Search found 8 matches

by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:10 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Stuck on Sleet Island: Danger! / Even the winds.. (solved)
Replies: 6
Views: 9372

Re: Stuck on Sleet Island: Danger! / Even the winds..

In the small room don't wait for the teleporters to disappear and enter the left one right away
The reward is also quite nice :D
by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:38 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: [SPOILERS] Potion recipes
Replies: 8
Views: 11698

Re: [SPOILERS] Potion recipes

adamw1994 wrote:How can I make a frost bomb? I have no idea how to do bombs
Blackmoss and one of the other ingredients except Crystal Flower
by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:34 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Water temple enter
Replies: 3
Views: 6330

Re: Water temple enter

Just got there myself thanks to this:
by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:28 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Hamlet of Stormbreach Hub key?
Replies: 7
Views: 25185

Re: Hamlet of Stormbreach Hub key?

3mortis wrote:i get this key before crystal mines and before severs and before shrine of air so it must be somewhere on the main part of hamlet
same here, except the sewers
I also think that it may be the key from the House of Braids but it's just a wild guess as I don't remember where I got it exactly
by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:15 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0
Replies: 36
Views: 136025

Re: [Spoilers] Spells Compendium v2.0

Ayren wrote:btw how strong is the Meteor spell, Is it useful ?
very, but requires a lot of energy and timing is also quite tricky...
by Tiraon
Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:13 pm
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Crystal Flower
Replies: 4
Views: 7039

Re: Crystal Flower

jardin wrote:alchemy: vitality, strenght... potions
Just a clarification:
permanent increase +1... also willpower and dexterity
by Tiraon
Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:50 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [MOD] [WIP] The Lost Continent
Replies: 12
Views: 23790

Re: [MOD] [WIP] The Lost Continent

I'm new here so not really in the know concerning the modding, but what I played of your mod till now is really interesting, and I dabble somewhat in the art of writing so I'd be happy to help a little
by Tiraon
Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:16 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: just thank you
Replies: 10
Views: 10347

Re: just thank you

I only discovered an played LoG recently, so I would also say thank you for this game(s), especially since AH is one of the very few developers developing dungeon crawlers and the only one to release one recently(that I know of), though they are very good at it
So thank you AH