I think I know the room where to find the secret switch in level3 ... But I didn't see it, clicked nearly every stone of every wall in the room. What am I doing wrong? :? Edit: I think I totally miss the moos-wall hidden switches. Opened a new Thread: http://www.grimrock.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13...
Hi Kyubajin, i got it running with crossOver, it uses wine but it's much easier to use. But on the other hand it's not for free. There is a 14 day trial version you could use: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/ When installed, you just click the .exe files and the installation should start.First i...
Yep, i just did the same. Perhaps we get it running with Wine/ CrossOver or Parallels (i think any other VM doesnt support Hardware). Or just install a Windows version via bootcamp...
Nevertheless, i hope there'll be a native Os X App