Search found 19 matches
- Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:24 pm
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: TorchItem Component issues?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 7385
Re: TorchItem Component issues?
How is this going? I created a torch item with a similar approach - it's a magic staff that's supposed to radiate torchlight - but in-game the item weirdly replaces the base graphics with a normal torch. I'm not really sure how to proceed.
- Wed Dec 24, 2014 10:41 pm
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: [Assets] MinAssets 1.2.0
- Replies: 19
- Views: 21167
Re: [Assets] MinAssets 1.0.0
What do you do with textures/materials to make objects translucent?
- Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:54 pm
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
- Replies: 3990
- Views: 3422156
Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
I'm trying to relearn how the scripting works in this game and I was wondering if you could help me with some simple stuff. Ya'll know about the horn you blow at the beach to summon the viper roots for the boss battle? Well it works by the following script embedded in it's object definition: onAttac...
- Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:14 am
- Forum: Mod Creation
- Topic: LoG1 tilesets???
- Replies: 69
- Views: 90809
Re: LoG1 tilesets???
Has anyone converted the original tilesets? The core temple, prison, and dungeon tilesets? I feel like I read about it earlier, but I can't seem to find anything to that effect. Nice job with the re-textured ones, though!
- Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:04 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you
- Replies: 92
- Views: 54629
Re: Petri consumes glögg and codes with you
A boolean in the definition of lightsources that causes them to not flicker.
- Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:45 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: Neikun's Workshop (WIPs by Neikun) Frequent Updates*
- Replies: 388
- Views: 332784
Re: Neikun's Workshop (WIPs by Neikun) Frequent Updates*
Have you tried Crazy Bump? It has a fully featured 30 day trial, and is incredibly user-friendly. It will convert height maps (black-and-white low-and-high maps) to normals, or actually try and generate a normal map from a 2d texture file using algorithms. The best part tho...
- Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:35 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: The Custom Alcove Thread. (Neikun, Batty and Crisman)
- Replies: 353
- Views: 322429
- Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:52 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops
- Replies: 79
- Views: 63895
Re: (23) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops
So it's probably hard-coded?
- Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:25 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: (24) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops
- Replies: 79
- Views: 63895
Re: (23) re-textured/re-coloured MONSTERS + new item drops
What causes ugardians to have or not have flames covering themselves?
- Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:33 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: destroying buttons
- Replies: 3
- Views: 4358
Re: destroying buttons
A number of objects, including buttons, replace the walls their placed on. This has the consequence of meaning that if you delete them, there will be a huge gap. You simply need to spawn a new object in to replace the gap. The easiest way would be to place a closed secret_door there. Alternately, yo...