if Grimrock didn't exist, and I still had the idea to do a mossy old dungeon (which is not a given, of course), then the result would have been likely still very close of what you see on the screenshot above.
A proof ?
I have 0 idea what
minmay is talking about with the 2 other "blatantly" imitated environments.
I remember the 2 other environments from Grimrock, they don't look like the 3 other ones of DG. Maybe LoG2 then ? But my environments have been designed & produced before its release (except the Evil Crypt actually), and months before I put my hands on it.
This type of game based on 3x3m squares implies a lot of constraints. The theme, an underground dungeon defines pretty much the settings. There's only a few possible outcomes and the general impressions will be close, especially when the theme chosen is "old mossy dungeon".
If I had a 2-day solution to fix all that mess, I'd do it. But at this point, whatever I do, as long as I have stone walls with moss on it, it'll be "you ripped it off Grimrock" for some guys.
So here I'd be spending weeks & extra money to get the new environments, and I can't afford that now.
And anyway, even if I'd manage to do that, my game would still be "it'd have never existed if Grimrock didn't exist" (although I thought about it for the 1st time in 2008, 3 years & half before the release of LoG and almost 3 years before its 1st videos on Youtube).
Coz as of today, Grimrock is the king of the FPV Dungeon Crawling, and every new one will be compared to it, we have to live with it, no choice..!
could you tell me what environments are same to which one(s) for you ?