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by d32
Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:12 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.

Sorry Adakos, I've been sick and didn't have opportunity to look at this at all. But as my script detects corners of characters' GUI (see ctrl-t) part, it should be fairly easy to determine the relative positions of runes within the rectangle. Bottom right position may not be accurate currently howe...
by d32
Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:04 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.

Updated script, merged with swapping functionality by adakos (+techzen).
Now, it would be nice to have a quicksave & quickload :)
by d32
Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:59 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack - Solution (autohotkey script, v 0.3)

Character swapping functionality will be merged into the script (I'm testing it right now)
by d32
Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:35 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack - Solution (autohotkey script, v 0.3)

Updated the script: - no need to enter the resolution manually - mouse now returns to the original position after attacking - much better support for different resolutions Nublard, see post by Techzen for spellcasting. It is not included in my script yet because of accuracy issues on different resol...
by d32
Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:28 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack - Solution (autohotkey script, v 0.2)

I will try to return the cursor to the original position after the click is sent, in the next version of the script.
However, I need to get to bed now, see you tomorrow.
by d32
Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:17 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Re: Keys for attack - Solution (autohotkey script, v 0.2)

Fixed the script to work with different aspect ratios (eg 1920x1080).
Redo the steps 3-6 for the update. (Don't forget to re-enter your resolution)

Yosharian: yes, mouse cursor gets moved as this is the only way I found. It would be possible to send cursor to the center of the screen.
by d32
Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:33 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Attack with key press
Replies: 6
Views: 6639

Re: Attack with key press

See my solution here:
by d32
Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:32 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)
Replies: 25
Views: 53577

Keys for attack, char. swapping (autohotkey script, v 0.4)

Updated to v 0.4; Added character swapping by techzen, Adakos -- Hello everyone. After half an hour with the game, I just had to find a way how to do the attacks by key-presses. Here it is: 1.) Download Autohotkey at 2.) Download the script file from mediafire: link OR Cre...