Hi guys I've been trying for hours to get a script to work in which a Skull placed on a forest altar will trigger a teleporter to activate. Simple if done using connectors, I know. But I only want it to activate the teleporter with the skull and have nothing happen with any other item placed on it. ...
nothing at all happens when I place items or stand on the pressure plates. The plates themselves work as intended in terms animation and things but they don't open the door when put down and I havent accidently deactivated them or anything When I connected the pressure plates to the LUA script it ke...
Hey guys :) I'm trying to write a simple two pressure plate puzzle for the practice, and i went to the useful scripts forum to look at how I would do it and I've done this script: function platedown() if dungeon_pressure_plate_1.floortrigger:isDown() and dungeon_pressure_plate_2.floortrigger:isDown(...
Oh I didn't think of that. Thank you I'll certainly use it in the future :) I found that I can do it safely using a define object script as it doesn't seem to cause the same error and the weapons scales properly, the same as a Bow or Sword would. Thank you very much for your help today minmay. I cou...
Yes exactly that. It wont allow me to put in Dexterity, stating that it expected a number and not a string, and adding a number only causes a crash so I imagine they don't want firearms scaling lol