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by Marebre
Tue May 09, 2017 11:08 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Engine Limits and stuff
Replies: 1
Views: 4009

Engine Limits and stuff

Hi. I'm new to modding Grimrock 2 (but not new to programming) so pardon me if my questions have already been answered elsewhere (in my defense, I did search the forum first). The question is: what is NOT possible to change in-game? 1. BaseStats (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Willpower). Is it p...
by Marebre
Mon May 01, 2017 7:15 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer
Replies: 3990
Views: 3433913

Re: Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

Is it possible to change, or at least rename BaseStats and their descriptions? For example, rename Strength into Constitution, or remove resistance bonus from stats, or change their description, or add brand new stat to the game (so characters will have 5 or more stats)?
by Marebre
Mon May 01, 2017 7:11 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Modding and Asset Usage Terms
Replies: 0
Views: 6563

Modding and Asset Usage Terms

AH stated:
You cannot charge money for your mod. Using voluntary donations or advertisements in moderation are acceptable on the websites used for distributing the mod but not within the mod itself.
My question is: does KickStarter counts as 'voluntary donations in moderation'?
by Marebre
Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:51 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Shield spell, Conditions and Hard-coding
Replies: 1
Views: 3627

Shield spell, Conditions and Hard-coding

Hello. Please note that I'm very new to this forum and Grimrock Modding in general, so forgive me if I ask something that has already been answered. So. Is it possible to make custom spell, that gives caster +n protection for some duration? In other words, exactly like original Shield spell, except ...
by Marebre
Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:24 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: a nil value - error
Replies: 2
Views: 8350

a nil value - error

So I'm getting this error. In order to pinpoint it, I've done the following: 1) Made a brand new dungeon project (File->New) 2) Opened "items.lua" 3) Copy-pasted code from official site into "items.lua" cloneObject{ name = "super_machete", baseObject = "machete&quo...