Search found 9 matches
- Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:28 am
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: graphics look amazing BUT
- Replies: 31
- Views: 26434
Re: graphics look amazing BUT
Interface needs hotkeys. I can't fathom how they were not implemented in the game.
- Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:24 am
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim
- Replies: 52
- Views: 47526
Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim
At last, some sense... and a welcome break from this new Skyrim-bashing fad. It's a disease that many, many niche game forums suffer from. Tribalism, dogma and close-mindedness rule along with a siege mentality. 'This community is really special' is something you hear in these types of forums. Ever...
- Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:52 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim
- Replies: 52
- Views: 47526
Re: Just 10 minutes playing, enjoying it more than Skyrim
Why do some people have to run down another game to prop up their current game-crush? Skyrim and Grimrock are completely different sorts of games, you can't really compare them in a fair manner. What they both do differently, they do well. One is an open world action game with character development ...
- Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:49 am
- Forum: Gameplay Hints
- Topic: Skulls
- Replies: 15
- Views: 24771
Re: Skulls
Thanks, it's likely I saw them but it didn't click and I thought they were part of the environment. Guess I'll go comb over levels 2 & 3.
- Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:16 am
- Forum: Gameplay Hints
- Topic: Skulls
- Replies: 15
- Views: 24771
Hey all, I'm just starting to explore Level 4 and noticed I haven't found any skulls for my mino. What exactly am I looking for when it comes to skulls? No enemy has dropped any afaik and I haven't noticed any in stashes.
- Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:14 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: DLC
- Replies: 103
- Views: 87615
However the expansions and DLC turn out, a feature I feel is compulsory is the ability to import your party from one game to the next. There just is no other epic party based series out there, and this would fill that niche nicely.
- Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:29 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Post your party here!
- Replies: 105
- Views: 109755
Re: Post your party here!
I am on my fourth restart after not liking the previous parties. I am now going with Bug Rogue - Evasion/Dual wield daggers I didn't think dual wielding worked? Question to dagger rogues; what use are you to the party before assassination 12? spears and throwing weapons until then? Because dags in ...
- Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:12 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Post your party here!
- Replies: 105
- Views: 109755
Re: Post your party here!
Human Warrior/Sword & Board
Minotaur Warrior/Mace
Lizardman Rogue/Bow & Spear
Insectoid Mage/Fire, Air & Earth
Nothing unique I guess, but it works!
Minotaur Warrior/Mace
Lizardman Rogue/Bow & Spear
Insectoid Mage/Fire, Air & Earth
Nothing unique I guess, but it works!
- Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:02 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Some serious suggestions for the future
- Replies: 11
- Views: 9646
Re: Some serious suggestions for the future
I have to disagree with nerfing the door-trick. It is a valid and needed tactic in the game when facing numerous foes without some 'dancing room' . Other than that, I agree with most of what you said. I too am a bit giddy over this game, i can't remember the last RPG I played that finding a plain st...