Search found 5 matches
- Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:06 pm
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: getPosition() & setPosition()
- Replies: 13
- Views: 14616
Re: getPosition() & setPosition()
I've got interesting effect, I had a stone on coords for example 10,13 and I moved him onto 10,12 after reseting the stones it appear on right position but at the [10,12] is still invisible obstacle of the stone. actaully it "copied" so now I have obstacle at 10,13 (the stone, visible) an...
- Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:53 am
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
- Replies: 3990
- Views: 3427243
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Here's a simple question: I was trying to use setAiState to shift a monster from guard to its default ai state, but I really have no idea what i'm doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

- Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:20 am
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: fill a dungeon dug out with water?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 11739
Re: fill a dungeon dug out with water?
In an underwater tile and above elevation 0. I do hope someone figures how to change that. I just went ahead and pulled the water from a couple levels I had. I guess nobody has figured out how to change the elevation you spawn in the level below after falling down a pit either... These two things ar...
- Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:00 am
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: Few questions - All solved
- Replies: 21
- Views: 26813
Re: Few questions - All solved
Regarding the WaterSurface code... I noticed that this code only seems to change where the water appears to be, you will still technically be underwater as soon as you step over it (rather than falling into it) as the "WaterSurface" is still set to 0 (Maybe this has nothing to do with it e...
- Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:54 am
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: fill a dungeon dug out with water?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 11739
Re: fill a dungeon dug out with water?
actually it is possible... :) defineObject{ name = "user_water_surface", base_object = "water_surface", components = { { class = "WaterSurface", fogColor = vec(0.021,0.045,0.13,0), fogDensity = 0.2, planeY = -0.4, reflectionColor = vec(0.693,0.81,0.9,0), refractionColo...