Search found 5 matches

by drayko
Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:26 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315903

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

So far I only found two possibilities to make sure monsters don't travel over the whole map and stay in their area (so that you don't fight all monsters at the start of the map and the rest of the map would be empty). Either blocking with shrubs or setting invisible monster blockers. Did you try sp...
by drayko
Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:29 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315903

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Exemple of use teleport via console is type party:setPosition(19,28,0,0,31) so it is not long. Problem is I do not know my current position and map ID. Command for check current position and mapid is print(party:getPosition()) but is no work for me - console give me just number '4' all the time. Con...
by drayko
Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:57 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315903

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

O M G ... All was going great until I came to the area where you cannot use light and/or hold a torch... I open the pullchain door and if I Step into it.... CRASH!! :( I got .17 version and had no crash there, so it is not .18 need. Try use party:setPosition command in console to pass this moment, ...
by drayko
Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:22 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315903

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

I entered to the swamp and didnt find that ethereal dagger, now I cannot back to Grimforest because of wind element that blocking my way.
What words 'first and fourth will guide you' from the stone head means?
by drayko
Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:41 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315903

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Very pleasant play, chats between party members are hilarious! But something worries me - slugs and wolfs and other on the surface (besides that nasty flying little things) seems to bother their waypoints more than chasing me. It is for a purpose?