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by xlaZuRelx
Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:06 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Thels wrote:
jontycampbell wrote:I'm right in thinking that the map always shows what floor you're on incase of plunging down trapdoors?
Yes, as long as you don't have old-school mode enabled.

This is a very old thread you necro'ed, and a big thread at that. A new thread would've helped.
Old but complete :D
by xlaZuRelx
Mon May 28, 2012 10:35 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Lex wrote:
Why Lurker Boots are listed but not Shuriken
on level 1?
Didnt pay much attention to thrown items... i will add that in.
by xlaZuRelx
Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:33 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Well, looks like the last secret got solved. I was playing oldskool and wanted to quickly check if I'd missed something and noticed GameBanshee now lists 71 secrets.. according to their list, there's 12 on level 6, but 7 on level 5. No wonder hunting around on level 6 didn't help.. The OP's list fo...
by xlaZuRelx
Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:22 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Ok, dumb question about counting the number secrets found. I started a new game just to count secrets as I went along. I followed both this thread and another thread I found here: (Unfortunately, it does not seem this one has been updated a...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:35 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Do you count secrets that are found on for example on level 4 by jumping into pit on level 3 as level 3 or 4 secret? It would be nice if you would specify this in your first post. Great list tho, very helpful. The secrets listed are those you can get while you are at the level regardless of pit fal...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:41 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Hi, it seems, that you are missing a secret area in level 6, which contains 2 fire bombs. Gamebanshee on the other hand is missing the speed potion on level 6 in 'Walkabout' in their secrets guide (although it's mentioned in the walkthrough) (I didn't go through all 13 pages, so if somebody already...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:58 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

cdhinhou wrote:Sorry about that. I edited my post to not reveal how the secret is obtained.
Just put it under a spoiler drop. Some people just want to know...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:39 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

One of the missing secrets from the GameBanshee list is the walkabout secret on level 6 found after making 3 laps in the area and getting a sack of loot. This is one of the few secrets that is based on an action rather than finding an area. I wonder if the other 2 secrets are like that. For the pos...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:32 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Total Secrets 70/71 <-- Anyone can help me pinpoint the last 1? Are all 71 the kind of secrets that make a chime when you discover them? or could the last one be Toorum Mode? I suppose probably not since the statistics relate spicifically to a save file... btw, great list you've put togeather, this...
by xlaZuRelx
Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:51 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)
Replies: 156
Views: 220995

Re: Did you miss a good item? (REFERENCE)

Been blazing through the first 6 levels and i still can't find it - last secret :cry: Couldnt read all 12 pages, but as you update the first port regularly i assume you are missing the Chitin Mail item. which lies behind iron door on level 6 I must have deleted it by mistake, i found those in both r...