Search found 2 matches

by Shims
Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:17 am
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: [Achievement Spoilers] The Relic Found!
Replies: 11
Views: 14317

Re: [Achievement Spoilers] The Relic Found!

just wow. im amazed by those people who actually think of that stuff. why would anyone go so far and analyze even THIS? it makes me feel dumb in comparison :(
by Shims
Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:37 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Cyrstal Mines Help - Literally stuck
Replies: 4
Views: 4320

Re: Cyrstal Mines Help - Literally stuck

throw something at the pressureplate and walk back, then sideways, before the shot hits you. the shot will open the door, if you dont block it.