Search found 11 matches

by NoMaD
Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:06 pm
Forum: Support and Tech Discussion
Topic: Cloud saves for Steam?
Replies: 0
Views: 2268

Cloud saves for Steam?

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if there was any plan to have saves on steam's cloud? Or is the cost to high?

Just wondering if anyone has asked this already and there has been some kind of response.

Thanks again,

by NoMaD
Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:29 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: 2nd level, Gate before crystal
Replies: 2
Views: 3056

Re: 2nd level, Gate before crystal

Wow... these mysteries are great!

Got it! Thanks! :)
I realized the bag was moving with every push, but didnt think to look at the open cell...
Brilliant! I'll make sure to check this stuff more closely before I post again.
by NoMaD
Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:16 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: 2nd level, Gate before crystal
Replies: 2
Views: 3056

2nd level, Gate before crystal

Hey All,

I cant believe I have to post again... already. :(

The second key gate before the crystal, and I cant find the key. I feel like I've looked everywhere... :(
by NoMaD
Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:07 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Congratulations, and the one thing I'd love to see next!
Replies: 10
Views: 9600

Re: Congratulations, and the one thing I'd love to see next!

Dungeon Hack did randomly generate simple puzzles. In fact, it even had an option for multi-level puzzles. They were fairly simple, but they were there nonetheless. Besides, sometimes you don't want to wrack your brain trying to figure out complex stuff, you just want to murder monsters and find lo...
by NoMaD
Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:19 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Stuck in level 2 :(
Replies: 4
Views: 6490

Re: Stuck in level 2 :(

Awesome... thanks.

I guess I was stuck in old school mode :P
by NoMaD
Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:57 am
Forum: Gameplay Hints
Topic: Stuck in level 2 :(
Replies: 4
Views: 6490

Stuck in level 2 :(

Hey All,

I cant believe I'm already stuck.
Level two (The Tunnels) There is a lock in the "Cells" that I dont have a key for... I've explored everything including the torch opening door.
I feel like something glitched and the key didnt show up...

by NoMaD
Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:34 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Congratulations, and the one thing I'd love to see next!
Replies: 10
Views: 9600

Re: Congratulations, and the one thing I'd love to see next!

Agreed! LOVE this game... but once we finish it... what next? I'd pay for this in DLC too. The replay value of a random adventure would be... well... unlimited! :)
by NoMaD
Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:23 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: soooo, who lights the torches?
Replies: 9
Views: 8966

Re: soooo, who lights the torches?

Burned out torches can be put back on the walls and they burn again.

I find myself swapping torches as I go along... seems to work well. :)
by NoMaD
Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:43 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: This is SO much like Dungeon Master...
Replies: 20
Views: 15252

Re: This is SO much like Dungeon Master...

The game also resembles Dungeon Hack... Visually at least. Dungeon Hack had one thing going for it that this one doesnt... Advanced Dungeons and Drangons.

I still love this game though, and am hoping that the level editor or a "Random dungeon" option will come soon!

by NoMaD
Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:54 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Random Dungeon Layout?
Replies: 2
Views: 2824

Re: Random Dungeon Layout?

:) Just bought it from their store!! I dont care if there is no random right now, I am totally excited to play... and if they do have a level editor/random later on, I will be even happier! I support these DEVS... Indie companies are very important to the game industry... I know, I work for a big ga...