happen when they face Coy's old "friends" (=the other ratlings) on the island. That might be an interesting encounter.

Looking forward to your next updates. (which are apparently coming more often than once a week). I need to increase my frequency of update checks.... hmm. Does this forum have a notifcation system. [goes to see if there is a way to follow threads]
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

CremionisD wrote:Hmm. I wonder what is going to happen when they face Coy's old "friends" (=the other ratlings) on the island. That might be an interesting encounter.

Looking forward to your next updates. (which are apparently coming more often than once a week). I need to increase my frequency of update checks.... hmm. Does this forum have a notifcation system. [goes to see if there is a way to follow threads]
Did you find the Subscribe to Topic (at the very bottom of the thread).

I didn't get a chance to write today, sadly, because I don't know that I took a break today...! (We were pretty slammed at work, as we typically are on Mondays!)

Hopefully tomorrow allows me to resume!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Ooh! I woner what Coy's agenda is. :D Sneaky little bastard. But I kinda like him. On the other hand, when I was speculating if one of them will die by the end of the Nex Island, I think I said that the one obvious choice would be Coy. Hum... I still think someone will die. But I'm hoping with my fingers crossed it won't be Tawmis or Taren. I like those two the best. And unless it turns out that Tawmis can use magic, I don't think that Blaz will die either. They would be toast without magic.

And on a less related topic, I've seen (one of) the end scenes from LoG2. Makes me like the key master or whatever the dude actually is.

Heh. It would be a crazy twist if Coy and his band of ratlings turn out tu be the bad guys and the key master the good guy...

Maybe I will try my hand at finishing the main game again? Definitely worth consideration.

I'm looking forward to the next segment. :)
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote: Ooh! I woner what Coy's agenda is. :D Sneaky little bastard. But I kinda like him.
That's the fun of this writing exercise. I know I've said it before, but I literally have nothing planned for the story. It follows the general idea of Legend of Grimrock (2, in this case), but as for the character - they pretty much write themselves every time I sit down to write these. So Coy, for example, could leave, and they could find another sailor washed ashore (just as a wild example, not to say that's going to happen). The reason I do it this way - this is all a writing exercise for me - to allow my brain to be spontaneously creative and see what happens (rather than having it all planned out). It's a mental exercise for my brain.
AnnElfwind wrote: On the other hand, when I was speculating if one of them will die by the end of the Nex Island, I think I said that the one obvious choice would be Coy. Hum... I still think someone will die. But I'm hoping with my fingers crossed it won't be Tawmis or Taren. I like those two the best. And unless it turns out that Tawmis can use magic, I don't think that Blaz will die either. They would be toast without magic.
Yeah, ideally, I would rather not have any character die; as I write them, I begin to understand them (for lack of a better word) and breathe life into them. But as this is all pretty unplanned; random things happen (like when they announced Ratlings as playable for LOG2, and I was still writing my LOG1 story; I brought in Coy, and that eventually that led to Silvertan's "exit."
AnnElfwind wrote: And on a less related topic, I've seen (one of) the end scenes from LoG2. Makes me like the key master or whatever the dude actually is.
Heh. It would be a crazy twist if Coy and his band of ratlings turn out tu be the bad guys and the key master the good guy...
Maybe I will try my hand at finishing the main game again? Definitely worth consideration.
I'm looking forward to the next segment. :)
I still need to finish LOG2 myself!
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
I still need to finish LOG2 myself!
Me too. The ending was a part of a mod I played. Return to dungeon Lucius (enhanced version), if I remember correctly. Good dungeon to play. If I manage to play it several more times, I might turn it into one of the parts of my own story. :D
I still don't have enough of an understanding of LoG2 mods to use them. And anyway, my guys have to go through Forbidden halls first! That mod is a must.

And as for the dying thing. I don't really want them to die either, but if I had to choose one of them to kill, I think that Coy would be the choice I would make. But I'll gladly let myself be surprised. :D
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »


“So you admit it then,” Coy chuckled, and turned his head continued down into cave, dagger still in hand, “You don’t trust me. Just like I said.”

Blaz’tik looked over at Tawmis, and if the insectoid could chuckle, he probably would have.

Following Coy, through the darkened cavern, all of them noticed the same thing ahead; a light, blue hue that was all too familiar. “Don’t tell me,” Tawmis muttered.

“If it is what we think it is,” Taren rumbled, his deep, resounding voice, echoing slightly in the cavern, “then that may be a very good thing.” The cavern led to a large, circular opening; with a Crystal of Life hovering to one side. But that’s not what caught Tawmis’ attention.

He pointed at a decimated, ship-wreck in the center of the clearing. The front of half of the broken ship was buried under several feet of sand. Seaweed dangled from the ship, blowing gently in the night sky, as if it had just been plucked from the ocean.

As he approached the ship, he ran his fingers along the hull. It was, as he suspected – and feared – it was the remains of the slaver ship that had been destroyed, and as a result, stranded them on the island. He pointed to the crest at the front of the ship, “The Elf Wind,” he pointed out. “Someone care to tell me how the ship that was destroyed with us on it – ended up here,” he spun in a circle, “in the middle of a rocky area, with no water around?”

“Magic,” Blaz’tik’s monotone, insectoid voice replied. “Whoever this –tic!- key master is undoubtedly –tic!- lifted the ship from the –tic!- bottom of the sea and –tic!- placed it here.”

“Why,” Tawmis shouted. “Why would someone place the ship here?”

“I can tell you,” Coy twitched his nose. “That ship wasn’t here before.”

“Clearly,” Tawmis muttered, “since that was the slave ship we got stuck on.”

“Do you think it’s a message?” Taren asked, his massive, boulder sized hands, resting on his hips.

“Or –tic!- perhaps a clue,” Blaz’tik added.

“There’s got to be a reason it’s there,” Coy hissed.

“Other than the fact that this mage is just as insane as over other mage I know?” Tawmis growled.

“No –tic!- offense, I know,” Blaz’tik said from behind Tawmis.

Tawmis spun and turned and looked at Blaz’tik, “Right. No offense intended. Again.” Tawmis walked around the ship, “Only a wizard would think that putting a ship in the middle of land is a good idea for a clue.”

Tawmis halted, coming to stand in front of Blaz’tik. “I swear, I don’t mean you, Blaz. I mean whoever this Key Keeper or whatever the ratling called him.”

“Rest assured – tic!- I still take no offense,” Blaz’tik nodded.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Tawmis' hatered for magic is funny. Though i hope hat with time he will be able to see magic differently. And oerhaps learn a spell or two himself.
Cant wait for more.
And please excuse my possibly wonky writing. Im writing this from a tablet. :D
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AnnElfwind wrote:Tawmis' hatered for magic is funny. Though i hope hat with time he will be able to see magic differently. And oerhaps learn a spell or two himself.
Cant wait for more.
And please excuse my possibly wonky writing. Im writing this from a tablet. :D
Well Tawmis' hatred of magic comes from what happened to him (detailed way back!), when the mages abducted him and tried to peel his mind apart, looking for the secret of Grimrock (which Tawmis' parents were known for entering and hiding the magical Orb thingie in there) all detailed way, way, way back in the story.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Re: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.

Post by AnnElfwind »

Sir Tawmis wrote:
AnnElfwind wrote:Tawmis' hatered for magic is funny. Though i hope hat with time he will be able to see magic differently. And oerhaps learn a spell or two himself.
Cant wait for more.
And please excuse my possibly wonky writing. Im writing this from a tablet. :D
Well Tawmis' hatred of magic comes from what happened to him (detailed way back!), when the mages abducted him and tried to peel his mind apart, looking for the secret of Grimrock (which Tawmis' parents were known for entering and hiding the magical Orb thingie in there) all detailed way, way, way back in the story.
I know he has a tragic backstory, but the way he talks about it, it's just funny to read when he always adds that he doesn't mean Blaz, but almost forgets... Yes, it's tragic and all that, but it's funny to read. :)
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