Search found 13 matches
- Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:15 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Thought I would re-visit this thread with some retro gaming news. Heroes Of Might & Magic II now has an Amiga port if any of you Amiga owners fancy giving it a go, look for details and download link here
- Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:50 pm
- Forum: Creative Corner
- Topic: Fan art from my girlfriend's daughter.
- Replies: 12
- Views: 22205
Re: Fan art from my girlfriend's daughter.
I think that is super cute! 

- Thu May 31, 2012 6:25 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Grimrock mentioned at CD Projekt's E3 conference
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6743
Re: Grimrock mentioned at CD Projekt's E3 conference
Thats a good result for Grimrock and I bet most of that number was made up of pre-purchases too. Dungeon Crawlers are back! 

- Tue May 15, 2012 10:14 pm
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
I still have an A1200 boxed up in a cupboard, to be honest though, I'm much happier using WinUAE, it's so much easier and allows all sorts of modern convenience like quick save/load plus you can assign fast RAM and all sorts of awesomeness. (I have DM running better on WinUAE that it ever ran on an...
- Mon May 14, 2012 10:43 pm
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
We bought my niece and nephew an a500 when they were small and used to playing games on an NES. They loved Chuck Rock and Pinball Fantasies on it. Recently my neph, married with a child now, was asking about it. it's stored at their grandparents.. :o Was just re-reading this thread when I saw this!...
- Thu May 10, 2012 4:34 pm
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Something special about those machines. Like they were made by people who loved and respected them like we do. It was corporate screwheads that killed them. Thats very true, can you imagine the engineers at Micro$oft or $ony naming the chips in their latest consoles after their loved ones? No that ...
- Sat May 05, 2012 12:41 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
Oh yes, Lemon Amiga is indeed a great siteRadioman970 wrote:Have you tried Lemon C64 and Lemon amiga?

Oh, and well done to you for still having your Amigas!

- Thu May 03, 2012 6:32 pm
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Eye of the Beholder
- Replies: 51
- Views: 65733
Re: Eye of the Beholder
I miss my amiga days. Why miss them? Download a copy of WinUAE, get a hold of some kick-start ROM files, a couple of ADFs of your favourite games and your good to go! Here is a link to WinUAE, its free Also there is Amiga Forever, although this costs from 10 Euros, it does co...
- Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:39 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pants?
- Replies: 23
- Views: 19942
Re: First time I seen[possible spoiler] I nearly sh@t my pan
I am still in the early game, so treading carefully through these threads
That surprise cost me one of my guys, hope I can revive him soon 

but level 2, that bit where you stare at that face in the wall to open the door, when it opened I jumped! 

- Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:33 pm
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: AmiGamer - Eye of the Beholder 2 (Intro theme remix)
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7066
Re: AmiGamer - Eye of the Beholder 2 (Intro theme remix)
Great track! 8-) The Amiga had some wonderful music in its titles, for me it was the platform that first introduced me to how good music could be in a computer game :) If your a fan of game music from that era, name to look out for is Allister Brimble, his name pops up again and again in many classi...