Search found 6 matches

by Orin Crest
Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:47 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Holy Moly...almost shat my pants. And I'm not easily scared
Replies: 14
Views: 23917

Re: Holy Moly...almost shat my pants. And I'm not easily sca

PSY wrote:Don't read this if you haven't explored Sleet Island yet !!!!
So I picked up the Arquebus...know what I'm talking about? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
A scared PSY :o
I hear you...I had a feeling that something was going to happen (so I saved), but I didn't expect THAT!

by Orin Crest
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:48 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Isle of Nex: Void
Replies: 2
Views: 3766

Re: Isle of Nex: Void

Shadowlordx wrote:
There are 2 blue buttons. Remember which floor you are on.

Thank you. Rookie mistake.
by Orin Crest
Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:30 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Isle of Nex: Void
Replies: 2
Views: 3766

Isle of Nex: Void

I can't find my way out of the Void area. I've pressed the blue button, climbed ladders, and am now looking across a gap at what I assume is the door out.

Please help? 10Q.

EDIT: I just collected the Frost and Fire Bombs from the treasure chest.
by Orin Crest
Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:12 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Pyramid of Umas
Replies: 72
Views: 78326

Re: Pyramid of Umas

I'm having trouble in the room with the fireball and the "redirectors".

I found the button, but when I pressed it all it seemed to do was create another redirector.

Help, please?

by Orin Crest
Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:22 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Pyramid of Umas
Replies: 72
Views: 78326

Re: Pyramid of Umas do we get past the "plate within the grate" in the NE section of the pyramid? Try to solve, as he said "you can put more then 1 item", but here's the solution: Trow doth pressure, walk on the one left and drop item, make to the other side and drop another item on same p...
by Orin Crest
Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:03 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Pyramid of Umas
Replies: 72
Views: 78326

Re: Pyramid of Umas

Im stuck on both the east and west wing. I marked both issues with an X. East: You marked the wrong spot as your issue. You'll have to cross the pits further north. Additional info on how to deal with the pressure plate between the grates: You can put more than one item on a pressure plate. West: Y...