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by fairydude
Fri Aug 25, 2023 5:32 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Text to the left side of the forcefield, dunno if lore or hint. The map with the "interresting bits" marked. Circle for blue button, B for walltext with "Blue" on it, L for lever that you can ...
by fairydude
Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:00 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

is this the one that says blue on wall text or is that the gem or key one? there is a platform up above nearby too it is either the blue button or the platforms above which you teleport to and there is a lever up there It does not say blue on the wall, that was for a gem further along, there is a p...
by fairydude
Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:28 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

sorry for the delay. the colored buttons there is wall text that gives you the order of it can you screen shot the globe so I can refresh my memory of what it is? This one. and the map
by fairydude
Thu Aug 24, 2023 6:33 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

sapientCrow wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:53 am are you asking for help or a hint how to figure them out?
For the globe, both. It's been too long and I have like no clue at all.
I have most other things in there and I forgot if I got the secret at the top right with the 3 colored buttons.
by fairydude
Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:50 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

For the Globe, yes. I have ZERO clues for that at the moment. Top right I assume I have to go to the drakelands first for some reason, unless the text has some kind of other hint I need to figure out, which I just can't atm. From my forum search, I mostly found out it has something to do with the fi...
by fairydude
Sun Aug 13, 2023 8:01 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Xaafi temple has so many secrets that are kinda hard to find/figure out, huh.
Top left globe, top right with 3 colored buttons, bottom-middle golden door...
by fairydude
Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:23 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

How are the golden pants called? I haven't seen them anywhere yet and I wasn't able to figure out the id to check the location, incase I already missed it (currently in the Styr jungle). The faces puzzle took me a long time and I still don't know the actual solution to it, but I can give you a big l...
by fairydude
Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:40 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Wait, so if you use the wheel in the servers to open the pirate base, without having gotten the poem-wheel, you are softlocked?
by fairydude
Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:28 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Is the book seller the person that ppl refer to as the "poet"? If so, is there a way to get access to the wheel somehow? Or a console command to spawn it in? Because "red_wheel" doesn't seem to work. Edit: Found out a console command to teleport to the spot on a new save, found a...
by fairydude
Sun Jun 11, 2023 3:23 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar
Replies: 1006
Views: 306804

Re: [MOD] Call Of House Hardabar

Can you play older version but just dont go to the deathmarch area? For me, Redwood mine lvl2 didnt cause crash for me but it overloaded my save and my game crashes very-very frequently. I decided to do something because it was impossible to play. So I took save file editor, which didnt give me err...